iPhone, anyone?

damn I want i iphone 4 but right now its like Im playing the waiting game. I hate that there is no real release date for the 4s/5. My boy from china was just gonna let me have his nokia n8 since he has a ip4 now…lol.

So now I guess Im stuck waiting.

Man, so my IP4 lock button has gotten stuck. Was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? I’m going into the apple store later on this week to see what they can do about it. Idk if you guys have not been able to lock or unlock ur phone the way u want to but that shit is mad annoying. Applecare better cover this shit.

Man that sucks. If your phone only has two buttons and one of them isn’t working, then you know you’re fucked. If you still have warranty I think they’ll fix it. Don’t forget to unjaibreak your phone though.

I see you on your facebook talking about how awesome the iPhone is, Wil. All that deliberating and you got one, and you love it. lol

Ok so for future notice if anyone in here gets a broken iphone lock button in the future, apple straight up just gave me a new phone. It was dope, I tried to get a white iphone out of them and the nigga wasnt having it, i had to try tho lol. Glad they replaced it though. Only pain is rejailbreaking and getting all my iphone apps back. I already forgot what I had on my phone :frowning:

^Apple is good about that. Don’t want any bad apples ruining everything.

So I finally redeemed a gift card that I had for ages. Looking for some games to get. I downloaded Castlevania Puzzle, and took a look at KOF. What I’d really like is a trading card game that’s like Magic: The Gathering. Any games like that?

^ There was a cool card game but I forgot the name of it, there was an actual thread on it here. Let me see if I can find it.

There were some ‘life changes’ factored in there…like FINALLY getting a real raise after like 3 years, so I have…well had…extra money, as well my wife and I finally put our plans together so once everything rolled to gether it wasn’t an issue. I’m honestl still o nthe fence about my unlimited plan, don’t htink I use ‘that much’ - it would be different if I tethered also, cause then it would be my wife and I on the unlimited.

All in all I’m happy with my purchase - its not perfect and I didn’t really want a higher phone bill, but its been worth it so far.

  • :bluu:

When I went from the iPhone 3G to the 3GS, I found the screen on the 3GS to be “warmer” in color to the 3G which I find to be “cooler” in color. It’s especially noticeable on white screens like google. I would prefer the screen to be neutral, but it doesn’t bother me if the screen is “cooler” as well. The “warmer” screen of the 3GS still annoys me. I don’t know why, it just does…:rolleyes:

To those who have owned the 3G or 3GS & now own the iPhone 4, which category would you put the retina display? Warm, cool, or neutral? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Im not sure what you mean by “warmer” but when I went from 3GS to Iphone4 retina display, oh man. The screen itself is absolutely gorgeous all the colors pop. It’s really like looking at HD tbh, imo. It’s really a ton better than the 3GS in terms of display. Not even close.

For jailbroken phones
ANy good marvel/capcom(sf ) themes out?
Most were pretty mish-mashy.
I on pre IOS4 with my g-1 touch! haha…

on that note, any programs that allow to share music from Ipod to xbox?
—they have one, buts its for ios4 or higher :frowning:

Anyone know a cheap place to get a cracked screen fixed?

U can always do it your self. My friend smashed the shit out of his screen on the iPhone4. Bought a new screen and went from the black phone to the white one. He said it was pretty easy to change everything out.

I need an iPhone 4S or whatever it’ll be called, NOW!

iPhone 4 S, i knew it. The voice feature sounds cool

I got my 4 and I think I’m gonna stick with it, until the next one lol 4s is nice but not worth a new 2 year contract + the money I’d have to spend to upgrade, im good,

Looking like the 4S isn’t worth it for i4 users.

Still debating whether to stick with Android or try this 4S. Contract is up at the end of the year. Gonna wait to see what Google and Samsung show on the 14th.

Well it’s time to upgrade from my 3G to 4S. Wheee.

Was expecting more. Hopefully iPhone 5 comes out relatively soon, or Apple might lose a lot of people. My contract ends in like march or something, not sure really. Still using a 3GS, but I honestly prefer the 3GS over 4 in terms of “holding comfort”. There are some stuff I would want from iPhone 4/4s but I could live without them, since iOS5 isn’t 4 exclusive. For HD apps and whatnot I’ve got my Ipad 2 anyway, and I highly doubt I’ll go over to android.

So, I guess I’m sticking to my 3GS for now, if iPhone 5 doesn’t turn out to be very far away, which I doubt.