Interview With UCRollerblader - Jesse Gan
Background Info:
Age: 23
Location: Riverside, CA
Occupation: Being so nice?
Other Facts: Originally from Nor Cal.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Jesse Gan, you went to evo vegas. how would you sum up your trip for the people who didnt go? What were your favorite moments?
OKFNJesse: It was in my opinion the best major tournament so far and it had a lot of highlights. My favorite moments of evo were the CVS2 finals and top 8
qualifiers, the MVC2 Qualifiers for top 8, and the Duc Dookie Vs. Sanford matches
as far as actual matches
HaiI Tripp Eisen: outside of gaming at evo vegas, what did you do?
OKFNJesse: We arrived 3 days earlier than the tournament and stayed on the strip. I guess we just did
OKFNJesse: the normal vegas things that everyone does, drink hard every day, play poker, flirt with random hoes that walk by us
OKFNJesse: I also had the pleasure of sleeping out by the tropicana pool and receiving my first suburn in 5 years
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
OKFNJesse: that bastard laugh let me sleep in the sun for over an hour
OKFNJesse: least he could have done was rub a little suntan lotion on my chest
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i bet everyone would love to do that jesse
HaiI Tripp Eisen: rub that lotion right on your chest.
OKFNJesse: especially your sister <3
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha oh god
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what did u do to prepare for this evo?
OKFNJesse: twice a week I made sure to drink at least 2 or 3 beers or shots, I got my hair cut, Did a load of laundry to clean all the clothes I would be wearing, and worked to stockpile money to pay for the hotel room and buffets
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
OKFNJesse: Gaming wise?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: no fuck that
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but yeah go ahead.
OKFNJesse: oh, well gaming wise I fucked up pretty bad before this evo. I was working a lot and the only game I really practiced in was marvel. We unfortunately didn’t have 2 working ps2 sticks so I didn’t get to play much cvs2 or 3s
OKFNJesse: A few times I went to your house to practice but instead ended up eating at marie callenders and in and out
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but you have to admit
HaiI Tripp Eisen: that chicken pot pie was good yea?
OKFNJesse: I had the tri-tip you forgetful oriental ass bitch
HaiI Tripp Eisen: SAME THING
HaiI Tripp Eisen: the only meal i remember was that salmon shit ryan ordered and mine.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and then bean sounding hella gay about ordering that chicken pot pie as well
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and that shitty waiter
OKFNJesse: damn… you have a good memory
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yup
HaiI Tripp Eisen: the only thing i dont rememer is your order =[
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha that fuckin in n out place with viscant and his stories
OKFNJesse: Jay is full of epic stories but they all end with him sounding like a bitch
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha tell us, howd you meat mr.jay
OKFNJesse: it was nice to meat him (marn humor). But I think I met him 4 or 5 years ago when he used to be good at fighting games. He came down to one of our local tournaments and placed first in every game if I remember correctly. Through the years I managed to build up enough trust where he let me sleep over at his apartment one day. While I was there I gave him the indian goggles and to my surprise he woke up during the middle of it. We both had a good laugh and have been friends since
HaiI Tripp Eisen: aww hugs
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what you like to do outside of video games and all that
OKFNJesse: sometimes the strongest bonds are built with a sack on the eyelids
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah. i mean look how cool i am with james
OKFNJesse: naw you guys are just gay, if it wasn’t for the sex you guys wouldn’t talk to each other
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: fuck that
OKFNJesse: but yeah outside of games my favorite hobbies are probably partying with friends, playing poker, and karaoke/drinking fests
OKFNJesse: next on my list would be cuddling samantha wong but thats more of a chore than a hobby lately
HaiI Tripp Eisen: are you the guy that always comes to my house at night when we all asleep?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: those noises, that was you?
OKFNJesse: naw fuck that man, I don’t want to have to throw rocks at the window, that shit is so high school
HaiI Tripp Eisen: not THOSE noises
OKFNJesse: hey, i can’t help having huge genetalia man… I think you’ll just have to deal
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so jesse your birthday was just a couple weeks ago.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: get anything special?
OKFNJesse: I received a lot of alcohol to help stock the apartment, and I received
a visit from my good friend Keith Ho who flew all the way down to socal for 20
hours just to hang out for my birthday
HaiI Tripp Eisen: loyal ass friends you got man
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and keith is known for his bad reputation
OKFNJesse: hey put the interview on hold my gf is here with dinner
------------------------------------Interview On Hold--------------------------------------------
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what is your most memorable/charishable moment in your cvs2 career?
