iPhone, anyone?

Using data/voice at the same time is crucial especially if you use your phone for business.

Apple has released a new iPhone every year since 2008. So I won’t be surprised if they unveil a new iPhone during the summer.

^This. And the same goes for like every iProduct. There will be a 5.

This is the one thing about the iPhones. If you didn’t get it during the release date, you might be better off just waiting for the next.

To any current Iphone4 owner, how close to the 2gb cap have you gotten on any given month? I’m debating between AT&T and Verizon. AT&T would come out to a cheaper plan for me, it’s the 2gb cap that’s scaring me. I’m a fairly heavy data user when I’m out and about.

A recent european poll suggested that the average user used just less than 2GB of data per month on 3G.

Someone told me I could use my home netbook webcam as a home surveillance cam with the icam vid stream app. That’s cool I might check it out and capture my dogs tear the shit out of this one pillow up. Anyone use icam by any chance?

ipad 2 and iphone 5 to get dual core processers? i hope its true.

Well…Time to take back my own words.

I said I was going to preorder and get a iphone 4 for verizon, but I wont be probably, unless more rumors come out and shoot down any iphone 5 magic.

Every year apple releases a new iphone, or a updated version in June/July, I’ve seen proof of ipad2’s aluminum casing, and the iphone 5’s. New patents, qualcomm CPU’s and GPU’s being purchased by apple…they lead to one conclusion…new iPad and iPhones coming out.

Apple still has their iphone event going on later this June, so they’ll most likely be announcing a new iphone, and maybe iOS!

I’ve waited 3 years for verizon to get the iphone, I can wait 6 months more for a announcment for the iphone 5 or updated model. Hopefully the wait isnt too long for the 5 after it’s announced. I like it when electronics go on sale just after announcements.

is there an easy/inexpensive fix for a stuck power button on iphone 4?

Take it to a apple store and have them check it out. They should be able to replace the entire phone for free as long as it’s warranty still exists. Googled this and got a few results all ending with A apple genius fixing, or replacing the phone free.

Honestly, Versizon prolly isn’t getting the iPhone5 anytime soon. It would be ‘dumb’ on Apple’s part. It will prolly be a staggered release…so it won’t drop till the holidays. Eventually Verizon model will equal ATT models, but not yet.

  • :bluu:

Well, I see it two ways.

If a new iphone will be unveiled in June:

A: Verizon will get it, and screw everyone who impulse bought the iphone 4 in febuary, making them pay full price to upgrade to the 5.

B: Like you said, there’ll be a wait and verizon will get it later. Making me have to wait another whole year until I get my iphone D:<

Yes, they will. Apple doesn’t care about verizon customers getting fucked. Apple still gets their money. Apple refreshes their product lines at the same time so I don’t see them creating a specific window for verizon and AT&T branded equipment. So if they release a new iphone, it’s going to be for both. Verizon has quietly removed their new every 2 program, and are cracking down on early upgrades once the iPhone comes out. Doing so, they’re going to run into the same problem that AT&T did, and that’s people being pissed that they signed a contract in february that fucks them over for the new phone launch in june/july.

Look at what Verizon is doing. They’re falling over themselves to get the iphone out. At the press conference people were asking “So, what about the five?” and the guys were like “Everybody kept telling us that they wanted the iPhone on our network, and that’s what we gave them.” Putting themselves in the position of not getting the new phone when AT&T does would be a severe disadvantage for verizon. That is, unless Apple signs some sort of exclusivity agreement with AT&T, which I don’t see them doing.

The other reason the next itteration of the iphone will be released at the same time for both carriers is due to the fact that apple isn’t going to really have to differentiate the iPhone platform. Everybody is launching some sort of 4g this year, if they already haven’t. Qualcomm is already making chips for Apple that due gsm/LTE/HSPA+ and CDMA/LTE/HSPA+. So for the next version of the iPhone they’ll only have to switch one chip, rather than gutting the entire phone and putting new shit in it to make it work for verizon.

Also, we’re all here calling it the iPhone 5, but I doubt the new version will be that. Look for something similar to what Apple did with the 3g and the 3gs. Apple put a ton of time into the design of the iPhone 4. Look for that style to stick around for at least another hardware cycle. We’ll probably just see the 4gs coming out rather than the five.

Just sell your iphone on ebay and pay the difference for the i5 (If you can afford it).

Basically the price without an available upgrade is like 600 bucks. Somebody will still be un-eligable and will try to aviod paying all that money…so they come to me and buy mine for 450, but I only payed 199. I plan on only paying about 200 bucks at most for the i5.

Hope that makes sense.


My interpretation of Verizon falling over themselves (I saw it too), was that they would be behind for a little bit for this model. I can see and understand the flipside of that as well. It feels like Verizon is rushing this to market (though Apple was testing a CDMA iPhone a while ago…like when iOS4.0 came out) - but you’d think launching the iPhone 5 (or iPhone 4Gs for lack of better term or iPhone 4LTE) simultaneously would bring even more sales.


Either way I’m not going in untl July-ish unless my phone decides to croak before then. It will give me time to see how things are playing out on Verizon, for a new hardware revision to drop, for me to save up money, and my 2 year agreement isn’t up until March of this year anyway…and my current plan doesn’t even have data.

  • i:bluu:

iCam + webcam combo is legit. And I don’t mind getting a notification whenever my dogs set off the motion alert.

I was looking at the Black Night IP camera for baby monitoring…any other recommendations for baby monitoring

And I have to say the App Store absolutly SUCKS for browsing. I can filter ‘the library’ for shit that isn’t top 50 or whats hot…I have to know what I want exactly…or scour through endless apps myself. If someone can help me find a better way to search for new apps and games to try out new and OLD let me know.

  • :bluu:

Never thought about using it for baby monitoring. It’s perfect for that. I have a cam upstairs on my desktop that I could easily view on my iphone too. But I don’t have any other app other than iCam so I can’t make any strong recommendations.

My problem is that I’m about 5 months out of warranty. Lucky its jailbroken so I can still do lock and power functions. Oh well.

I got my 3G last February. I opted to not pay the extra cash for the 3gs, and felt great about it when the iPhone 4 dropped.

When i’m eligible, I’ll upgrade to the next big iPhone that comes out.

That said, I love this phone.