iPhone, anyone?

Didn’t they list the 2 year contract directly on the Apple site?

Damn, yeah I just saw it on their site. That fucking sucks. How are you supposed to get it as a gift for someone? Straight up retarded.

I pay $50.00 per month for a cable modem broadband connection. Paying $30.00 per month for some slow ass cell phone internet service is absurd. Someone please hack this phone so that people with the $7.99 T-Mobile internet service would access it.

the hack has been done on first gen iphones.
sencond gens should use the same hack since only the firmare was changes.

but testing does have to be done with the second gen since its new

besides data plans can be cancelled after first month.no eed to pay for there rediculous crap

That’s not true. You can still activate it according to my data manager at work.

That’s not true. And you’re an idiot if you get a 3g iPhone for tmobile. The 3g iPhone doesn’t operate on the 1700 mhz frequence required for 3g on tmobile. So don’t waste your money.

That is true. 3g eats battery life. Apple wanted the tech to mature. That screen takes a SHIT ton of power compared to the other phones out there. If they stuck 3g in it on launch that phone would die in half a day.

That’s directly from an internal memo at AT&T.

Word is that you don’t have to activate it in store, but you do have to extend the contract in store, thats the important part.

A friend of mine manages an Apple store and said won’t be able to walk out of the store with a 3G iPhone unless you sign up for service on the spot. He said they will set up everything at the store. At least that is what they are planning to do according to him.

So according to that AT&T memo if you have the original iPhone you can get the 3G one and it will just have a 2 year contract from the day you get it?

Hmm, so would getting it as a gift be pretty much impossible?

Other than the cray ass plans the iphone seems pretty tight. If you have the phone already you are qualified as an offical Balla.

Even if I had the cash I proly wouldn’t get it, just too much for me to handle. Plus I proly wouldn’t really use all the cool features, so it would kindda go to waste.

Big :tup: for all the Ballas though.

yes, this is true of almost any contract phone though. Phones imo don’t make great gifts anyway, you either pay absurd costs, have to deal with the internet, or steal their information…“I’ve just committed you to 2 years of service without your knowledge, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

Iphone1 was the exception, but that was apple making deals with AT&T so they could get their product out and sold (at a profit). The honeymoon is over, so it’s back to business now.

Lol, good point.


Friends don’t make friends sign contracts.

fuck im so stuck between getting an iphone or staying with Verizon and just getting a new blackberry.

I hear AT&T even though they lowered their phone prices they upped the data fee to $10 more every month.

The iPhone is coming to Canada July 11.

I think July 11 is the same date for the 3G iPhone for US… right?

I’ve had a first gen since launch and am happy with it. If they are gonna have 3G versions for 200$~ with contract, I might go ahead and upgrade. The 1st gens probably won’t be worth dick except as replacements for peopel who don’t want to upgrade, but I suppose I could try and sell it <shrug>

Actually, first gen will be worth even more, so hold on to it till gen2 release. Reason being that it’ll be nearly impossible to get an unlockable iPhone3g.

Because ATT is subsidizing the iPhone and you can ONLY activate through either Apple store or ATT store (no online purchase) at checkout, these are people’s options:

  1. Sign up pay $200, cancel within 30 days, but because phone is subsidized, you have to return it in order to cancel your contract + get charged restocking fee for open iPhone. So you get less refund, but no phone. This only worked with gen1 because you paid full price for phone at signup, so it’s yours to keep upon cancellation.

  2. Sign up, pay $200, cancel after the 1st month, pay $200 cancellation fee (= already full price of phone), keep phone, but get charged for 1st month. Then you end up with no warranty (Apple only covers contracted phone) + lower quality built + iPhone’s 3g chip isn’t compatible with other 3g networks, so it’s not much different than 1st gen for other networks anyway.

Either way, it’ll be a bitch for resellers to get their hands on iPhones to sell unlocked. So keep that 1st gen phone cuz it might sell for like $500+ easy when people find out you can’t buy the new ones online or signup and cancel like the old ones.

Going to admit I dont know the lingo/info on what MMS is…I’m assuming txt and pic messages?:sweat:

yeah mms = multimedia messaging, i’ve only used it once to be honest but it’s a good feature to have on those random occasions when someone wants to send you a pic or something.

I watched the iphone 2.0 keynote address which you can download on the apple site. It’s almost two hours long and featured the new SDK2.0 and some apps developers have already made. I must say, it was all very impressive, I NEED an iphone. Will probably get one once my contract expires this christmas. Hopefully by then data plans will also be more reasonable.

Yea, I sent random pictures to people some of the time; now I know they haven’t said anything about MMS (per Stucky message) but with the SDK being available for developers, couldn’t someone develop a package for MMS???