OKFNJesse: you know, in all this time playing cvs2 I haven’t really made a big enough dent to have a huge moment. I just kinda have fun playing day to day but i’ve never really had a tournament showing that I was really proud of
OKFNJesse: I won a small long beach tournament before evo 2k4 that paid for my entry into the event, I guess that was the best i’ve done in a tourney
HaiI Tripp Eisen: well thats good man, just keep playing for the fun of it
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and one day
HaiI Tripp Eisen: that day, will find you.
OKFNJesse: naw don’t get me wrong i would like to get myself into good competitive shape, but I have too much life taking up my time
OKFNJesse: It’s happening to all of the players everywhere. Even Valle, the man who ragged on everyone for bitching about not being able to find competition, admitted that he doesn’t get to play as often as he would like to due to life getting in the way
HaiI Tripp Eisen: life before video games.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: unless you’re people like uhh
HaiI Tripp Eisen: dentron.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: jk
OKFNJesse: Naw dentron is actually all about life > video games
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah definately
HaiI Tripp Eisen: dentrons the man
OKFNJesse: dude never wants to drive anywhere unless there are hoes there
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ahaha thats how it goes
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but you have met many cool people in the scene have you?
OKFNJesse: yeah of course, last weekend when I went to norcal I was hanging out with a bunch of people that I met through games, but didn’t actually play games with them
OKFNJesse: hell I even met my roommate through playing games
HaiI Tripp Eisen: life is sf.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: sf is life.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: … quoted by john choi
OKFNJesse: john choi is the man
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ALRIGHT jesse give us some insight. some uplifting information, give us advice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: on life, games, how to get women. anything
OKFNJesse: ok time for the easy route
OKFNJesse: if you want to take the easy route in life, the easiest way to make money is to already have money to invest, to win in games the easiest pick yun/santhrax/team bas, to win in the girl game with the least effort get your hands on some smirnoff ice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha tight
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i was actually thinking of trying smirnoff the other day
HaiI Tripp Eisen: the bottle looks classy
OKFNJesse: the vodka or the girly drink?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: vodka
OKFNJesse: ah, it’s not as good as say… belvedere, but it works
HaiI Tripp Eisen: never heard of belvedere
OKFNJesse: it’s expensive but it’s damn smooth vodka
OKFNJesse: I like it better than grey goose and absolute
HaiI Tripp Eisen: btw - i am not a alcoholic everyone.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i just try them. THATS IT.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: anyways!
OKFNJesse: thats the whole interview?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: not done yet
OKFNJesse: oh well i’m sure people will clamor to have 3 or 4 with me later anyways
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so jesse
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you are pretty popular around the srk comunity i think.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: how do you become so loved?!
OKFNJesse: the easiest way is to make threads that only talk about yourself… did you ever see the “get jesse rep” thread. Shit was loved by all and I just got to talk about myself all day
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha i did
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and i also saw the mr.horsemeat thread.
OKFNJesse: yeah i got negged and positived equally on that one
HaiI Tripp Eisen: people who neg rep are fuckin dumb. wtf is neg rep?
OKFNJesse: it basically means this…
HaiI Tripp Eisen: YOU FUCKIN SUCK?
OKFNJesse: I am mad at you because you said something that I don’t agree with, but I still took the time out to read everything you said and now i’m mad
HaiI Tripp Eisen: damn.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: im pretty mad now.
OKFNJesse: yeah but you’re not premium
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so what?
