Interview With SRK Players

Yeah I just realized that. :frowning:

Interview with Eric ā€œLeezyā€ Lee aka THE LONGEST INTERVIEW EVER

Finally I got an interview done with leezy. This is the longest interview EVER. If you read through it all, mad props to you.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Good Morning Eric Lee(itā€™s 1:30 am right now), Thanks for taking time out of your busy party nights to talk with me for an interview.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Letā€™s get the basics answered first:

1.What games do you play?
2. Why do you play that game, what do you enjoy about it and what do you NOT enjoy about it?
3. How long have you been playing that game?
4. What tips can you give to scrubs about getting better?

GoofyGetsLucky: CVS2, 3rd Strike, Marvelā€¦but CVS is the only one where I can compete.
GoofyGetsLucky:** I play it 'cause I got good at it somehowā€¦I enjoy being one of the only K-groove players that can compete with everyone elseā€¦and (just to pee in Keithā€™s mouth) I take pride in using K-Kim. I donā€™t enjoy A-Sak whores (yourself included, with love, of course)
GoofyGetsLucky:** Iā€™ve been playing since 2002, I think.
GoofyGetsLucky:** I think the most important thing is to learn all you can, donā€™t give up on it because better players shit on you and treat you like crap ('cause a lot of them do), and if you really like a character or playing a certain stlyeā€¦then fucking do it. Trying to copy someone else because theyā€™re good with something will mess you up if itā€™s not what you want to do.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nice tips and all. do you think A-sak balances the game out since K groove gets rage after every custom and constantly JDing for life gain?

GoofyGetsLucky: I think it was planned out well enough. I doubt the programmers knew A-Sak would own up K-groove, or that RCing would be in there. I think it would be fair if there were no RCsā€¦but thatā€™s just me. Iā€™ve adapted, as we mustā€¦and I whore RCs if I play A-groove too.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Whatā€™s your playing schedule like? when do you play, how long for? What do you usually practice in training mode if you do?

GoofyGetsLucky: I donā€™t have any consistent schedule. I play whenever I can make timeā€¦which is like once a week. Iā€™ll go to Keystone II (Albertā€™s house), Keithā€™s pad, bring Ricky to my place, sometimes go to Golfland to play with Bhushanā€¦

GoofyGetsLucky: Itā€™s never more than a couple hoursā€¦if ever that, we always end up going to eat and getting drunk
GoofyGetsLucky:** I only play at home when I feel like testing something, which is rare

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Sum up your evo west trip for everyone. What were the pros and cons?

GoofyGetsLucky: Best part was hanging out with friends I donā€™t get to see very oftenā€¦meeting new people is always a plus. Making top 8 was my goalā€¦so no matter how ugly it was for me getting there, I did it. I was really happy how well I played against John in the top 8 match, but itā€™s still John Choiā€¦fool turns off blocking and heā€™s psychicā€¦not much you can do there.

GoofyGetsLucky: I canā€™t think of much that was badā€¦maybe not getting to drink at all? I didnā€™t like CVS getting shitted on, but that happens every year.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok enough cvs2 talk, what do you do on your free time?

GoofyGetsLucky: Oh! Definitely best PRO thingā€¦that dude that called his girlfriend to tell her that ā€œI just got infinited by Leezy.ā€

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Oh yeah, who ever said that, please tell us who you are, cuz i want to interview you next.

GoofyGetsLucky: Free time? Whatā€™s that? I work full time at Costco, I have an internship at a CPA firm in Los Gatos, I go to school near full time, I have a girlfriend I enjoy spending any free time with, and I still make time for my friends.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Poor eric =(.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: What are your hobbies?

GoofyGetsLucky: Drinking, music, movies, eating (I eat a lot)ā€¦nothing special

HaiI Tripp Eisen: what is your favorite food to eat? random ass questionsā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky:** Wellā€¦melted cheese tends to go good with a lot of thingsā€¦I devour
sushi to the point where Iā€™m a sideshow attraction at the place we go toā€¦Iā€™ll just say seafoodā€¦yeah, thatā€™s pretty accurate
GoofyGetsLucky:** Then again, that artichoke dip from CPK is mighty tastyā€¦Iā€™ve had 3 orders of that shit for myself on more than one occasion

HaiI Tripp Eisen: damn thats a crazy appitite manā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: can you take that much with liquor?
GoofyGetsLucky:** I can drink a lot and still be okayā€¦just louder. Thereā€™s a certain point where I just canā€™t drink anymore, but I rarely ever get there.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: when did you start drinking? Who do you usually drink with on the weekends?

GoofyGetsLucky: I started drinking once I moved outā€¦so that was like 2001. I drank with anyone who could provide it back then, but now itā€™s either my gaming friends or my work friends, which includes my gf

HaiI Tripp Eisen: What is one thing you want to do, before you die?

