iPhone, anyone?

i heard you can install the OS 2.0 on the old iphone so i won’t buy a new one, i already pimped out my old one and don’t want to spend another $500+ just to get the 3G and still wait if it will be jailbroken and unlocked for different carriers.

I don’t even think 3G is worth it.

did anyone get it? thoughts?

I don’t know if anyone here uses exchange email, for work, etc. The only way to get it to work before was to use IMAP and trick it using a non working email account (we used gmail) and forwarding the emails…it was weird, it sucked. Anyways, with the new update exchange is now available and makes it hella easy to setup emails.

I don’t care for the iPhone, but atleast it will make stupid users at my company that MUST have one easier to walk through the email setup process. Had to do one today.

aside from compatibility with outlook and exchange server… isn’t security the biggest issue for the iphone moving into business use?

i dun really care about the iphone, but i don’t necessarily hate it either. but historically speaking, apple products always fared poorly in the corporate environment.

we will all see how things unfold in the upcoming months, i guess.

lol. Dude I work support at Apple…today has been by far the craziest fuckin day EVER! People will call in to our computer sales department just to get all mad and find someone to yell/vent at.

I got a silly question. Could an unlocked Iphone be used by with a prepaid phone company? (Serious question)

My iphone was f*kin bricked all day.

I tired to update to 2.0 before heading out this morning. What a mistake that was. After waiting for the 2.0 firmware to download then waiting for the phone to install it then reboot. After rebooting it could not re-activate because of the iphonePOCALYPSE and the store going down. No activation = no phone. Sucked.

If it was Microsoft it would have been a HUGE deal in the press I think. Apple botched this launch big time. They have no excuse. I feel sorry for the [strike]fans[/strike] people who waited only to experience that disappointment and frustration.

I qualify for the discounted 3g model but im not going to bite. Ill wait. The first gen was still buggy before 2.0. My girlfriend gets hers tomorrow so Ill check hers out first.

Security is an issue. We give all our users blackberry to use with exchange, if they want an iPhone they must be on their own phone plan and off ours, as we do not allow it on our plan due to the data charges. They will get a monthly reimbursment for using their own phone plan, but it won’t be enough to cover their monthly bill on an iPhone.

lol u guys are getting sucked up on the plans, the speed test shows that a website in the old iphone takes 64s to load, while 3G takes 25s, that 30s wait wont be that long, and plus i don’t think everybody will use the video calling.

At least the white ones look clean as fuck.

so what? think I should gt a iphone?

since its cheaper can you have insurance?

ive been wanting one since the first edge version came out. the 3G kinda irks me into buying one. ive only had a few chances to mess with my friends iPhone. and from what ive seen, its kinda cool. dont know if im gonna shell out and get one tho. hmmm.

I tried to wander on in around opening time at my local ATT store. There was a much larger line than I had anticipated so I bailed (after hearing that they were going to not have enough phones on hand to serve everybody in line).

I’ll go back some other time.

Why do people purchase a beautiful device such as the iphone, only to turn around and put them in these ugly protective cases?!? If you’re going to buy the iphone, then don’t put it in a protective case!

Because it’s a damn phone and a damn scratch, smudge, and dent loving apple product. I guessing that maybe, just maybe people want their phone to be protected from the harsh world since Apple doesn’t want to make a shell that could stand up to everyday bashes and knicks.

My contract with Cingular errr AT&T will be up this fall and I really really want a phone with good internet. Is the iPhone the best option (regardless of carrier, I’m open to shopping around)?

man the iphone is sturdy as fuck…you really dont need a case for it at all

My current iPhone (slow ass internet) is tempting me to upgrade, but i’m gonna hold out for the Blackberry Bold. Shouldn’t be much longer now.

Seriously, and it’s a sleek looking device to boot! My roommate just bought the iphone today and first thing he did was buy an ugly ass “protector” to cover it :rolleyes:.

There are youtube vids showing how durable the screen is from scratches. It reminds me of old people who cover their furniture with plastic. Fuck that.

From what I read, the Blackberry Bold is coming out for AT&T in August. I believe T-Mobile has gets it in September but that hasn’t been confirmed yet.

Is the new iPhone as sturdy though? The new plastic backing seems like it would be very susceptible to scuffs and scratches, like that silver lining on the screen edge.