iPhone, anyone?

can someone help me out. i downloaded sf4 from itunes but i cant transfer it to my phone. i tried to sync from the files drop down, right-click transfer purchases, tried the apply button and sync button from the iphone page.

Sf4 would show up in the applictions page in itunes but not on the actual iphone itself.

So the iPad was your birthday gift huh Unreal?

Starlight, do you have enough space to fit SF4 on there? If that isn’t the case try downloading through your phone. Since it’s already been recorded that you bought SF4, you should be able to download it as much as you want from any wi-fi point.


naw I didn’t buy SF4…honestly I can’t even find it, the app store blows chunks for finding crap, and I think its strictly an iPhone app, so it has that retarded iphone size screen with a black border covering the rest.

Naw the game of games is Plants vs Zombies…I played the shit out of on the PC, butt playing it on the iPad is a WHOLE nother experience…I wouldn’t bother with it on the iTouch, but the iPad’s screen is big enough that its just like a computer screen, only instead of a mouse you just press everything. Only thing that sucks is unlocking everything…again (I’ve done it on three computers so far…)

  • :bluu:

Got an iPad as an early Bday(18th) gift from the wife. Had the 1st gen iPhone and sold it yrs ago, didn’t care for it, and I thought this was just gonna be a big-ass iPod touch and it is. Having said, I don’t care for all the gimmicky shit or games, etc. I bought this thing for one reason only:


I own well over 400 PDF ebooks and magazines and have been waiting for the longest time for all the clunky e-ink readers to come out with a something fast enough to not make reading PDFs a chore.

There’s a $1 app called good reader (yt it). It’s fucking awesome. It can open 100mb+ PDFs np, changes pages instantly, has scrollbar to jump to pages just as fast, and displays graphs and images properly. For me, this is very important cuz of my programming/design books and sheet music. I’m talking about full A4 sized PDFs.

The program also let’s you tranfer files to it over wifi, plays mp3s, is an image viewer and it has a file system which you can use to organize your files into folders which, best of all, can be pw protected.

Being a web/graphic designer and photographer, this will also be a great way to display my work to clients.

I pretty much bought a $600 iPod touch for a $1 app and couldn’t be happier. All the other things it can and will be able to do are just extras:rofl: oh yeah, and the battery surprisingly does last about 10hrs:tup:

I used the ‘Search’ function in the App Store and it was the first result it found, typing in ‘Street Fighter IV.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

I toggle the shit out of the wi-fi to save power, never fallen below 84% heh.

I’ve wanted to try DLing a manga and reading it on there, just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Though I kinda disagree with “a big iTouch”…rally feels like the iTouch is a small iPad IMO, the things you can do on an iPad that the iTouch would struggle with…hell the app your talking about, and the work your talking about…technically possible on the iTouch, but how useful is it really? The whole thing is weird to me because I pretty much despise Apple computers…but I am sooo sold on this. What’s irking me though is I wanted to do some productivity work, but Pages and (I forget the other one) will import from excel/word, but won’t export…which defeats the purpose as the company I’m in and more than likely any company I go to…will be PC based. They really need to add that feature.

So is Good Reader the best PDF program? There a dozen of them and its sorta impossible to figure out which way to go without some a priori or burning money trying them out.

  • :bluu:

Honestly, as someone new to the App store, the last thing I do is search unless I’m looking for somethign specific. I just want a comprehensive list of ALL the games with the ability to look thru them, don’t split the shit up by What’s New, or What’s Hot, or highest grossing, let me look at EVERYTHING. There are games on my iTouch that I can’t even find under IPhone apps even using search…all in all it only works if there is something specific you are looking for, it sucks if your just browsing.

  • :bluu:

Goodreader is a really good PDF program. I’ve already tested it with about 30 different PDFs. Fast, easy, and has run them all, even the 100mb+ ones. Bookmarking works fine.

Is it the best? I dunno. But you get a file manager, image viewer, mp3player, password protected directories, and some other things. You can transfer files to it over wifi, ftp, email, or use multiple online drop box sites.

The only thing I think other PDF apps might have over it is annotating, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that gets added soon.

Even if there are better ones, I have no need for them. This does everything I need for only $1. The price might go up soon so take advantage and get while it’s cheap:tup:

Yeah, everyone has been having CRUCIAL sales with the iPad release…gets them higher scores so when the price goes up they still ‘pop up’. I’ve wasted my money on a few one dollar apps doing this heh (Simpson’s arcade style game heh…I’ma need that ORIGINAL version though hehe). I’ll take your cosign and get it tonyte (check new apps every day right now since so manyy things are becoming ‘iPad’-ized or “HD” or “XL”. Still want Jewel Quest :sad:

  • :bluu:

lol, I can see how some people get caught up in buying these cheap apps. It adds up fast. I’ve only bought this one though cuz it’s the only reason I even wanted the ipad.

I do enjoy browsing all my forums on it too since they fit so well vertically.

I think I’ve reached over $300 worth of Ipod touch games so far. Yeah, it adds up FAST.

True. Once in a while I’ll just randomly type something in to the search and am surprised I never saw it before.

I’ve done well, the only 10 dollar app I’ve gotten so far was Plants vs Zombies. I bought one of those bar top ‘whats different with these pictures’ games for the misses, and I bought Cogs for 5 bones. Everything else has been 3 bucks or less. Sitting around 30-40 bux spent so far (last bill was 30, and I think I bought some 99 cent stuff sense then but not much at all). I’m planning on buying the iPad version of excel and Word which are ten each, a PDF viewer for a buck ( :tup: ) and at that point its just random ass games and a few random items here and there.

  • :bluu:

Wow PvZ on Ipad is $10? I bought the Iphone version for $2.99.

Yeah and its …small… on the ipod…def worth getting the iPad version…its a straight ‘reorganized’ - rip of the PC version with touch screen. couldn’t imagin playing PvZ on my iTouch.

  • :bluu:

I’m gonna check out the iPhone at my local Rogers store tomorrow. They have one 8GB 3G left, hopefully they’ll still have it when I get there.

So what sites do you watch videos on? I only know of youtube and veoh. Any other news worthy? Veoh is tight cause they have full movies on there sometimes.

Posting from the new Opera browser available in the App Store!

I haven’t played the PC version but the Itouch one was wonderful. I didn’t know it was more stuff though, I thought it was just an upscale version selling for 3 times the price.

The Justin.tv app is really cool (and free) to watch live streams. I usually watch live streams of a random game when I’m bored or waiting in line somewhere. I know a stream is not the typical video you are asking about, but it’s still something to watch.

On a random note, the Muziic app (also free) came out a while back and recently had an update to improve some interface bugs. I highly suggest it. If you haven’t been to Muziic.com before, it’s basically a ‘YouTube for music’ where you can queue up any songs you want and it’ll stream them.