**GoofyGetsLucky: **Get rid of this damn spyware thing on my computer
GoofyGetsLucky: Oh wait, it just left

HaiI Tripp Eisen: what the hell?
GoofyGetsLucky:** I never really think about things like that
GoofyGetsLucky: First thing that comes to mind is have a happy family in a house
somewhere close to where Iā€™m at right now

GoofyGetsLucky: So waitā€¦youā€™re like 15, right?

-----------------------Interviewer got lazy and didnt want to bold the rest------------------

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh woops, i forget to tell everyone i meet that
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hey eric, im 15

GoofyGetsLucky: Damnā€¦hella Daniel Tran status. You probably donā€™t know himā€¦but heā€™s basically you, up hereā€¦but not as involved in the game

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah i heard about him
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah i was about to ask about that guy, does he still play?

GoofyGetsLucky: Itā€™s refreshing to see a young player thatā€™s at your levelā€¦but then again, it makes me feel oldā€¦or washed up or something

HaiI Tripp Eisen: and any relation to campbell?

GoofyGetsLucky: He does, just not nearly as much as he used to
GoofyGetsLucky: No relation to Campbell. Buk has no relativesā€¦heā€™s CRAZY, and has no family
GoofyGetsLucky: Like he stays at his parentsā€™ house when heā€™s hereā€¦but we go over
there, and no parentsā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha donā€™t feel old. Everyone who meets me thats like 24 thinks theyā€™re old n shit. 24 or around there, is really not that old.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: should we include this in the interveiw? lolā€¦

GoofyGetsLucky: Hahaā€¦I can almost feel what all my friends are thinking right nowā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky: Sure, why not

HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Now everyone knows im 15 and can make funny cracks at me.

GoofyGetsLucky: Whatā€™s an interview with me without random ass shit happening

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah just like the phone going off in the tyram interview.

GoofyGetsLucky: Dudeā€¦weā€™d probably crack on you regardless of ageā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky: Bronsonā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Oh yeah, im bronson wong

GoofyGetsLucky: I meanā€¦if you were older than usā€¦weā€™d crack on you for being too old
GoofyGetsLucky: Shit happens

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Dude, where is bronson? letā€™s get him in on this interview.That little flash victory he did when he won tekken turned me on.

GoofyGetsLucky: Hella sounding like Bean nowā€¦getting turned on by vietnamese guys
GoofyGetsLucky: THAT must be in the interview

HaiI Tripp Eisen: fine fine

GoofyGetsLucky: I get to crack on you and Bean in the same sentenceā€¦that shit is raw

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: tell us something we all dont know.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: something so random, that no one wouldnā€™t expect.

GoofyGetsLucky: Hmmā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky: Okayā€¦out of nowhere, right?
GoofyGetsLucky: Donā€™t ask how I thought of this right now

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: go go go

GoofyGetsLucky: One of my ex-girlfriends had some shit come out her ass when I was pounding her doggystyle one timeā€¦and I didnā€™t know what it was for a whileā€¦'cause it looked like tiny little specks of pepper or something else hella random that I couldnā€™t figure out. When we were done having sex, I handed her a paper towel and said ā€œhere, you might need this,ā€ full knowing that she needed it. She looks at me and goes ā€œwhy? we didnā€™t make a mess.ā€ I look back at her and say ā€œall Iā€™ll say is that shit was wild.ā€

HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh my fucking shit.

GoofyGetsLucky: I left the room to clean up in the bathroom, and she was crying when I got backā€¦from embarassment, I think. We never really talked about it, and it never happened again. It really wasnā€™t a big deal to me, I just thought it was funnyā€¦'cause it was a hella tiny amountā€¦like I probably wouldnā€™t have noticed it had I not looked down at the wrong time.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: that is going to be the craziest shit in the threadā€¦no pun intended.

GoofyGetsLucky: Yeah seriouslyā€¦I got all sorts of non-CVS random shit in my head.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok man, that hella grossed me out, give me a second

GoofyGetsLucky: But, itā€™s all the nasty talk about shit and anal stuff that keeps me and Keith such good friends

GoofyGetsLucky: Or the talk about my girlfriends that keeps Kim enthralled.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: man, fuck this is waht im missing from norcal. i need to start going thereā€¦
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Ok that was too good man, tell us another.

GoofyGetsLucky: Oh shit, I forgot youā€™re youngā€¦so umā€¦if this ever happens to youā€¦maybe wipe it up for her so she doesnā€™t know? I donā€™t knowā€¦just pray it doesnā€™t happen to you.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: LOL
HaiI Tripp Eisen: tell us another one eric

GoofyGetsLucky: I canā€™t think of anything random thatā€™s funnyā€¦just random shit that isnā€™t
entertainingā€¦but still random

HaiI Tripp Eisen: random is great. one more.

