Interview With SRK Players

I thought it would be neat to interview some of the SRK players here. Ima try to get atleast 1 interview every 2 weeks or so. Good shit, let’s get this rollin.
PM me if you would like to be interviewed? O_o…
Interview With Sir Phobos aka Matt McCabe**

HAK: So phobos, when did you start playing this game, and why?

**SirPhobos: **I started in 2002, I bought it for console and just messed around with friends at the time. We weren’t very good or anything, and I hadn’t watched tournament match vids or anything yet. I bought CVS2 because my friends, at the time, were into 2D fighters, and I was picking up all the old DC Capcom games.

HAK: Very interesting. So why did you decide to get serious into the game?

SirPhobos: Well, I found out about websites like, and then later on when I was surfing the internet, trying to find info about 3rd Strike so I could beat my friends. =P
I started to download combo videos, and then I found out about match videos…

SirPhobos: The first match videos I watched were some old SHGL tourney vids between Alex Valle and Combofiend. When I watched them, I was blown away by Valle’s N-Ryu and Combofiend’s Rolento. I wanted to get good at CVS2 like them, so I started reading strats on SRK and practicing at home.

HAK: So I take it Combofiend and Valle are some of your admirable players? Do you have any others?

**SirPhobos: **That’s right. I admire a lot of players, but some of my favorite American players are Valle, Combofiend, John Choi, Jason Cole, and Mike Watson. They all have impressive amounts of clutch that makes every match with them exciting to watch. My favorite player, though, is probably Daigo. In every game, he has a fearless attitude, and his mind-reading skills are unparalleled.

HAK: How long did it take you to get as good as you are now? And do you play often, with who? Are they your level or are they higher?

SirPhobos: I’ve been playing ever since I started in 2002, so to get as good as I am now…about 4 years! I still have a long way to go, though. I play CVS2 and 3S with RiCo as often as possible, but not lately. Everyone around here usually starts playing pretty hardcore during the summer before Evo, though. All of the RiCo players (Albert, Nam, Jesse, David, Bill) are really good at CVS2. They are definitely above me, but I think I’m catching up pretty quick.

HAK: Any tips to someone wanting to learn cvs2 or 3s?

SirPhobos: For anyone who wants to learn CVS2 or 3S, just find some people to play with. If you play together often, everyone in the group will start to get better. It also helps to watch videos, but not to just copy what you see. Look at the setups they use in the vid, and see if you can incorporate them into your own gameplan.

HAK: Thanks for the time phobos, is there any shout outs you want to give?

SirPhobos: I wanna give a shoutout to Hail and Kill from San Diego, he’s a beast. Everyone’s gotta watch out for him at Evo this year. Not just in CVS2, but keep an eye on your hoez because he just might snatch them up while you aren’t looking. I also wanna give a shoutout to Paro-Da AKA Barlog, and misterbean AKA Senior Frijole. You guys are bitches.

HAK: ey hold up whats senior frijole?

HAK: Haha
SirPhobos:** Spanish for “beans”

Thanks Phobos. And i want to snatch your hoes, yes.

Interview With Misterbean97

Interview With Misterbean97

HAK: Misterbean, what is your real name?

Bean: james im aka #1 angry korean

HAK: What is your most favored game? any other game you play?

Bean: cvs2. but i’m trying to play 3s seriously…and hopefully phobos will teach me slash ^^

HAK: That’s very interesting. Why cvs2?

Bean: its a really fun game. i mean why not play a game that allows you to play 3 diff characters?

HAK: What about Marvel Vs Capcom 2?

Bean: mvc2 looks like a really fun game however it seems to late to learn now, haha
Bean: team chemistry seems much more vital in that game

HAK: Oh ok. What is your main team in CVS2? Why do you choose this groove?

Bean: k-rock/cammy/sagat
Bean: its fun JDing and killing a-sak is my ultimate goal

HAK: no homo.

Bean: HOMO

HAK: hahahaha!
HAK: Which players do you admire? Why?

Bean: lets see: ino, cause he’s that crazy mofo
Bean: inspired me to use k actually
Bean: combofiend since he’s the american cvs2 hero
Bean: otk, since he uses such an oddball team and owns with it
Bean: leezy for having the best k groove in the us, imo

HAK: coo coo. What inspired you to start CVS2?

Bean: i remember watching some old mwc cvs2 matches and seeing someone do the rolento CC
Bean: the game looke dreally crazy so i wanted to pick that up
Bean: (i tried playing marvel first…failed miserably)

HAK: shit, thats dirty.

