Interview With Nick Temme
Interview with Nick T.
(22:09:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nick T. What is your full name?
(22:09:43) Hydroladah2: Nick Temme
(22:09:57) Hydroladah2: you could understand the T part. Everyone fucks up the last name
(22:10:17) HaiI Tripp Eisen: How do you pronounce it, so no one will fuck it up again?
(22:10:26) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:10:46) Hydroladah2: take the last E out and then say Tem - E
(22:10:51) Hydroladah2: yah, if that makes sense
(22:11:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: sure. What game do you play? and why? do you play any others?
(22:13:14) Hydroladah2: I like CvS2 the most. Mostly because of the stuff that i’ve found out about strategy and other aspects of fighting games while playing it. Alot of variety, and different things to learn. I like ST. I don’t really like 3s and i’m getting into Marvel recently.
(22:14:05) HaiI Tripp Eisen: nice. What’s your cvs2 team? Why do you pick this team?
(22:15:28) Hydroladah2: I like to play A-Blanka/Bison/Sak r2 mostly, because well honestly, its cheap as hell. The reason why in that order is because I feel its a bit safer against the overall cast. I have alot of other teams and characters that I like, but that’s the main.
(22:15:54) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nice. Who are your admired players? Why?
(22:18:52) Hydroladah2: Well, I don’t really admire players. I just like how certain people play based on what I notice in the gameplay. Daigo is one of them, because when you watch him play, you see that he has an overall grasp of basic strategy and applies it as best as possible in whatever situation.
(22:19:22) HaiI Tripp Eisen: True dat homie. Why is buk such a baller?
(22:19:44) Hydroladah2: I dunno. I don’t know him, so I can’t say.
(22:20:00) Hydroladah2: because he’s vietnamazing???
(22:20:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: WRONG. next question:
(22:20:11) Hydroladah2: argg
(22:20:24) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Im going to say a series of words: tell me what pops into
your mind.
(22:20:30) Hydroladah2: ok
(22:20:35) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Roll CANCOH!
(22:20:51) Hydroladah2: lol random canadians from ecc 8
(22:20:58) Hydroladah2: maybe 7
(22:21:16) Hydroladah2: i can explain
(22:21:42) Hydroladah2: ok, during a JSMaster and Sanford match…
(22:22:24) Hydroladah2: random canadians were screaming stuff out, and one of them said exactly that, “Rowl canco” It was random as hell and it just stuck in my mind.
(22:22:47) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Hell yeah ROH CANCO!
(22:22:57) Hydroladah2: engrish ftw!!
(22:22:58) HaiI Tripp Eisen: next word:
(22:23:01) Hydroladah2: ok
(22:23:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HAK
(22:23:13) Hydroladah2: Hail And Kill
(22:23:25) HaiI Tripp Eisen: KOK
(22:23:37) Hydroladah2: Japanese player?
(22:23:40) Hydroladah2: can’t remember
(22:24:03) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Blank.
(22:24:14) Hydroladah2: paper
(22:24:22) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Die.
(22:24:26) Hydroladah2: knife
(22:24:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Hatred
(22:24:41) Hydroladah2: fire
(22:24:51) HaiI Tripp Eisen: CrazyAss
(22:25:08) Hydroladah2: Let Me Crazy avatar lol
(22:25:12) HaiI Tripp Eisen: YES
(22:25:18) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Fine Woman.
(22:25:25) Hydroladah2: Latin big asses
(22:25:28) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:25:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HAHAHAH
(22:25:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: one more
(22:25:38) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Sir
(22:26:00) Hydroladah2: sir???
(22:26:02) Hydroladah2: wtf[/COLOR]
(22:26:04) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Sir.
(22:26:24) Hydroladah2: a wealthy guy
(22:26:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: SAN DIEGO.
(22:26:40) Hydroladah2: California
(22:26:44) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Honey Jal
(22:26:51) Hydroladah2: huh??