GoofyGetsLucky: Oh! Donā€™t ever get drunk around a girl that is a mix of Mexican, Native American Indian, German, Irish, and Greek
GoofyGetsLucky: Also make sure she doesnā€™t work with you at the time

HaiI Tripp Eisen: details

GoofyGetsLucky: 'Cause youā€™ll end up downing a bottle of Grand Marnier and fucking herā€¦then end up having her tell everyone at work that you got her pregnant

HaiI Tripp Eisen: dude you got someone pregnant?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: holy shit, that mustā€™ve been so wierd

GoofyGetsLucky: Her friends will trash your car, and serve up fake abortion paperwork trying to get you to pay for bogus medical bills

HaiI Tripp Eisen: fuck leezy, youā€™re such a crazy dude

GoofyGetsLucky: Nah, I woke up all fucked up and realized what I had doneā€¦ran to the trash and found the NOT busted condom
GoofyGetsLucky: I was psycho paranoidā€¦so I inspected the shit for holesā€¦like I filled it with water to see if it leakedā€¦and there was NO JIZZ in it eitherā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: waht the hell

GoofyGetsLucky: So realistically, the odds of her really being pregnant were slimā€¦she was just mad because I didnā€™t want to do it again, and we stopped talking after that.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha wow

GoofyGetsLucky: Yeahā€¦where else on SRK are you gonna be able to read NO JIZZ?
GoofyGetsLucky: Good godā€¦I seem like a heartless, alcoholic, manwhore from all thisā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky: ā€¦
GoofyGetsLucky: Tight.
GoofyGetsLucky: For the record, I only had 9 beers today.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahahhaa. when i turn 21, ill hit you up
HaiI Tripp Eisen: lets get hella drunk

GoofyGetsLucky: Fuck dudeā€¦Iā€™ll be 30 thenā€¦you better start drinking earlier
GoofyGetsLucky: ā€¦and yes, I just advised a 15 year old to start drinkingā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Holy shit this interview has gotten mad long
GoofyGetsLucky: You might as well just start fucking random hoes nowā€¦thatā€™s what Keith did, and look how well he turned out
HaiI Tripp Eisen: lets cut this off and leave the other shit for off camera.

GoofyGetsLucky: Oh yeah, I talk too muchā€¦character flaw, sorry
GoofyGetsLucky: I should go anyway, I have to wake up at 7 for my 14 hour work day

HaiI Tripp Eisen: boo. ok weā€™ll continue this conversation laterā€¦ off ā€˜cameraā€™

GoofyGetsLucky: So wrap this shit up.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so, any shout outs you drunkin crazy?

GoofyGetsLucky: and yeahā€¦remember to wrap your shit when you start fucking random hoes
GoofyGetsLucky: Oh man, I ainā€™t even drunk nowā€¦I stopped drinking at 10

HaiI Tripp Eisen: eric shut up and give shout outs

GoofyGetsLucky: I think I shouted out to almost everyone in the form of HATE during the interview. Campbell, youā€™re gay for leaving us again. Have fun SUCKING ASS in Texas. Iā€™d shout out to everyone else, but Iā€™ll see them soon, and theyā€™re all still here. Smelly Cole, I guessā€¦sorry for turning up the rape in SoCal.
GoofyGetsLucky: Imma sleep now. Just title it ā€œlongest interview everā€ as a disclaimer so people donā€™t get mad.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Cool. Weā€™re out of this mother.

NO JIZZ?@!q?!!!%#!^!^

Fucking weird ass Eric Lee, I donā€™t ever wanna hear you say anything ever again.




Interesting Fact About Leezy lee
climbtheladder: i remember when we were at dennys back at ncr
climbtheladder: he downed a shot of syrup
climbtheladder: and we didnā€™t eve nforce it on him
climbtheladder: he just did it

Whoā€™s next?
Campbell ā€˜buktoothā€™ Tran, Charlie ā€˜ShAixā€™ Nguyen, Tyram(sorry i dont know your name), Jesse ā€˜UCRā€™ Gan? whos next?

Beanā€¦that was 'cause I was already affected by the sugar packet I had to eat from losing that game of football to Phobosā€¦

ā€¦whoā€™s dumbass idea was it to make us eat the entire packet, paper and all?

Iā€™d say interview Campbell, 'cause he wonā€™t have shit to do in Texasā€¦or hit up Charlieā€¦'cause wellā€¦no one really knows himā€¦

If you do interview Charlie, do one during the day, and a different one at night. Fool morphs into something different when the sun goes down.

i would PAY MONEY (no i wouldnā€™t) for you to interview charlie.

Interview with Charlie SAIGO Nguyen

Ok, forget being all fancy now cuz it gets really tedious. Bolding shit takes a lot of time instead of just pasting. soooā€¦ im just gonna paste the convo and make it a little bit organized. :wgrin:

Iā€™m also gonna start giving background information on the people so i dont have to keep asking about it in the interviewā€¦

Basic Background Information About Charlie:

Name: Charlie Nguyen
SRK: ShAix510
Location:He lives in Nor Cal. Union City, CA.
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Alright charlie, what is your groove and why do you play it?