Bean: yea i kno

HAK: Who do you play with now? How often do you play?

Bean: lets see, i live in irvine
Bean: and the only people that play here are matt ‘dentron’ ‘fagtron’ darrow, eugene (no one knows this foo), locoasskim
Bean: usually
Bean: i only play like 2-3 days a week
Bean: for like 3 or 4 hours
Bean: but lately i’ve been playing a LOT
Bean: i also play with riverside foos like ucrjesse, pigadoken, nam ‘viet warrior’, and many others

HAK: Who is your favorite to play out of those?

Bean: hmmmm
Bean: hard question
Bean: prob kim cause he plays so goddamn smart
Bean: but dentron also too
Bean: cause he always falls for my ghetto shit, HAH

HAK: when did you start playing this game?

Bean: let me think, i think…
Bean: almost 3 years

HAK: Do you think you will do well at evo?

Bean: hah, HOPEFULLY. however, i have a reputation for choking in tournies (no homo). but if i don’t choke i know i will do well
Bean: but i’m pretty damn sure, i’ll be a beast

HAK: I see. Good shit. What advice do you have for beginning players?

Bean: pick a groove that suits you. pick 3 characters that suit you. practice, practice, practice. don’t complain about RCs/random supers, cause there is always a way out.
Bean: no matter how hard you get your ass kicked keep playing
Bean: we need scrubs like you, cause one day you will FLORISH ^^

HAK: bitch. don’t get dirty with me.

Bean: shit is the truth bitch

HAK: Who is the best player you have ever played?

Bean: hmm
Bean: prob combofiend
Bean: even though i play him every so often
Bean: his style of play is very smart
Bean: unlike many others…

HAK: like who?
HAK: (don’t be a batch)

Bean: like this scrub named hail and kill

HAK: i see. i see.

Bean: yea

HAK: Have there been any recent tourney’s you have been proud of? How do you handle the stress?

Bean: haha recently none
Bean: handling stress…
Bean: just remember
Bean: this is a GAME. don’t let the GAME get to you.
Bean: no need to get stressed over a game
Bean: just let it be a hobby
Bean: but that shouldn’t stop you to strive to be the best

HAK: What is the best advice anyone has given you? Who was it from?

Bean: combofiend once told me
Bean: the basis of cvs2 is the knockdown
Bean: rcs/jb all that jibber jabber doesn’t matter until you get a knockdown
Bean: you establish your ground against an opponent by getting the knockdown

HAK: Is there any character specifics you want to tell us about your team?

Bean: once you get the knockdown, work on attack his meter
Bean: once that shit starts flashing
Bean: thats when you do all the crazy shit
Bean: character specificis lets see…
Bean: rock: this foo can be a bitch to play against, ESP in k. he should be feared when he’s raged due to his 360 setups and he can also reversal shining knuckle a number of normals/JD’d normals. utilize random jab elbows since they can get you the knockdown. he’s a good character, don’t underestimate this mofo
Bean: k-cammy: everyone knows this bitch is crazy
Bean: k-sagat: everyone knows my dad is crazy

HAK: O_o.

HAK: Thanks Bean for the time and interview!
HAK: any shout outs?

Bean: np
Bean: shout outs to
Bean: riverside, irvine, norcal, sd CVS2

HAK: SD cvs2? there’s such a thing?

Bean: aka scrub and luck

HAK: Oh. Ok.thanks again!

Bean: np

Thank you bean!

Interview With vAsAzNiOn

Interview with infamous Allen Chang.

HAK: vasaznion, what’s your real name?

Allen: allen

HAK: What inspired you to play capcom vs snk 2?

vAs AzN iOn: losing in mvc2 with anarkaris/servbot/tron and watching cvs2 players while i wait in line

HAK: so you decide to drop MVC2 big time and go for cvs2?
HAK: thats a fuckin whack team btw.

vAs AzN iOn: yeah i decided that its time to retire from mvc2 and go with the real game

HAK: What is your real team now? can you give us an insite why
you chose this team?

vAs AzN iOn: A-vega/maki/blankaR2. A-vega and blanka are self explanatory, they are just too good. i never really practiced A-bison or A-sak before and i lose interest in playing them after i screw up their custom in matches. i’ve used K-maki since i started playing cvs2, and since maki has a decent anti air custom, it kind of suits me.

HAK: why do you have a fetish with anti air CCs?

vAs AzN iOn: cuz people have a fetish with jumping

HAK: Good answer. Which players do you admire? why?

vAs AzN iOn: i admire combofiend because he’s a genius at work, mago’s turtling style that just dominates shit without having to do a lot of shit, i like kok just cuz i like saying the phrase “[COLOR=“Red”]i like kok” and also because he’s the first player i’ve seen that spams rc jab ball with vega and that’s probably one of the main reason why i started using vega, i just love spamming that move[/COLOR]

HAK: I see… O_o… Who tought you cvs2? Yourself?

vAs AzN iOn: well, back when i first started, i used to watch this crazy korean guy just own scrubs for free at the arcade, he was great. he’d beat people and then curse at them under his breath calling them scrubs and shit. he even cursed at me when i do dumb shit repeatdly. and for some reason i really wanted him to acknowledge that i’m better than that, so i forced myself to learn to play with as little scrubbiness as possible. learn dope tricks, and make them work in game. i constantly watched vids, studied gimmicks and tactics. slowly learn from ass beatings how to play the game.

HAK: thats awesome fool. Hey, say something dirty.

vAs AzN iOn: cock
vAs AzN iOn: i like it

HAK: …wow.

vAs AzN iOn: uh, no homo

HAK: Give a shout out to a few people: GO

vAs AzN iOn: uh, fucking the Epnis crew dentron, eugene, eliot, abelicious, fucking neo epnis member bean.

vAs AzN iOn: UCR guys were dope shit, good shit to them and their gatherings

vAs AzN iOn: everyone on srk that i met in person or talked to on aim are dope people, i love theory fighting, so msg me or some shit and i’ll talk theory fighting cvs2 for days

HAK: What do you do on your spare time?

vAs AzN iOn: i play alpha2 in my spare time

vAs AzN iOn: i rape scrubs in alpha2 with cvs2

HAK: what do you work as? do you have a job?

vAs AzN iOn: i’m working on campus, lab assistant that pays shitty

HAK:What about night jobs?

vAs AzN iOn: it pays well

vAs AzN iOn: $100 per dance routine

HAK: Wow. that is a lot.

vAs AzN iOn: yeah, people will pay a lot to see guys dressed up as girls

HAK: Dang. thats tight fool. Why is your answering machine on your cell phone so stupid?

vAs AzN iOn: my answering machine? i dont’ have one, people keep hanging up on me when i have bad reception.

vAs AzN iOn: i keep saying "hello? hello? " and they hang up

vAs AzN iOn: oh wait that’s my answering machine, haha sucker

HAK: stfu fool. :(. If you can diss one fag on srk right now, who would it be?

vAs AzN iOn: LOL (the)GEESE

HAK: oh damn, good times.

HAK: Thanks Allen for your time! any last words??

vAs AzN iOn: yeah i can only quote bean on this, [COLOR=“Red”]“fucking the world ain’t ready for me”[/COLOR]

Thanks Allen. No one’s ready for your night job either.


(22:08:04) HaiI Tripp Eisen: thats a wrap
(22:08:10) vAs AzN iOn: dipset no homo
(22:08:22) vAs AzN iOn: now i can be myself
(22:08:23) HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeuh
(22:08:25) HaiI Tripp Eisen: yay
(22:08:26) vAs AzN iOn: cock in your moufffff

Those were great, whats with the “dirty” talk? Inside joke? whatever, Funny shit somewhat insightful.

Interview With Nick Temme

Interview with Nick T.

(22:09:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nick T. What is your full name?

(22:09:43) Hydroladah2: Nick Temme
(22:09:57) Hydroladah2: you could understand the T part. Everyone fucks up the last name

(22:10:17) HaiI Tripp Eisen: How do you pronounce it, so no one will fuck it up again?

(22:10:26) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:10:46) Hydroladah2: take the last E out and then say Tem - E
(22:10:51) Hydroladah2: yah, if that makes sense

(22:11:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: sure. What game do you play? and why? do you play any others?

(22:13:14) Hydroladah2: I like CvS2 the most. Mostly because of the stuff that i’ve found out about strategy and other aspects of fighting games while playing it. Alot of variety, and different things to learn. I like ST. I don’t really like 3s and i’m getting into Marvel recently.

(22:14:05) HaiI Tripp Eisen: nice. What’s your cvs2 team? Why do you pick this team?

(22:15:28) Hydroladah2: I like to play A-Blanka/Bison/Sak r2 mostly, because well honestly, its cheap as hell. The reason why in that order is because I feel its a bit safer against the overall cast. I have alot of other teams and characters that I like, but that’s the main.

(22:15:54) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nice. Who are your admired players? Why?

(22:18:52) Hydroladah2: Well, I don’t really admire players. I just like how certain people play based on what I notice in the gameplay. Daigo is one of them, because when you watch him play, you see that he has an overall grasp of basic strategy and applies it as best as possible in whatever situation.

(22:19:22) HaiI Tripp Eisen: True dat homie. Why is buk such a baller?

(22:19:44) Hydroladah2: I dunno. I don’t know him, so I can’t say.
(22:20:00) Hydroladah2: because he’s vietnamazing???

(22:20:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: WRONG. next question:

(22:20:11) Hydroladah2: argg

(22:20:24) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Im going to say a series of words: tell me what pops into
your mind.

(22:20:30) Hydroladah2: ok

(22:20:35) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Roll CANCOH!

(22:20:51) Hydroladah2: lol random canadians from ecc 8
(22:20:58) Hydroladah2: maybe 7
(22:21:16) Hydroladah2: i can explain
(22:21:42) Hydroladah2: ok, during a JSMaster and Sanford match…
(22:22:24) Hydroladah2: random canadians were screaming stuff out, and one of them said exactly that, “Rowl canco” It was random as hell and it just stuck in my mind.

(22:22:47) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Hell yeah ROH CANCO!

(22:22:57) Hydroladah2: engrish ftw!!

(22:22:58) HaiI Tripp Eisen: next word:

(22:23:01) Hydroladah2: ok

(22:23:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HAK

(22:23:13) Hydroladah2: Hail And Kill

(22:23:25) HaiI Tripp Eisen: KOK

(22:23:37) Hydroladah2: Japanese player?
(22:23:40) Hydroladah2: can’t remember

(22:24:03) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Blank.

(22:24:14) Hydroladah2: paper

(22:24:22) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Die.

(22:24:26) Hydroladah2: knife

(22:24:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Hatred

(22:24:41) Hydroladah2: fire

(22:24:51) HaiI Tripp Eisen: CrazyAss

(22:25:08) Hydroladah2: Let Me Crazy avatar lol

(22:25:12) HaiI Tripp Eisen: YES
(22:25:18) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Fine Woman.

(22:25:25) Hydroladah2: Latin big asses
(22:25:28) Hydroladah2: lol

(22:25:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HAHAHAH
(22:25:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: one more
(22:25:38) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Sir
(22:26:00) Hydroladah2: sir???
(22:26:02) Hydroladah2: wtf[/COLOR]

(22:26:04) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Sir.

(22:26:24) Hydroladah2: a wealthy guy

(22:26:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: SAN DIEGO.

(22:26:40) Hydroladah2: California

(22:26:44) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Honey Jal

(22:26:51) Hydroladah2: huh??

(22:26:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: HONEY JAL FOO

(22:27:22) Hydroladah2: well thinking of the word honey, I think Jessica Alba. But I dunno who Honey Jal is

(22:27:31) HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha ok, good enough.
(22:27:36) HaiI Tripp Eisen: So what inspired you to play cvs2?

(22:27:42) Hydroladah2: damn, uhh…
(22:29:07) Hydroladah2: back in 2000 I started playing marvel and cvs with friends. Then in 2001 when I moved to NY, I started playing cvs2 because it was basically the into I could get into right away being from another place. You could hypothetically say cvs2 was a connection or something, I dunno. You know what I mean.
(22:29:39) Hydroladah2: with CTF being here and stuff. Yeah

(22:29:57) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Oh i see.
(22:30:15) HaiI Tripp Eisen: If you could play ONE player right now, who would it be?

(22:30:36) Hydroladah2: hmm…
(22:31:10) Hydroladah2: I would probably play either Alex Valle or Buk because I haven’t played either of them.
(22:31:32) Hydroladah2: I’ve played Choi, JWong, Sanford ,etc. But not those 2. (off the top of my head)

(22:31:52) HaiI Tripp Eisen: i see. What do you think of Theory fighting fools? Like allen chang for example.

(22:31:58) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:32:36) Hydroladah2: Well, I think of it as just a way of being creative with the game. Sometimes you find stuff out, sometimes u don’t

(22:32:57) HaiI Tripp Eisen: In allen’s case, you don’t find anything out. Sorry Allen.

