iPhone, anyone?

Change Your iPhone’s Root Password After Jailbreaking It

you do not have to do it. Chances of someone getting in are slim and if someone did really want in, there are still other back door methods. Think of the people who still have the main administrator account password on by default but hidden on their laptops.

Haven’t heard the latest news mate? It got delayed till “later this year”. While I am just about ready to buy a black one, my wallet says I can wait a longer.

Hey toto is there a jailbreak for dummies site out there so I know how/what to do and how to take advantage of the perks/benefits of it?

Redmond Pie

usually those sites lead you to exactly what you are looking for.

Which phone model do you have?

3GS, worth it still?

only if it was an early model

yes. upgrade to 4.0.1 and then jail break

the 3gs is pretty much like the ip4 minus less speed and front camera.

Actually, an online jailbreak is out right now…

go to jailbreakme.com on your iPhone and “slide to unlock”

simple as that. it installs cydia on there and you’re good to go after that.

edit: damn, totally didn’t read the last page of this thread.

i’m loving my iPhone 4 though… definitely the best phone I’ve had so far. I’m pretty sure the biggest and best improvement over the other ones was the battery. Mine lasts for about a good two days before I need a charge.

2 days? Yeah someone is not using it because with full use, an iphone still only goes 7 hours before needing charge.

MyWi, My3G and IntelliScreen all seem to be working correctly on iPhone 4 too. My3G lets you facetime anywhere, and I’m glad MyWi works so I don’t have to cut my data plan to 2GB to tether.

Sorry, but that’s a really bad suggestion. Sure, the chances might be slim but since it’s really not that difficult to do, why not just do it for added security? That’s like saying I shouldn’t lock the door to my house because if someone did really want in, there are still other back door methods.

Holyshit this seems easy, gonna do it in 2 days on my dayoff. So I do all this on my phone and no computer, after I do the jailbreakme.com I go to some ultrasnow site and download their shit then that’s it? Or can I skip the ultrasnow thing. Then I just do that security thing. This shit seems so easy.

Which version of MyWi are you currently running?

If you were using the back door analogy, that is like using a hidden door to your house. Chances are slim of anyone wanting to get in.

anyone here has successfully connect to the server on jailbreakme? not the website but the actual download.

anyone upgrade to 4.0 or 4.0.1? if so how do u like it? what are the major differences?

i’m still on 3.2.1 with my 3g.

If you’ve got a 3g I would stay where you’re at until they lighten up 4.0 a bit. My brother has a 3g and was super pissed after upgrading to 4.0 cause his sh*t got slow as hell. Jailbroke my 4 today. So far s’aiight. Nothing great. Tried to redownload nes3 since I paid for it last year, no dice. I haven’t run into any compatibility issues yet, and really all I wanted was winterboard so I got what I wanted.

4.0, cost another 10$ to upgrade so that it works for iPhone 4, kinda gay but tethering with unlimited data is too good. (If you didn’t have MyWi before then it costs 20$ now)

I guess 2 days was an overstatement, but the battery is still a large improvement over the past ones. I keep brightness at minimum unless in sun, bluetooth, gps, wifi all off; I’m pushing everything though. It was at 100% this morning when I got up at 9am. It’s now 1am and it’s at 61%.