DraGonZ 14: I just found out during evowest that my real groove is going to be C groove
DraGonZ 14: C groove gives me the options to air block, alpha counters, and roll crossover supers << top tier

HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha

DraGonZ 14: and also letter ā€œCā€ in groove stands for Charlie

HaiI Tripp Eisen: saying you went to evo west, tell us how it went and what were your pros and cons?

DraGonZ 14: Evowest was so much fun. I wasnā€™t prepared for Evowest. I had to fly to L.A. right after I came back from Florida for a week.
DraGonZ 14: so yeahā€¦I was just takinā€™ a vacation from my last vacationā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Pros: Nice location, it was next to the airport so it was really convenient to fly thereā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Nice hotel, the outside looks shitty but insideā€¦wowā€¦Iā€™m impressed
DraGonZ 14: I could go outside to the balcony and watch the scenery and chicks swimming in the poolā€¦yes I am a pervert

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ā€¦
HaiI Tripp Eisen: :smiley:

DraGonZ 14: Ummmā€¦
DraGonZ 14: The interior design in the ballroom was nice
DraGonZ 14: the first thing I saw when I walked in the ballroom was ā€œYarisā€

HaiI Tripp Eisen: the car?

DraGonZ 14: Damnā€¦I really want that car.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: that car was off the hook, if any of you have not seen it yet, go check it out at James Chenā€™s pictures and also be sure to check out his blog.

DraGonZ 14: I get to meet and talk to the staff members and a few old school players.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: What do you like to do on your spare time?

DraGonZ 14: I like to talk to old school players cus we all could learn a lot from them.
DraGonZ 14: One question at a time niggaā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Now the consā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: :(ā€¦

DraGonZ 14: lol

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok, Cons:

DraGonZ 14: The game schedules were all fucked upā€¦and they used Cvs2 to saved time.
DraGonZ 14: I think they should lower the timer on Cvs2 to 60secs instead of 99secs so we can get Best out of 3.

HaiI Tripp Eisen: If they did that, then turtlers couldnā€™t turtle with their unique styles.

DraGonZ 14: Yesā€¦exactlyā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: goodbye mago

DraGonZ 14: they donā€™t have time to turtleā€¦its all about RUSHDOWN BABY!!!
DraGonZ 14: and others will enjoyed watching cvs2 moreā€¦:smiley:

HaiI Tripp Eisen: next question now? :smiley: or more cons?

DraGonZ 14: I just gotta answer ur last questiona bout spare timeā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yep

DraGonZ 14: Soā€¦I think I have a lot of spare timeā€¦
DraGonZ 14: During my spare timeā€¦I go online, read forums, educate myself about hella shit, meditate, and clean my room < okay I lied on that part, but I will clean it todayā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Sometimes I drive around listening to music in my car, go to a park and just walk aroundā€¦
DraGonZ 14: I hope that I will see any hot chicks walking by and talk to herā€¦:wink:
DraGonZ 14: I watch hella videos onlineā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: what kind of videos?..

DraGonZ 14: like videos of top players

HaiI Tripp Eisen: oooooooooooh ok

DraGonZ 14: in Cvs2ā€¦and other gamesā€¦
DraGonZ 14: I usually watch it very slow and turned off the speakerā€¦because I really want to analzye whatā€™s going onā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: you mean at a slower speed?

DraGonZ 14: yes
DraGonZ 14: at a slower speed

HaiI Tripp Eisen: how do you do that?

DraGonZ 14: You need a video program
DraGonZ 14: to watch it on slower speedā€¦
DraGonZ 14: I forgot the name of that program and you could search for it onlineā€¦
DraGonZ 14: there are tons onlineā€¦just find the best one you likeā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh ok. so thats a good tip everyone: watch videos slowly to get a better analyzation of whats happeing. Good tip charlie.

DraGonZ 14: and it also helps to turned off the sound
DraGonZ 14: Other than thatā€¦ I watch movies, listening to all kinds of music, and hang out with my family and friendā€¦
DraGonZ 14: friendsā€¦yes i do have more than one friendā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: FOB
HaiI Tripp Eisen: jk

DraGonZ 14: fuck off bitchā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: fob!

