iPhone, anyone?

Probably the new SDK is extremely powerful

The problem is that Apple won’t allow any programs to run in the background for good reasons (security, batter life, etc). So unless you have said app open all day, you won’t know when you’ll receive the mms. Well, unless of course said program sends the recipient a notification email, which you will receive b/g notification for, but then you might as well have sent an email in the first place.

edit- i just remembered that Apple is providing push notification servers for developers. It could work that way.

From what we’re being told at corporate, the iPhone WILL picture message.

Any info on the new Blackberry? As far as when it comes out? I’m pretty much sold on that one at this point.**

anyone planning on getting rid of there old iphones for the new one?

let me know im interested in getting the older model since im on tmobile

so i finally jailbroke my phone yesterday. i was wondering is anyone is using transparent icons. i was looking for some help with putting them on.

I heard it’s not. :frowning:

I’m straight, so no I don’t have one.

i heard it won’t too but your just a jailbreak away from it.

Who wants to buy the Iphone 3g on Friday at 8am? I will definitely get it for sure.

Are they pricing it at 2 - 300 for current non iphone users?

Yeah, it’ll be 200 for the 8 gb and 300 for the 16 gb regardless if you’re a current iphone user or not.
2 more days!! Get hype!

Will ppl who already have one get a discount or something?

Nope, no discount at all. If you purchased the first gen iphone within a month or so i believe you can take it back and get a 3g iphone.

In the future, you can’t buy it with 8gb for 2 years contracts. ONLY July 11th at 8am. Get hype.

i’m getting one for my wife. she had her purse stolen a while back so she lost her phone. i’ll keep my jailbroken one for now.

Is this true? I was planning on getting one, but I was hoping to avoid waiting in line.

Who told you that? That’s not true.

I can’t wait till this weekend is over. I’m really tired of getting questions about this god damn phone.

Installed 2.0 today on my old Edge phone.

The store app is cool but a lot of fucking garbage to wade through. Tried the Aim app but it keeps crashing on me. I’m really looking to find a to do list that syncs up with the calendar but no luck so far.

Been using the remote to control itunes and appletv - kinda fun, more novelty then anything else I guess. Twitter has a good app that has keep me entertained today.

Anyone else install it yet? As of now it’s not available through itunes - gotta find a direct link to install it.


I’m still at work and I want to stab the people at apple since iTunes is down. Fucking assholes got people coming back into my store CRYING because they can’t activate their phones. Literally crying.

And people want to blame us like we can just hit a button or some shit and it will work.

Fucking idiots.