iPhone, anyone?

Has anyone used facetime yet? How is that working out?

i have a droid. can i talk about my droid in this thread? it’s like an iphone.

I have one too. Obviously…

I ordered the iphone and was told it would ship in two weeks. Niggas canceled my order for no reason after a week and a half. So I said fuck it :lol:

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

You silly.

Though as big as Android is getting you guys will need your own thread soon. iPhone’s psuedo Xbox Live like service for tracking scores and achievements in games is coming to Androids soon and that should boost the eff out of the Android gaming app market. If I didn’t invest so much into iPhone’s I’d have an Android device of some kind right now myself.


I’m using the latest ipod touch and trying to go to OS4 via itunes. if i dont sync ANYTHING, with itunes from ipod, do I lose that stuff when I go to Os4?

I’ve heard bad things about upgrading the OS on the 3G, too. There’s a video of someone trying to recreate an old ad after having done so. I don’t put much stock in all that, though.

That said, my 3G ain’t broke, and I’ve no plans to fix it.

iOS 4 runs like crap on a 3G. You don’t get the multitasking either, so not too much reason to upgrade to it in my opinion.

hmmm my contract is up soon im wondering if i should get a 3GS for cheap instead of the iphone4 now that im hearing about all this reception business.

Seriously wish I didn’t update to os4. This sucks.

I lose signal strength but I haven’t dropped any calls or had slow data speed either. Though I have accidentally hung up on people a lot with he proximity sensor while making calls. He new patch supposedly fixes that but does anybody know a date on that? Or when they’re giving out free cases(


JailbreakMe 2.0: Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, and iPad on iOS 4, iOS 4.0.1, and iPad iOS 3.2.1

Never did jailbreak, but am considering it. Somewhere a court said it was allowed.

That is good news. Will consider doing this in a few days when the website has stopped being hammered + to make sure there are no problems with it!

If Activision wanted some more money - they should release StarCraft 1 on the iPad. I’m just saying…

The iFitness app rocks out, however I’m NOT bringing my iPad to the gym. I’m thinking real hard on going in and buying a new iTouch when I buy a new iPad (giving mine to the GF, and getting the 3G version for myself).

Any updates on game controllers for the iPhone/iPad? Anyone tryout SF4? I keep looking at it, but don’t trust the controls…especially only seeing 4 buttons…this aint CvS.

  • :bluu:

Rumors/Fact has it that new iPods are dropping sometime in september, so you might be able to cop current gen’s cheaper then or get a new one. Word is that its going to have a camera on it and be modeled after the iPhone 4

Yeah, I’m sorta biding my time for the switch…however I don’t care for the new iPhones…they are blocky looking, last Gen looked SOOOOOOO much better (case wise not talking screen).

I’m also trying to figure out how much money I’m willing to drop on an iTouch, since I already have one (the screen has a REAL nasty grey line going thru them iddle that just continues to get wosre), but I’d love to maintain my ‘games on the go’ along with adding iFitness to my portable roster…trying to lose 150 by the wedding (0_0)’ going into hardcore grime mode.

  • :bluu:

im looking to trade my 3g iphone for a bigger spaced ipod since tmobile sucks ass where i am at and was forced to get a 3g blackberry.

any idea when the white iphone4 is coming out?

Just make sure to change the default root password if you do.

What’s that?