DraGonZ 14: you = fob

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok this is getting wierdā€¦
HaiI Tripp Eisen: anyways

DraGonZ 14: okay next questionā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: what is the most memorable moment in your video game career

DraGonZ 14: I wouldnā€™t say careerā€¦cus I donā€™t usally win money off itā€¦I hope it will change some dayā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Well the most memorable moment in my video game career was
DraGonZ 14: my match against a Top Japanese Player, Mago.
DraGonZ 14: I got ocved by him
DraGonZ 14: and somehow I managed to beat his and won one game off himā€¦
DraGonZ 14: I was really surprised I had the potential to do soā€¦
DraGonZ 14: After that I really have a lot of confidence in myselfā€¦and you guys havenā€™t see nothing yetā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: nice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: tell us something way random. something we dont knowā€¦(nothin eric said thoughā€¦ shit was wierd)

DraGonZ 14: Okayā€¦Iā€™m not gotta say anything about sex or alcohol cus youā€™re underageā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ā€¦

DraGonZ 14: randomā€¦
DraGonZ 14: ummmā€¦
DraGonZ 14: I got so many random shitā€¦but its hard to pick which one to talk aboutā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: talk about all of them then

DraGonZ 14: Every night before I go to sleepā€¦I think a lot about life, psychology, philosophy and get inside my mind to find what I am truly capable of.
DraGonZ 14: I am very aware of what I doā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: why do you do this?

DraGonZ 14: just to make my brain active before I go to sleepā€¦so I can remember it when I wake up in the morningā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Teach us how to get better at cvs2ā€¦for those who want to learn. get

DraGonZ 14: I found out thatā€¦the more you get better the less you will have to play physically.
DraGonZ 14: Learn execution, footsies, study counters, watch top players play and think like them, be curious, and be very creative of mixing up combos and mind games.
DraGonZ 14: For starters learn more about the time and play on your spare time.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: about the game
DraGonZ 14: For Mid-tier players, think more and play less so you could become a top player someday.

DraGonZ 14: what about the game?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: DraGonZ 14: For starters learn more about the time and play on your
spare time.

DraGonZ 14: damnā€¦u got meā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: see

DraGonZ 14: about the gameā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: look at this connection again!
HaiI Tripp Eisen: BAM

DraGonZ 14: lolā€¦hahaha
DraGonZ 14: should we wrap it upā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: sure
HaiI Tripp Eisen: any shout outs charlie?

DraGonZ 14: ummmā€¦
DraGonZ 14: sure
DraGonZ 14: I wanna shout out to my Street Fighter Collegeā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: colleges
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ?

DraGonZ 14: Keystones II Street Figther school
DraGonZ 14: Thatā€™s where I go to study with my colleaguesā€¦ about street fighterā€¦
DraGonZ 14: Okayā€¦its not really a collegeā€¦just an arcadeā€¦but we talk more than we play soā€¦its basically school for meā€¦
DraGonZ 14: and Albert Einstein is the founder of that arcadeā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: colleges man, you gotta travel to learn!

DraGonZ 14: I did travelā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: exactly.

DraGonZ 14: it took me 30 min to drive Albertā€™s University

HaiI Tripp Eisen: alright thatā€™s a wrap. thanks for the interview charlie

DraGonZ 14: after I graduate from that Universityā€¦I probably go to a different oneā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: SHH
HaiI Tripp Eisen: WERE DONE

DraGonZ 14: hahahaha
DraGonZ 14: i knowā€¦u type too fastā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: no no, go ahead charlie, that was bad of me
HaiI Tripp Eisen: nah man, you type too SLOW
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oooo

DraGonZ 14: nahā€¦weā€™re doneā€¦
DraGonZ 14: i need to smoke a cig and clean my roomā€¦
HaiI Tripp Eisen: cigs are bad :frowning:

DraGonZ 14: yesā€¦thatā€™s right kidsā€¦listen to HAKā€¦cigs are badā€¦donā€™t be like meā€¦

HaiI Tripp Eisen: :smiley:

Good shit, Hey. Does anyone want to start contributiing to the thread and start interviewing people instead of just me? Iā€™d appreciate it and we can get more variety in questions. Let me know.

About the cvs2 on 60 sec. thingā€¦thatā€™s not a good idea. It really turns into a turtle fest with lower time. Land a super and just sit back the rest of the round. Iā€™ve played in a tourney using 60 sec. and we ended up putting back to default time

im on aim now if you want to interview me.

someone let me in at that crack charlie smokes
shit is too raw.

I really like your style of interviewing, HAK. Keep up the great work :smiley:

some of you guys dont really know the boy behind the interviews, so here it goes.

D3n7r0n: aite slut
D3n7r0n: imma interview you

HaiI Tripp Eisen: uhhh
HaiI Tripp Eisen: sure

D3n7r0n: whats your real name

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Gene ā€œbronsonā€ Wong

D3n7r0n: bronson aint your REAL middle name, or maybe you got bronson in you? (homo)
D3n7r0n: do you have a middle name

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Yes. but i will keep that a secret.

D3n7r0n: =
D3n7r0n: whats your team
D3n7r0n: now

HaiI Tripp Eisen: My real team in CVS2 is A-Groove: Sakura/Vega, Bison, Blanka.

D3n7r0n: how do you choose btwn sakura and vega
D3n7r0n: matchups?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah match ups, and how im feeling that day or moment.

D3n7r0n: slut/fag?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: no homo, crazy or exotic

D3n7r0n: mmmmm
D3n7r0n: how was evo west

HaiI Tripp Eisen: motherfucker im typing

D3n7r0n: you typle like a dyslexic grandma

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Evo west was great. I really enjoyed it for my first big event and everything, even my first evo. The ballroom was beautiful and the yaris car was very inviting. I met very cool people there and even learned a new game with pyrolee and jason cole. Very fun. I learned a lot and i canā€™t wait for evo vegas. Dentron SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TYPING.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ā€¦evo west was fun. :smiley:

D3n7r0n: how are you getting to vegas, youre not even old enough to drive yet

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Good friends give me rides.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: aka i pay them shit loads of gas money

D3n7r0n: =
D3n7r0n: who is hotter: scarlett johansen or keria knightly

HaiI Tripp Eisen: Keira Knightly
HaiI Tripp Eisen: wait

D3n7r0n: its not a trick question
D3n7r0n: unless youre gay

HaiI Tripp Eisen: im THINKING FOO

D3n7r0n: and you think keira is a guy
D3n7r0n: its ok if yorue gay man
D3n7r0n: i understand

HaiI Tripp Eisen: LOL
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yes keira looks like a guy sometimes
HaiI Tripp Eisen: thats why im thinking

D3n7r0n: so who is hotter: brad pitt or jal

HaiI Tripp Eisen: what the fuck?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i dont know?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ken i

D3n7r0n: eeesh, i think he REALLY is gay though, you better watch it

HaiI Tripp Eisen: i think so too fuck

D3n7r0n: in your ass indeed

HaiI Tripp Eisen: he had his hands n shit on me at evo west
HaiI Tripp Eisen: like
HaiI Tripp Eisen: we were sleeping, and when i woke up he had his hands and legs on my hips

D3n7r0n: yo
D3n7r0n: ok ok
D3n7r0n: 1 more

HaiI Tripp Eisen: one more question? what kind of interview is this

D3n7r0n: nono
D3n7r0n: 1 more who is hotter question

HaiI Tripp Eisen: OH go for it

D3n7r0n: leezy vs bean vs tae vs choi vs kim
D3n7r0n: hottest korean

HaiI Tripp Eisen: uhm
HaiI Tripp Eisen: dude, i dont even know how tae looks like

D3n7r0n: YOUR LOSS

HaiI Tripp Eisen: how about we do women?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but if i HAD to answer thatā€¦

D3n7r0n: especially if youre sleeping with ken i
D3n7r0n: =[

HaiI Tripp Eisen: no
HaiI Tripp Eisen: he was sleeping with ME

D3n7r0n: fag

HaiI Tripp Eisen: fool doesnt know how to get the fuck off
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok this interview is getting really wierdā€¦

D3n7r0n: hey
D3n7r0n: learn to like it
D3n7r0n: how come you play cheap ass characters

HaiI Tripp Eisen: how come you dont?

D3n7r0n: hey im interviewing you

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok lets start this shit over
HaiI Tripp Eisen: cuz
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you suck at interviewing

D3n7r0n: BITCH
D3n7r0n: this is GOLDEN
D3n7r0n: you ask gay questions

HaiI Tripp Eisen: like what?

D3n7r0n: like "can i suck your dick for 5 dollars?"
D3n7r0n: then they just say no
D3n7r0n: no one wants a dude to suck their dick

HaiI Tripp Eisen: ā€¦

D3n7r0n: especially if hes 15
D3n7r0n: thats jailbait

HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Whatā€™s your name again
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ?

D3n7r0n: are you interviewing me now?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh no
HaiI Tripp Eisen: go ahead, next question

D3n7r0n: thats right
D3n7r0n: ok
D3n7r0n: when did you start playing
D3n7r0n: seriously
D3n7r0n: not like button mashing

HaiI Tripp Eisen: like 2003
HaiI Tripp Eisen: or 2004
HaiI Tripp Eisen: or both

D3n7r0n: howed u do at your first tournament

HaiI Tripp Eisen: first big tournament?

D3n7r0n: mmm

HaiI Tripp Eisen: or just random scrub tournaments

D3n7r0n: both

HaiI Tripp Eisen: First random scrub tournament was 4th placeā€¦ out of 8 people. which included a guy named ken i. who got secondā€¦ Anyways, my next big tourney which was cal poly, i got 3rd/36

D3n7r0n: thats pretty good, so i take it you have alot of time to play? or just the WILL POWER

HaiI Tripp Eisen: I actually donā€™t really play anyone here in san diego much, just usually viscant. Hoping to find some better compā€¦ like shady k. I donā€™t really practice cvs2 much like i used to. I used to practice liek 2 times a week, but now i just practice once a week(if im lucky).

