iPhone, anyone?

Only on apples apps like safari, ipod, message, but try playing a game, you get a phone call, and continue where it left off? NOt likely.

This is absolutely untrue. If kindle readers wanted to stare at a backlit screen, they’d be using PCs. The key selling point is that Kindles aren’t backlit, which reduces eye strain for extended reading. The idea of ebook readers like Kindle, Sony e-reader and B&N Nook is to give you as close to a book experience in an electronic format as possible. iPad, being backlit, is not going to do that, period.

Ther are arguments that can be made in favor of the price. This is not one of them. You’re comparing the most expensive Kindle to the least expensive iPad, and the iPad still doesn’t do what the Kindle does that makes it what it is. Do you think they would sell for what they go for if it was just about putting some text on screen like any other flat screen device?

Color e-ink is on the way…but not from Apple, yet.

You reallly think that carrying that dock around is more convenient to carry around than a keyboard that’s attached? Gonna have to disagree on that one, doc. Also, it’d be nice if Wacom tablets dropped in price due to iPad, but I would say it’s really unlikely. They’re targeted at two totally different demographics. It’s not like you can install Photoshop on your iPad and bypass the need for that high end tablet if that’s what you’re looking for. Entry level tablets have been around starting as low as $40 for years, and those $1000+ tablets have still been there. The only way I see that changing is if tablets become so much more popular post-iPad that there becomes new competition for the tablet dollar elsewhere.

I would be ecstatic if this happened. I have been wanting a Wacom for a while and I am not even an artist. Just seems like so much fun to be able to use.

Wacom’s release of a mid-range Cintiq suggests that they’re reaching out to other demographics than high-end professional artists… it’s still $1000 though (and the quality isn’t anywhere near the $2000 model, never mind most $800 tablet PCs). If lower-end basement artists are buying tablets that are competing with iPad’s design and price, and the cheaper/smaller Cintiq collects dust as a result, Wacom can either kill the mid-range and keep the premium Cintiq… or they can come out with something more competitively priced. Either way, people looking for a graphic tablet (ie. with a screen) for $500 or less will have more options in the future.

what themes are some of you using?

this is what i’m using for now

I’m about to buy a 3g touch, I hope it’s worth it. The only mp3 I’ve owned is a 1gig creative nano that I got 4 years ago. Still works just fine but I want more space.

make sure you get the bigger hd version of the touch. 8gb is just ass and fills up quick :frowning: with music and apps.

Yea, I’m definitely gonna get the 32 gig if I buy it.

Is there any good apps out there to use to read manga?

Hey guys I need some help and hopefully someone will be able to help me out. When someone calls me and leaves me a voicemail I don’t get it. My phone says that I have a missed call but doesn’t tell me I have a voicemail. Not sure why or when this stopped working. I have a 3g and I’m running on 3.1.2 and my phone is jailbroken. If I call my own number I can check my voicemail that way though. I just would like to know when I have a new message. Anyone know how to fix this?

I’m in the market for a new phone, and I’m looking at the iPhone or whatever the latest iteration is. Basically, what I want to know is, is the iPhone a good choice for someone who doesn’t really use their cell phone that often? I’m currently on the cheapest plan available for my old Motorola phone.

I know the iPhone has other features that I’m interested in, so I guess I would be getting it for features other than as a phone? I really only have a cell phone for emergencies…I don’t make random calls and I don’t get many calls. I do send text messages from time to time.

Well, one thing to consider is that with the iPhone you have to get a data plan, which starts at $30 a month. I hardly make calls myself, but I use my iPhone all the time. I got an iPhone 3GS in September and have been extremely happy with it. The apps (there are both free and paid ones) are what make the phone what it is. For example, some of my favorite apps are Pandora, IM+, TV Guide, Facebook, YouTube, and Weather Channel. I always use it to play music in my car too and as a camera when I’m on trips.

So even if you don’t make calls frequently, the iPhone can still be a great phone choice for you. You just have to weigh how much it will cost per month and see if it’s something you’re interested in. It’s a very good phone, definitely one of my favorite purchases. Feel free to ask if you have anymore questions.

I actually went with the 16gig because of how many things you can stream with it. I have about 8-10 gigs of music on mine and just stream the rest with Pandora or Slacker. If you plan to put lots of movies and TV shows on your iPhone though, the 32gig would be a great choice.

I got an iPod Touch 8GB, and I love the shit out of this thing. It’s jailbroken on 3.1.2 with Cydia on it. Installous is my favorite app for obvious reasons…

Thanks for the information. I can get a plan through the company I work for, and get a 50% discount on it, so I should be OK. I’ll find out what kinds of plans they have. I like the idea of playing music in my car with it…I have an AUX input on my CD player that I haven’t used, so if I can get a cable for the iPhone, then that’s great. I already know you can play games on it too.

Had the iPhone since day 1. Best phone I’ve every owned regardless of lacking features. It just works good

No problem at all man. If you have any questions after you get your iPhone, feel free to ask. It’s a great purchase, I don’t know what I’d do without mine.

By the way, the Muziic app came out earlier this week and it’s free. If you haven’t heard of it before, http://www.Muziic.com is a great site that allows you to queue up whatever songs you want and it streams them for you. It also has radio stations similar to Pandora.

Super late response, but I only just got an iPhone a month ago, so I wasn’t even looking at this thread. If your iphone is jailbroken, an app called Kiwi Comics is freakin stellar. It has the entire onemanga.com collection at your fingertips and you can browse through wi-fi or download them for offline viewing. It tends to crash between chapters, but I’ve been burning through Kinnikuman with it. It looks and works great. Hopefully with some bug fixes it’ll be even more awesome.

Well (1) I’m getting an iPad at launch, GF is getting it for me for my birthday…yay.
(2) I did get my mom’s iTouch, but I dunno how to log on or change information so I can download additional things. I’m fine with it, but once I get the iPad, I’m giving my GF the iTouch and she’ll want to use it for DLing some apps (my mom already had tons of games for me to play so I didn’t need to buy anything). Could anyone point me where I need to go if transferring accounts?

  • :bluu:

So after using the iPad for a fews days, I’m totally in love.

So far everythign has been WAY beyond my expectations, so far the only negative gripes

  1. AppStore…it is the most cumbersome thing I’ve ever seen, the options for ‘sorting’ or limited, trying to browse takes forever, and in general this needs to be redone from the ground up.

  2. 3 out of every 4 puzzle games is suduku or bejeweled

  3. Games only having (1) screenshot - whih is often just a title shot, does NOT help with making a purchase.

  4. My video streaming from Brazzers was PERFECT on my iTouch, it was like HD and everything…on the iPad however, its so blurry, I can’t even make out the name ‘Brazzers’ for the little footprint in the bottom right corner. I’m curious if Netflix has the same issues (I have the app but haven’t tried it yet).

The starting book store is REAL ‘meh’, but you can get the Kindle app (free) and then get access to all the Kindle books. Btw those books cost too fudging much money. They’re some deals to be had, but most of the books are in the 10+ dollar range…like buying a hybrid paperback/hardback or something.

Plants Vs Zombies feels as though this was the system is made for…just wow.

I hate Apple…like I really do…but damn the iPad is sweet yo.

  • :bluu: