iPhone, anyone?

I’d love to get an iPad. Seems like it would be perfect for my household, my whole family could use it. I probably won’t be getting one any time soon, though. It’s a great reason to get rid of my magazine rack.

Whats the point of the iPad?

damn so i guess no IPhone with verizon, cingular, and any other service then?
Sucks,guess i need to look into one of those android phones.

It’s Apple’s take on netbooks. Also it’s Apple’s version of a e-book/MID/netbook combined to one. Less hardware/wires the better so that’s why it’s all touchscreen. Sure there’s a physical keyboard dock which is nice. But “no physical keyboards” is what the industry is moving towards. Google with voice dictation and Apple with their multi-touch/virtual keyboards.

Tablets will definitely be the rage for the next year or two.

If one wants voice calling and text messaging on the iPad, they can use the Skype or Google Voice (HTML5) apps and just rely on an internet connection.

Apple is going for the E-Reader/Kindle customers and just stomp the shit out of Nokia’s internet tablet (N900) with this announcement. The N900 is a beta device and Apple’s doing it right by releasing something that doesn’t seem like a beta with a OS that’s more mature. Kindle readers will be happy with the iPad since it does more then just being a E-Reader. Best of all it’s in color whereas the Kindle is not.

I’m guessing there will be an iPhone announcement down the line but today was focused totally on the iPad. There was no use in announcing other new products when the iPad is the main point of the show. Not to mention Apple’s going to stretch the announcements to keep the shareholders happy.

Apple will obviously come out with something to counter Google’s Android offerings sometime this year. Not sure if they’ll go Verizon since Apple wants to sell their phone worldwide, so GSM is the technology they’ll likely stay with.

there’s been rumblings about it all week, but are the rumors that the iphone will go to other carriers true?

I like it, but the price point is just too fucking high (like most Apple products).

I’m just going to buy my mom’s iTouch off her this weekend, upload movies to it and keep it like a phone. Maybe when prices start to come down I’ll think about it.

And with such a bright and large screen, battery life concerns me, not just howl ong a charge last, but well wil lthe battery function over time and how replacable is it? I want an e-reader and I know that amazon is already planning opn killing the Kindle because of this, an the Sony one is ass, so I’ll one day prolly get one of these.

I just don’t know…800 for only 64 gigs is a crime.

  • :bluu:


Anyways since I already have a smartphone and a MacBook, getting an iPad isn’t a justifiable purchase. I have the money but won’t spend it for something like this that is more of an in-between device. Maybe down the line I would buy one just for the hell of it.

Well the battery life is 10 hours and they said it would remain on standby mode charged for up to a month, that doesn’t seem too bad. I look at it like a Kindle that plays all my iphone apps and does internet, video and email too. Because my girlfriend was considering getting a kindle, but now we are both looking at this like, well this thing does a whole lot more than that thing and doesn’t cost a ton more.

Jobs said something about “out to all the carriers” or something like that. I sure as hell will be glad to switch from AT&T if that’s the case.

Annoyingly…I think it’s gonna be huge.


They might single-handedly make netbooks and e-books obsolete with this thing.

what makes it better than tablet pcs that have been out for years already?

Depends on your interpretation of better. It’ll definatley be more successful.

Piggybacking off the iPhone’s success.

The general ease of use of mobile OSX.

Completely finger optimised


Apples marketing

and the App Store

Why its Apple!

Real talk, its thinner and lighter…and apple (sigh).

The difference between e-book and netbook verse this is cost, I can get either for HALF the price. The selling thing IMO is the size of hte screen, but ironically thats what keeps me away. The ITouch will elt me watch shit convienantly from my pocket/case, hwile and iPad wil lrequire more in the way of ‘storing’ and protection…something that thin is bound to be easily breakable if you keep it on your persons.

  • :bluu:

Yeah the biggest hurdle with this thing it’s the OS. Once a new OS that is truly optimized for this device comes out then it will curb stomp eReaders and netbooks sales wise.

I just want more productivity out of it. Be dope as hell to have like smaller versions of popular Mac software on there. Like phootshop or um… whatever you mac users use. I just expected something more like a computer and less like the iPhone.

And the price is excellent you guys. Have you not seen how much the big Kindle costs? It’s close to $500 and it’s just for reading books and documents. Granted it has 3G built-in and eInk is better for reading but it can’t do jack shit else.

Now, for my “If onlys”:

If only… it had at least TWO usb ports. You could have more storage and we all have thumb drives that we use.

If only… it could multitask out the box. Granted some third party will crack this thing and make it into white hot fire but why should wait for that?

If only… it had an SD reader.

If only… the thing could be docked in both landscape and portrait mode. It seems more natural to type in a wide-screen format with a keyboard.


If only… it weren’t made by Apple haha.

But, like the first of any new Apple hardware, give it time. It’ll be a beast in 2-3 years.

I pretty much agree with the sentiments here: http://i.gizmodo.com/5458382/8-things-that-suck-about-the-ipad

Positive result: another company capitalizes on Apple’s mistakes and makes a better tablet/e-reader device at around the same price.

did someone say flash?

no multitasking once again

I don’t really get what you mean by Multitasking. I can close an app on my iPhone, use another app, and then go back to the old one, and pick right back up where I left off. Everything seems to run efficiently that way. I can’t really think of a reason I would need to ‘multitask’ on a device like an iPhone or the iPad.

They really need to develop color e-paper and work on refresh rate if anyone wants to topple dedicated ebook readers.

I’d never buy an Apple product (not because I hate them… but just… because), but I like that the iPad will set the trend for similar gadgets. For example, it has a pretty sophisticated multitouch painting app… if the iPad is selling from $5-800, Wacom really can’t justify selling graphic tablets (Cintiqs) for $1000+, right? And frankly, a slate design with keyboard attachment/dock is much more convenient for mobile computing than the normal laptop clamshell.

So, I can definitely find a lot of use in an iPad-like device that’s a lot cheaper and isn’t tied down to iTunes.

This. This is what I want to see.

Because I do NOT want to spend two hours reading seriously on an backlit screen. If we could have a some crazy hybrid of e-ink and typical backlit technology, where as long as nothing is moving it’s in e-ink mode and when something is it’s in lcd mode.

o-m-g. That’s the future right there boys.

And I don’t see one doesn’t see how lame the lack of multitasking is. You know how often I have been using Pandora just to remember that to look at my damned SMS I have to quit? The iPod is the only bloody thing on the iPhone/Touch/Pad that’ll run in the background which is sad.