HaiI Tripp Eisen: I have very strong will power and passion for the game, and i guess that does help to become better.

D3n7r0n: nice, well i spose you gotta get good for evo

HaiI Tripp Eisen: i actually practiced a lot during the evo season, and i plan to too.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ā€¦
HaiI Tripp Eisen: stop looking at gay porn man

D3n7r0n: =
D3n7r0n: i was watching the Aā€™s highlights
D3n7r0n: i had 20 bucks on that game
D3n7r0n: and i won
D3n7r0n: woohoo
D3n7r0n: ok

HaiI Tripp Eisen: woohoo

D3n7r0n: anyways
D3n7r0n: you play anyother games beside/before cvs2

HaiI Tripp Eisen: competitively? no. But i played Street fighter series, Alpha, alpha 2, alpha 3.

D3n7r0n: just in general
D3n7r0n: OH
D3n7r0n: so you did play

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yea

D3n7r0n: you do anything else in your free time

HaiI Tripp Eisen: I play guitar and love to socialize with my friends. We usually just go out and kick it.

D3n7r0n: if by ā€œkick itā€ you mean ā€œgay sexā€ then i totally understand
D3n7r0n: are you good at guitar

HaiI Tripp Eisen: everyone asks me that. and i dont know what to say but: I dont know. you tell me.

D3n7r0n: ok
D3n7r0n: uhm
D3n7r0n: can you play stairway to heaven
D3n7r0n: ?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: no
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ive never tried.

D3n7r0n: oh
D3n7r0n: then you dont really play guitar do you

HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha, i play it. my dream is to someday make a band and be a musician

D3n7r0n: gl
D3n7r0n: from what i hear its a hard knock life

HaiI Tripp Eisen: yup

D3n7r0n: alright im tired of interviewing you
D3n7r0n: comments shoutouts?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: sure

D3n7r0n: none?

HaiI Tripp Eisen: SOME
HaiI Tripp Eisen: give me a sec to type.

D3n7r0n: ok grandma

HaiI Tripp Eisen: shout out to all the nor cal guys i met at evo west: Leezy, Buk, Charlie, Choi, BRONSON, Etc. Bean cuz hes a homo. Phobos cuz hes a homo too. Bas because hes a bitch. And of course dentron cuz hes a bigger bitch.

man you suck at interviewingā€¦but not like im anybetter. Thanks for the interview mattā€¦ O_o You forgot this part in shout outs:

Shout out to paulee because heā€™s tight. HE MAN.

i quit interviewing peopleā€¦ for like 4 years. later. Dentron, interview tyram. Someone step up and be a man and interview people.

Interview with Bill ā€œBagnusā€ Wellman

Thought it would be pretty interesting to interview Bill since heā€™s a top marvel player and most people donā€™t realize that heā€™s more than ā€œdecentā€ at other games. NOTE: Bill was using potterā€™s sn :slight_smile:

Age: 22
Location: Riverside, CA (SoCal)
Occupation: "The Great"
Other Facts: notorious for his loud shit talking and cheap ass k groove in socal. crushing the spirits of cvs2 scrubs (including me). able to beat many players without even comboing. a very smart individual indeed

climbtheladder: alright bill, so what games do you exactly play competetively?

sexy potter 87: I PLAY MARVEL

climbtheladder: i also hear you are quite the ā€œwildcardā€ in cvs2 and slash

sexy potter 87: nah i just fuck shitty people up
sexy potter 87: ALL DAY

climbtheladder: lol

sexy potter 87: and 95% of socal sucks shit in both of those games
sexy potter 87: so its free

climbtheladder: so what groove/team do you use in cvs2?

sexy potter 87: k groove mag storm sent
sexy potter 87: aka vega cammy sag or blanka for veg

climbtheladder: even though you are popular among the marvel community, most people donā€™t know that youā€™ve been placing in tournaments consistently
climbtheladder: in cvs2 that is
climbtheladder: and also marvel

sexy potter 87: lol i usually do better in cvs tournaments than marvel
sexy potter 87: because socal sucks more at cvs

climbtheladder: any other reason?

sexy potter 87: i suck at marvel

climbtheladder: =/, i hear you are quitting in marvel. is that true? also why?

sexy potter 87: i need to devote my time and energy in a better place
sexy potter 87: aka getting at your mom

climbtheladder: :frowning:

sexy potter 87: <3

climbtheladder: so
climbtheladder: if you could sum up cvs2 in 2-3 sentences, please do

sexy potter 87: Bullshit, but less bullshit than marvel and slash.

climbtheladder: what do you mean as in bullshit?

sexy potter 87: lol fob

climbtheladder: i do not know of this "bullshit"
climbtheladder: please explain

sexy potter 87: roll cancels + a groove

climbtheladder: ah, good. fucking. answer.

sexy potter 87: YOU KNOW THE DRILL

climbtheladder: yes i do.

sexy potter 87: whats your momā€™s cell?
sexy potter 87: yeo bo se yo

climbtheladder: 626 fuck-yo-ass
climbtheladder: doesnā€™t make sense but i donā€™t care

sexy potter 87: sheā€™s down with anal?

climbtheladder: =/
climbtheladder: anyways
climbtheladder: what do you think of the evo series so far

sexy potter 87: no reason to make evo east and west 2 day events
sexy potter 87: west was just a glorified socal tournament
sexy potter 87: could have finished in a day

climbtheladder: what do you think east/vegas will be like?

sexy potter 87: east is going to have 20 people

climbtheladder: lololol

sexy potter 87: vegas is going to be apeshit insance
sexy potter 87: INSANCE IN THIS BITCH

climbtheladder: i agree
climbtheladder: makes no sense just like the guy who called me ā€œgemsā€ at the boba placeā€¦

sexy potter 87: WHATS GOOD GEMS

climbtheladder: -__-
climbtheladder: anyways
climbtheladder: this is a serious question
climbtheladder: give us some advice for tourney play?
climbtheladder: haha that wasnā€™t a question dumbass

sexy potter 87: always gettin nervous
sexy potter 87: ho

climbtheladder: yes
climbtheladder: but how can one prevent that?
climbtheladder: or overcome

sexy potter 87: what i do
sexy potter 87: is remember that im smarter, faster, stronger, and wittier than anyone im playing
sexy potter 87: and i usually have a better life
sexy potter 87: and iā€™m usually better looking
sexy potter 87: and i usually have nicer clothes
sexy potter 87: so in the end it really doesnā€™t matter how i do

climbtheladder: wow
climbtheladder: but what if you have to play pigadoken aka albert aka jalhoney

sexy potter 87: i let him win
sexy potter 87: because he has a better chance of winning the tournament
sexy potter 87: plus heā€™s the diva of the set
sexy potter 87: the sweetest bitch

climbtheladder: interesting, but what about the ā€œCOMPETETIVE FIREEEEā€

sexy potter 87: what about it?
sexy potter 87: itā€™s not life or death
sexy potter 87: itā€™s a shitty game

climbtheladder: , man you are a fag
climbtheladder: anyways
climbtheladder: gonna wrap this up pretty soon
climbtheladder: (no homo jokes please)

sexy potter 87: thats how i feel about your mom

climbtheladder: goddamn it
climbtheladder: any memorable tournament games?
climbtheladder: matches i mean

sexy potter 87: i raped eric choi one time at a camelot tournament
sexy potter 87: i beat jesse with r4 sagat at irvine

climbtheladder: oh wow
climbtheladder: i heard legends about that match against eric choi
climbtheladder: what was going on in your head during that match?

sexy potter 87: and i graced you at numerous tournaments
sexy potter 87: lol i was trying to see the screen
sexy potter 87: that dude has a giant head

climbtheladder: i mean you were facing a-are aka K GROOVE KILLER
climbtheladder: hahahahaha

sexy potter 87: blocking my life bar and super bar
sexy potter 87: COULDNā€™T SEE SHIT

climbtheladder: lol
climbtheladder: any advice against a-are for the k groovers at home?

sexy potter 87: jump straight up against sak
sexy potter 87: and just defend everything
sexy potter 87: uppercut activations
sexy potter 87: and good luck against a blanka

climbtheladder: bitch is easy

sexy potter 87: that motherfucker is broken

climbtheladder: just block

sexy potter 87: thanks for the advice james
sexy potter 87: 10-0
sexy potter 87: bitch

climbtheladder: haha
climbtheladder: man fuck you
climbtheladder: any shoutouts?
climbtheladder: goddamn it

sexy potter 87: first and foremost, your mom

climbtheladder: i already know what youā€™re going to say
climbtheladder: -__-

sexy potter 87: then the dips of course

climbtheladder: nice

sexy potter 87: potter in particular
sexy potter 87: even though heā€™s the gayest dip

climbtheladder: speaking of potter i hear his cvs2 game has been improving
climbtheladder: almost reaching top 8 at evo west and also placing high at ECC
climbtheladder: what the fuck is up with that

sexy potter 87: heā€™s better in cvs than he is in marvel

climbtheladder: wowā€¦

sexy potter 87: if he actually played cvs
sexy potter 87: heā€™d rape everyone
sexy potter 87: EVERYONE

climbtheladder: wowā€¦
climbtheladder: alright thanks bill

sexy potter 87: tell your mom
sexy potter 87: iā€™ll see her soon
sexy potter 87: <3

alright everyone, watch out for this wildcard at EVO.

god damn, i almost lost to that bitch

keith lucky ho

i thought you were good

i think the vids prove that iā€™m the most horrible player alive
iā€™ll take any win i can getā€¦