OKFNJesse: so you can’t neg anyone
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i still neg you faggot
OKFNJesse: sure guy
OKFNJesse: well
OKFNJesse: i’m gonna use this opportunity to post many of my greatest threads
OKFNJesse: the fart
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i just kiddin ill give you +10000000000 points
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
OKFNJesse: cvs2 and life advice
OKFNJesse: potter tha otter
OKFNJesse: Viscant in a spice girls outfit
OKFNJesse: damnit… i just realized the really good threads all got deleted when wizard purged the database
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh wow awesome
HaiI Tripp Eisen: aight here we go with this game again:
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i say a word, you say what comes to mind
OKFNJesse: ok
HaiI Tripp Eisen: JIZZ
OKFNJesse: mouth
HaiI Tripp Eisen: LOLOOLOLOL
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh shit ok
OKFNJesse: laugh out loud
OKFNJesse: poop
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Laugh
OKFNJesse: John Cena
HaiI Tripp Eisen: LOLOL explain that one
OKFNJesse: Ok… so Laugh the cvs2 player stayed with me for 2 weeks before evo. On the first day he was there he said the most bizarre shit… he said “hey people say i look like john cena” and I looked at him like “WTF”
HaiI Tripp Eisen: lololololol
HaiI Tripp Eisen: probably the jaw line
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i hella just imagined laugh doing the john cena “you cant see me” pose
OKFNJesse: i imagined john cenas muscular frame
OKFNJesse: and that gave me a good enough laugh to not even have to think about the pose
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahahaha oh shit
OKFNJesse: i mean… I guess I kinda look like roseanne bar if the lighting is right
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha i got something to show you at the end of this interview but for now:
HaiI Tripp Eisen: lets move it on
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Powerade
OKFNJesse: sucks compared to vitamin water
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Bill
OKFNJesse: Bagnus
OKFNJesse: James Killer
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Chang Bin
OKFNJesse: owned by bill
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nor Cal
OKFNJesse: hyphy
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so cal
OKFNJesse: sucks
OKFNJesse: bitch
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Static-X - Push It
OKFNJesse: Crazy ass beard
OKFNJesse: .com
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok last one:
OKFNJesse: the end
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Chinese
OKFNJesse: Lol fuckin orientals
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha bitch
OKFNJesse: Gene wong
OKFNJesse: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Gene Wong Oriental
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Noodles
OKFNJesse: nice you should start a company
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah i should. i’ll supply you
OKFNJesse: Mr. Wong’s Crazy Noodle Hut
HaiI Tripp Eisen: god damn, that sounds nice
OKFNJesse: then you could have a spinoff branch
OKFNJesse: called Mr. Horsemeat
HaiI Tripp Eisen: HAHAH
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you can work there and make them millions
HaiI Tripp Eisen: like keith
HaiI Tripp Eisen: btw, keith wont tell me what he works as.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i made a theory that he sucks cock for money
OKFNJesse: naw thats just a hobby
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Keith’s secrets will unravel
HaiI Tripp Eisen: take a look at this jesse:
OKFNJesse: you should have a chatroom style interview about Keith Secrets
HaiI Tripp Eisen:
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha thats a good idea.
OKFNJesse: wtf i gotta show you something funny
OKFNJesse: see how josh groban tops the list?
OKFNJesse: read the comments
HaiI Tripp Eisen: god damn
HaiI Tripp Eisen: shit is true
OKFNJesse: Nice anna kournikova
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah
OKFNJesse: I didn’t know they compared asses too
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you a tennis player for life
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Prince Williams of Wales
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you’re a prince too
OKFNJesse: Prince of Tennis
OKFNJesse: O_O
HaiI Tripp Eisen: damn
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you got it all going up for you
HaiI Tripp Eisen: alright jesse
HaiI Tripp Eisen: lets wrap this shit up
OKFNJesse: wait…
HaiI Tripp Eisen: NO
OKFNJesse: how the fuck does that site work?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: alright
HaiI Tripp Eisen: you upload a picture
HaiI Tripp Eisen: and then it traces your face, and it gives you results of who
you look like
OKFNJesse: see if laugh comes up as john cena before you go
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: give me a good pic of ryan
HaiI Tripp Eisen: wait i think james chen’s pics should have it
OKFNJesse: this is gonna be sweet
HaiI Tripp Eisen: help me find a pic
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
OKFNJesse: aight hold your damn horsemeat
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yes sir
HaiI Tripp Eisen: campbell looks like jay leno
OKFNJesse: this is not a request to jerk your abnormaly large cock
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: campbell also said peeps think he lookin like Scotty Pippin
OKFNJesse: lol nice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: aight i think i got one
HaiI Tripp Eisen: jesse as we close this off, any shout outs
OKFNJesse: Gotta give a shout out to all the dips, Random James, Jwong, all those east coast guys… Snarky Q, Gay Snyder, Sex and Kill, Keith Ho, RickyJohnLBKimLeezyTYRAMand all those other norcal guys… and god… big ups to god
OKFNJesse: oh and bas
OKFNJesse: dude is a ho but he still gets a shout out
HaiI Tripp Eisen: tyram fear the K
HaiI Tripp Eisen: HEY LOOK
HaiI Tripp Eisen:
OKFNJesse: oh snap he does look like john cena!
HaiI Tripp Eisen: crazy ass shit
OKFNJesse: aight peace