iPhone, anyone?

Software fix is apparantly coming today for that. Orochi, once the update is released and you have updated your phone, could you post back about the results. I wan’t a truthful opinion on it as apposed to some apple fanboy shoving his tongue up Steve Jobs’ ass. Cheers.

I havne’t toyed with the/a selection tool, I’ll peep it later today, layers/blending that kind of shit is mos def there though.

Does anyone know anything about iPad software upgrades? Apple needs to do something about this Wi-Fi shit…I have an expensive piece of hardware that I love, but the constant dropping and forgetting of networks is really holding back my enjoyment. I’ve got to hold the joint a certain way, and angle the shit towards my router for the shit to stay on consistently, otherwise I have ot keep going to settings to refresh.

  • :bluu:

^ Does your router happen to be wireless N? I’ve noticed a lot of people online with wifi issues have N, but I have a G and I never lose connection (except for youtube, streams like garbage). Coincidentally, I went to a friend’s house and logged into his network and started experiencing all those drops and it turned out that his router was N.

Shits been a couple of month and not one firmware update or anything to address that issue.

I honestly don’t know as its not my router, but even when I was living at my old apartment with a wireless G I was having issues (though admittedly nowhere nearr this bad). Apple’s been so obbsessed with the new iPhone, that now the iPad IMO is lagging behind in terms of updates and OS upgrades. I know its coming, just impatient as I hear the iPad go off when I come home - saying I have new “Kicks”/shoe updates, I open up the app, the first few articles load…an then I have to exit the app, turn off wifi, turn it back on - selecting the network, then reload the app.

Ironically the only thing I don’t have issues with is streaming pr0n from Brazers shrug - at least my iPad is a perv like meh hehe.

  • :bluu:

God, this is an awful comment. As good as the G1 was, it pales in comparison to the 3GS and iPhone 4 hardware wise. I had a G1, and I’ve owned a 3G, and my next phone will be a iPhone 4. The G1 is aging pretty terribly, it’s dirt slow, and has an awful camera.

I’m no Apple guy, I will never own a Mac, and I only have an iPad because my fiance wanted one. While I love the openness of Android, it comes with many flaws, most notably: the differences in OS versions. G1 can only go to 1.6 due to RAM limits, and most phones are now up to 2.1. 2.2 is right around the corner, but not all phones will get it at the same time, due to HTC and Moto’s custom retard skins.

Apple is a walled garden sure, but once they jailbreak iOS4 on the iPhone 4, you can do whatever you want with that sexy ass piece of hardware they made.

I don’t know what more information you could possibly want to sway you into buying this or not. It isn’t anything awfully new or “revolutionary;” if you’ve ever played with an iPhone you know exactly what you’re in for. It’s a hardware upgrade.

You know what an iPhone is, you know what it can do. This one can do just a wee bit more with its upgraded camera(s) and super-fast (for a phone) A4 processor. Same general Apple pros and cons of the old phones. All this extra attention is just hype.

Think you missunderstood my post, I was refering to the software fix apparantly coming for the signal issue. What I was trying to say is when this patch is released, could you post back as to if it actually fixes the issue. I was not asking about general thoughts on the phone.

Word. I haven’t heard anything about a software fix. Frankly, a software fix wouldn’t ameliorate the reception issues as it’s a design “flaw.” The GSM reciever itself is in the lower right hand corner of the device. If there is some firmware update and it does work somehow, I will post back here for sure.

Apple says to “hold it differently” or to get a bumper/case. Which is what I will do.

Many thanks buddy. So far the software patch is merely a rumour but alot of people are starting to report on it so hopefully it’s true.

Dammit, my AT&T contract ends in September, so I’m currently torn between upgrading to an iPhone 4 or terminating my contract and getting an HTC Evo 4g instead.

Just got one. Got to AT&T store at 6, they opened at 7, and I was out by 8.
It’s hot shit man.

Any easy way to clear all of my background apps in one swipe rather than delete them individually?

Yup, connect to iTunes, and on the connect page, go to apps. Hope that made sense

Today, Apple announced that through September, you will receive a free case with the purchase of an iPhone4. If you have already purchased an iPhone4, you still get a free case. And if you already bought a case you are now entitled to a refund.

This is to fix any problems the phone may have with reception.

Only problem is that it doesn’t “fix” the issue, just masks it under a silicon bumper/case. Apple really should of came out and said, “Look, we fucked up” instead of Jobs sucking his own dick with “We have done this, and this, and tested here and put a billion dollars into this…and we will give you some cheap ass cases cause we love you ALL”

Except that they didn’t fuck up. Every phone does this. (I tried it on my 3G, and I saw the bars drop.) It’s more noticable on the iPhone because it has an external antenna. That external antenna actually gives it BETTER reception than the 3GS, and frees up the insides for more important shit (like it’s awesome battery)

For what it’s worth, I use my iPhone 4 without a case, and I have yet to experience a call drop or slow data speeds.

Just to second this, while I do have signal drop I have not dropped a call or had slow data speeds. This is one of those things where everyone and their mothers are commenting about it without actually having the phone so it seems worse than it is.

I’ve had my iPhone 4 for a couple of days, upgraded from a 3G. Definately a nice improvement, but probably not that much of an improvement over the 3GS. I did experience the drop in signal strength, but I bought a case for it like I intended, so the issue is pretty moot. My biggest gripe with the OS4 is that I want to be able to turn off the multitasking. I never really use more than one app at a time, and I’m tired of constantly having to manually close apps I’ve opened.
Some things I’ve noticed:
-The screen is very impressive. Everything is extremely sharp, and you cannot see any pixels, it’s pretty much like a miniature HDTV. The screen on my old 3G looks ugly in comparison.
-I was surprised at how much smaller it is. I like having a case for it, because it gives it some size back.
-The construction feels very sturdy and the phone has a nice heft to it. Seems much less fragile than previous models.
-This is clearly a matter of preference, but I sort of miss the rounded edges from the 3G, but I like that the back of the phone is flat. The rounded edges feel a little more comfortable when talking on the phone.

Oh, on another note, if you own a first gen iPhone or a 3G, DO NOT upgrade to IOS4. It makes the older phones run like ass. Apps take longer to load, button presses get delayed, the “slide to unlock” button has a delay to it, blah, blah, blah. Clearly Apple didn’t test the OS enough on the older phones. It’s painfully obvious it was designed for the 3GS and 4 with their faster processors, but the older models suffer for it.

So does anyone have a list of recommended apps? Preferably games but other apps are welcome too.

WRONG!!! The 3g handles it just fine but when you jail break, disable apples multitasking. Shit is a resource hog. Just install backgrounder or something.