iPhone, anyone?

I just don’t want to get banned for it.
I’ll ask for advice and how to but if a mod sees this and it’s not allowed, please don’t ban me :frowning: just delete my post.

i don’t have much to add to the thread besides vague praise.

i love my iphone. my wife has had one since release and i recently got one. i have an awful track record with phones, i’ve broken three in the last 6 months.

but my iphone has already survived an adventure in the toilet (don’t ask) so it’s a trooper.

email, web, apps plus ipod? i love it.

Regarding the Iphone/Ipod touch; do you really need a plastic screen protector on it? I have one but it’s a fucking bitch because of all the air bubbles, I can’t place it right. I’ve been told those screens are pretty scratch proof.

hey guys i’m still running on 1.1.4. i wanted to upgrade to 2.2.1. if i update will i lose everything on my phone? will my contacts be gone? that’s the only thing i care about. can i back them up some how?

You can back it all up from within iTunes. You SHOULDNT lose anything, but from 1-2, you never know. Always back up, just in case.

how do u back it up?

Are you on ATT or Tmobile?

If you’re on ATT a simple sync will back up all of your info, then your free to upgrade.

On Tmobile, there’s certain files you’d have to backup, although you can only do that by SSHing into your phone.

hey guys i have a 3G running on 3.0 that is jb. it seems like my battery life is pretty shitty. is there a newer saofware that’s better then 3.0? only things that are really important is sms and having a video camera. i know there’s talks of 4.0 being out around the summer time.

ive noticed that about the battery too. my solution is i turn it off when im not using it

no 3g is a battery drain. You can turn it off and use 2g. Also if you have it jailbroken, depeding on the method used, you may need to turn off ssh as that also drains battery. Also, how bright is your screen?

Turning off Wifi also helps with battery life.

I suggest going to the apple forums for any help on iPhones.

ok. ssh is always off. screen is pretty dim. before i jailbroke it, it seemed like i could listen to music for a long time without killing the battery. now it seems like in an hour the battery is drained. i use my phone at work on my breaks and lunch to surf srk. this seemed to happen with my 2g phone too. but i think i did a full restore on it and everything was better. maybe i should try that.

well the ipod function is not a battery drainer, it is the srking. Forums with many flash animations make batteries take a hit. If you want to test the battery, put the ipod to play and see how long it last. If it does not last a long time, then you must have a crapped out battery. Have you tried letting the battery die all the way and then charging it all the way a few times.

can anyone reccomend me some good iphone/apple sites? also are there any major differences between 3.0 and 3.1.2?

to start

about the differences, it was various bug fixes which apple never releases details on.

www.modmyi.com: Pretty much anything you want to know about iPhone. Good site.

As far as firmware difference between 3.0 and 3.1.2, not a lot. ATT had some SMS privacy issues as well as a few other quirks that got fixed with 3.1>. As far as functionality? No. They are the same.

www.toucharcade.com - Best place for games. Especially since many devs visit the forums and you can get some actual feedback.


Which part? $500 iPod Touch part? The $830 iPhone (Sans calling) version? Still stuck with AT&T? I think almost everyone is ripping on it.

I just read a post on FB. iDios mio. Indeed :rofl: