iPhone, anyone?

The resource hog is the multitasking. I have a 3g and went ahead and upgraded while disabling multitasking. Runs pretty smooth.

Again, it takes a few seconds to add some security. No matter how ‘likely’ it is that someone will or will want to get in, it’s still added security.

fyi i did change my password, but i personally agree with you, but most people will not care is waht i am saying.

For sure, no worries. I just think it’s best to inform people, because it seems like most people don’t do it because they don’t know otherwise.

are you able to make subfolders? or change your background?

Do I need ultrasnow?

And what are some must have cydia apps:?

SBSettings, LockInfo, Five Icon Dock, Winterboard (if you wanna theme your phone(most themes look crap on iPhone 4 if you have one)), CyDelete, MakeItMine, MyWi, 3Gunrestrictor, OpenSSH. To name a few decent ones.

must have apps IMHO:

videosafe (hide the pics from different females spreading that you don’t want your gf to see)
mywi 4.0 (got it for free. lol at paying for an app)
pandora (supposedly the best radio app)
camera+ (good for taking photos)
hipstamatic (good if you don’t feel like photoshopping anything and you just wanna do that on your phone)
makeitmine (change the carrier name)
sbsettings (change the way the date looks, the time, etc. plus easy launch to get on wifi, 3g, edge, etc.)
applestore (easy way to cop stuff from apple. useless now but when the white iphone drops and you want to sell your unlocked and jailbroken 4 to get a white 4 this will come in handy again because you know the white iphone will sell out fast and might crash servers, initially)
mxtube (d/l youtube videos and watch them in hd)
mobilelog (delete single calls. this goes hand in hand with video safe, and…)
iblacklist (YOU NEED THIS. got random girls calling your phone while you’re out with your gf? this is the app you need to get to block every female you want from calling you, texting you, etc. basically it hides all of that for you with the option to block and delete…which goes in hand with)
bossprefs (hide icons, rename them, give them different icon gifs, etc.)
fontswap (change the font on your phone)
installous (if you don’t have this app and you jailbroke your phone, what the hell did you jailbreak it for)
hookchamp (that one good game you need)
pano (take panoramic pics with your phone)
appbackup/pkgbackup (back up cydia apps)
iwebcamera (make your phone a webcam)
3gunrestrictor (you NEED this)
dtunes (i don’t use it much but its worth it. basically d/l music for free to your iphone)
winterboard (trash right now but it will come in handy when the themes get updated for the retina display)
lockinfo (its decent… will be better once these other apps come into play)
gb4iphone (gameboy on the iphone)
iNES (nes on the iphone)
iSNES (snes on the iphone)

One I recently learnt of is PSX4All aswell, not that I’ve tried it as of yet. It’s a playstation emulator. It apparantly works really well.

Okay I finally caved in and ordered myself an iPhone 4 yesterday. Hope the 2gb data cap doesn’t give me too much trouble.

It’ll be nearly impossible to break that cap unless you tether hard, I wouldn’t worry about it.

So i finally broke down…and I’m planning on going to the apple store on thursday to drop 400$ on this damn phone…I just cant wait any longer

If you’re on At&T have you tried asking about an early upgrade? They were running a special for iPhone 4’s and my early upgrade fee got cut to 18$. Not sure on exact details of the upgrade, you might have to already have an iPhone to be eligible.

Yeah I do have one right now actually. Your upgrade fee to the iphone4 was only 18$? Am I doing something wrong here lol

I upgraded from my ancient Ericsson phone and it only cost me $18 for the early upgrade fee. My contract would have expired next month but I couldn’t wait any longer, especially since we can jailbreak the iPhone 4 now.

With jailbreaking now officially legal I figured I’d inquire what people consider to be essential Apps and Sources through Cydia.

I took the opportunity to add Winterboard as I’m a fan of custom themes.

I also grabbed BiteSMS 4.98 (v5 is coming soon) as I found it to be a vastly superior text messaging app to the iPhone original.

There is a list already a few posts up buddy.

My mistake, I didn’t realize he had apps on the list through Cydia until I re-read it.

EDIT: Debs did you find any problems with the latest version of Camera+? It keeps crashing on me.

Appsync 4 is also a must have app if you’re going to the jailbreaking route unless you’re installing all apps through Installous.

Has anyone installed Frash for using Flash content on their phone? I installed it this morning and while it does work I wasn’t able to interact with anything. Apparently the system requirements are a little hefty. Anyone with an iPhone4 installed it?

I haven’t installed it but reports are that it’s very hit or miss but that’s expected from something that’s still very much so in the early development stages.

does anyone know if the source sinfuliphonerepo is down?