(22:33:12) Hydroladah2: nah his C Rolento throw setup is nice

(22:33:19) HaiI Tripp Eisen: stfu nick!

(22:33:25) Hydroladah2: lol. I liked it
(22:34:15) Hydroladah2: its good because you could cancel early into down + mk and go in front of them into up close setups, you know the drill

(22:34:33) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Do you have any rivals on SRK?

(22:35:13) Hydroladah2: eh, I try not to hate on anyone because thats really not how I am. I DO find that people say alot of stuff behind my back, but can’t come forward. They know who they are.

(22:39:50) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Do you have any tips for someone trying to pick up cvs2, or find themselves to be doing terrible, and want to get better?

(22:40:49) Hydroladah2: Honestly the best way is to understand how to learn from mistakes. Then go from there and keep playing.

(22:41:09) HaiI Tripp Eisen: How much do you play this game?

(22:42:00) Hydroladah2: I use to play like a mad man back in HS. Now its just like once or twice a month at CF, and the occasional practicing random things at home.

(22:42:18) HaiI Tripp Eisen: That’s good. Do you have any side hobbies?

(22:43:26) Hydroladah2: Exercising. I learned alot about health the past few years and i feel its important (insert random speech) Aside from that, movies, music, people.

(22:43:43) HaiI Tripp Eisen: What type of music do you like?

(22:43:43) Hydroladah2: Staten Island is garbage. The mall and emos, yay

(22:43:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: You like emos?
(22:43:59) HaiI Tripp Eisen: WTF
(22:44:04) HaiI Tripp Eisen: sorry this interview is over.

(22:44:12) Hydroladah2: I like rock mostly, but these days its been boring because its been all crap. Like the screamo BS.

(22:44:13) Hydroladah2: lol
(22:44:20) Hydroladah2: nah im saying, they’re everywhere.

(22:44:28) HaiI Tripp Eisen: ohhhh ok. just like that one time i was at james games.

(22:44:45) Hydroladah2: with music, i’ll listen to anything with a good beat.

(22:45:43) HaiI Tripp Eisen: what do you think of HAK?
(22:45:52) HaiI Tripp Eisen: your deep, personal thoughts. GO.

(22:45:57) Hydroladah2: cool guy from what I know

(22:46:06) HaiI Tripp Eisen: :-*

(22:46:21) Hydroladah2: ok

(22:46:47) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Any shout outs before we close this?

(22:46:58) Hydroladah2: nah im good

(22:47:25) HaiI Tripp Eisen: Ok, Thanks Nick T. for the interview. Good luck to you on your CVS2 journey!

(22:47:29) Hydroladah2: yay

Feel free to tell me what to ask too,cuz im getting repetitive. The dirty talk is kind of an inside joke. Enlighten me, help me make it a better interview. Thanks.

I think you should call out (THE) Geese the next time he shows up and ask him fucked up questions.

“LOL, u win”.



mc cabin bitches

Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Mig Macs

can you guys stop talking like idiots for once, this is a civilized forum. take your business some where else. thank you.

-Mr. Mig Mac

stfu and go try building more monkeys out of salt
normal ass bitch

hey keith, we should interview you next.

i heard nick t likes the men lol not joking…

Order don’t matter, YOU NEXT KEITH! YOU NEXT!

Hey fool…I’ve been interviewed before…but that was with Tyler…I don’t think I have much to offer to the community at this point anyway.

I think you’re just jealous of how white I really am…putting that shit in all caps…

Interviewing Keith would be a waste of time. It would result in him acting super gay and then trying to play it off by hitting on random fobby waitresses saying “hey, uh…I think you’re pretty…”

We all know the truth, Keith…you can’t deny it.

there better not be any fobby waitresses during the interview

uhhh, can we interview you then, leezy? that would be interesting…

Who the fuck is going to get interviewed. It’s going to be one of you: Keith Or Leezy, or i’ll have to interview allen, again. And that won’t be pretty.

If you interview keith, all he will do is make fun of you. He doesn’t care about people’s feelings. Here is a taste of how cruel this man really is:

ohayo1234: Hey yo sup man, I heard you did pretty well in Japan
ohayo1234: Whoa calm down
IkdfielEriththh: I eat dicks.

You can interview me if you want, but know this, my favorite ice cream is strawberry flavored ice cream. And I’m very fond of korean girls and/or Blonde girls. and im the juggernaut bitch


what can i say
sometimes i’m just fiending for a couple pieces of shit in the morning