(22:26:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HONEY JAL FOO
(22:27:22) Hydroladah2: well thinking of the word honey, I think Jessica Alba. But I dunno who Honey Jal is
(22:27:31) HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha ok, good enough.
(22:27:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: So what inspired you to play cvs2?
(22:27:42) Hydroladah2: damn, uhh…
(22:29:07) Hydroladah2: back in 2000 I started playing marvel and cvs with friends. Then in 2001 when I moved to NY, I started playing cvs2 because it was basically the into I could get into right away being from another place. You could hypothetically say cvs2 was a connection or something, I dunno. You know what I mean.
(22:29:39) Hydroladah2: with CTF being here and stuff. Yeah
(22:29:57) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Oh i see.
(22:30:15) HaiI Tripp Eisen: If you could play ONE player right now, who would it be?
(22:30:36) Hydroladah2: hmm…
(22:31:10) Hydroladah2: I would probably play either Alex Valle or Buk because I haven’t played either of them.
(22:31:32) Hydroladah2: I’ve played Choi, JWong, Sanford ,etc. But not those 2. (off the top of my head)
(22:31:52) HaiI Tripp Eisen: i see. What do you think of Theory fighting fools? Like allen chang for example.
(22:31:58) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:32:36) Hydroladah2: Well, I think of it as just a way of being creative with the game. Sometimes you find stuff out, sometimes u don’t
(22:32:57) HaiI Tripp Eisen: In allen’s case, you don’t find anything out. Sorry Allen.
(22:33:12) Hydroladah2: nah his C Rolento throw setup is nice
(22:33:19) HaiI Tripp Eisen: stfu nick!
(22:33:25) Hydroladah2: lol. I liked it
(22:34:15) Hydroladah2: its good because you could cancel early into down + mk and go in front of them into up close setups, you know the drill
(22:34:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Do you have any rivals on SRK?
(22:35:13) Hydroladah2: eh, I try not to hate on anyone because thats really not how I am. I DO find that people say alot of stuff behind my back, but can’t come forward. They know who they are.
(22:39:50) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Do you have any tips for someone trying to pick up cvs2, or find themselves to be doing terrible, and want to get better?
(22:40:49) Hydroladah2: Honestly the best way is to understand how to learn from mistakes. Then go from there and keep playing.
(22:41:09) HaiI Tripp Eisen: How much do you play this game?
(22:42:00) Hydroladah2: I use to play like a mad man back in HS. Now its just like once or twice a month at CF, and the occasional practicing random things at home.
(22:42:18) HaiI Tripp Eisen: That’s good. Do you have any side hobbies?
(22:43:26) Hydroladah2: Exercising. I learned alot about health the past few years and i feel its important (insert random speech) Aside from that, movies, music, people.
(22:43:43) HaiI Tripp Eisen: What type of music do you like?
(22:43:43) Hydroladah2: Staten Island is garbage. The mall and emos, yay
(22:43:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: You like emos?
(22:43:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: WTF
(22:44:04) HaiI Tripp Eisen: sorry this interview is over.
(22:44:12) Hydroladah2: I like rock mostly, but these days its been boring because its been all crap. Like the screamo BS.
(22:44:13) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:44:20) Hydroladah2: nah im saying, they’re everywhere.
(22:44:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: ohhhh ok. just like that one time i was at james games.
(22:44:45) Hydroladah2: with music, i’ll listen to anything with a good beat.
(22:45:43) HaiI Tripp Eisen: what do you think of HAK?
(22:45:52) HaiI Tripp Eisen: your deep, personal thoughts. GO.
(22:45:57) Hydroladah2: cool guy from what I know
(22:46:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: :-*
(22:46:21) Hydroladah2: ok
(22:46:47) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Any shout outs before we close this?
(22:46:58) Hydroladah2: nah im good
(22:47:25) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Ok, Thanks Nick T. for the interview. Good luck to you on your CVS2 journey!
(22:47:29) Hydroladah2: yay