Interview With SRK Players

Interview with the Hoe:

i KleIt L h: …
i KleIt L h: from fremont i guess
i KleIt L h: poppin ass town
ohayo1234: isnt there suppose to be an E in your last name
i KleIt L h: throwing hugeass hiphop concerts
ohayo1234: I use to live in fremont, that place is mad boring
i KleIt L h: the E is silent
i KleIt L h: it’s "keith eho"
ohayo1234: i heard you got into Ohlone College
i KleIt L h: LoL
ohayo1234: props my friend
i KleIt L h: yeah but i chose to pass that up
i KleIt L h: for a brighter future
ohayo1234: I see
i KleIt L h: and also
ohayo1234: when did you start playing fighting games
i KleIt L h: i went to chabot dumbass
ohayo1234: never ever do that again
ohayo1234: dont you know who i am
i KleIt L h: some ugly bitch
ohayo1234: No, that is incorrect.
i KleIt L h: asking me hella intimate questions
ohayo1234: hey stfu, answer my questions
i KleIt L h: um
i KleIt L h: i think i’ve been playing sf2 ww since it was out in the arcades
i KleIt L h: i played all of the older ones and then shit like alpha
i KleIt L h: i didn’t REALLY get into competitive fighters till like tekken tag
ohayo1234: ok how about
ohayo1234: when was your first tournement
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: some newpark tourney
i KleIt L h: where i went two and out like a champ
ohayo1234: i heard that place is poppin
i KleIt L h: after getting win streaks before the tourney
i KleIt L h: thinkin i was some hot shit
i KleIt L h: yeah that place is the number 1 arcade in norcal
i KleIt L h: and throws hiphop conventions
ohayo1234: have you seen the new 50 cent movie
i KleIt L h: nope
i KleIt L h: shit looked dumb
i KleIt L h: and i’m hella into rap
ohayo1234: you are missing out
i KleIt L h: had no idea wTF was going on from the trailers
ohayo1234: (i’ve never seen it)
ohayo1234: hes a gangsta
i KleIt L h: but i’m really excited about the new tyrese movie
i KleIt L h: where the game steals his baby
i KleIt L h: some hood life shit right there
i KleIt L h: stealing babies
ohayo1234: kinda like what you do when youre not playing cvs2
i KleIt L h: and not on aim
ohayo1234: yes
i KleIt L h: no babies are safe
i KleIt L h: just like my new myspace picture
i KleIt L h: hella stole that shit
ohayo1234: that shit is mad gay
ohayo1234: mother fucking yellow ass shirt
i KleIt L h: at least i don’t take pix of myself
i KleIt L h: and post them up
i KleIt L h: hella just dissed 95% of the myspace people right there
ohayo1234: wait yeah you do
i KleIt L h: oh by the way
ohayo1234: you need to check out jesse’s myspace
i KleIt L h:
ohayo1234: hella homosexual pics up in that bitch
i KleIt L h:
ohayo1234: keith crew is just you and that guy in that club pic of yours
ohayo1234: you hella trying to get with the guy, but theres a girl between you
i KleIt L h: we tearing shit up
i KleIt L h: putting on hella rap shows for bitches
ohayo1234: alright bitches
ohayo1234: why the hell do you use maki in cvs2
ohayo1234: i thought you were into guys
ohayo1234: excuse me, i meant guy from final fight
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: i first used maki as a joke
i KleIt L h: cuz i would beat down my friend with my normal chars
i KleIt L h: so i picked her cuz she had hella dumbass moves that just ran around
i KleIt L h: then i learned her anti airs and got hella annoying
ohayo1234: i will vouch for your annoying skills
i KleIt L h: then somewhere along the way i became the best maki alive
i KleIt L h: after iyo
ohayo1234: other then iyo
ohayo1234: you some cocky ass guy
i KleIt L h: and all i do is walk up grab
ohayo1234: i think you should practice doing air 720 to catch people from jumping
i KleIt L h: you know what’s gay?
i KleIt L h: when i played bas in semis at showdown
ohayo1234: eric lee?
i KleIt L h: i actually went for that
i KleIt L h: and he jumped
i KleIt L h: and NOPE
i KleIt L h: it didn’t come out
ohayo1234: props
i KleIt L h: fuckin dumb
i KleIt L h: i’ve landed that shit hella times on accident
ohayo1234: honestly
i KleIt L h: then didn’t say anyting
ohayo1234: have you practiced air 720 before
i KleIt L h: playing it off like i did it on purpose
i KleIt L h: yeah
i KleIt L h: i can do it consistently
ohayo1234: or whatever set up you used
i KleIt L h: in both directions
ohayo1234: you are a god
i KleIt L h: i can have her jump forward or back into it
i KleIt L h: suplexing bitches
ohayo1234: have you practiced her new level 4 super
i KleIt L h: yeah
i KleIt L h: baton mega buster
i KleIt L h: i’m saving that shit for nationals
i KleIt L h: not even gonna tell u how it looks like
i KleIt L h: cept that there are hella batons
i KleIt L h: and titties
i KleIt L h: more questions bitch
ohayo1234: who do you admire in the fighting game scene
i KleIt L h: haha
ohayo1234: in english please
ohayo1234: i dont want any of that hongkong nese up in this bitch
i KleIt L h: i dunno who i admire
i KleIt L h: but when i was in japan
i KleIt L h: i hella wanted to play nitto and ino
ohayo1234: ok so you admire k groove players
i KleIt L h: yeah you can say that
i KleIt L h: i used to think iyo was hella sick
i KleIt L h: but yeah i don’t care no more
ohayo1234: do you admire eric lee
i KleIt L h: cool guy
i KleIt L h: mad white
ohayo1234: yes
ohayo1234: i think hes really talented actually
ohayo1234: ur a really mean guy
i KleIt L h: i don’t think i really admire any US players
ohayo1234: this year i hope he gets top 8
ohayo1234: (GO LEEZY!)
i KleIt L h: i’m friends with most of the good ones
i KleIt L h: so i can’t see myself hella admiring them
i KleIt L h: i’m too used to making fun of htem instead
i KleIt L h: but yeah
i KleIt L h: eric is tight
i KleIt L h: best jd’er in the US by far
i KleIt L h: best overall kGroove
ohayo1234: and most whitiest man on the planet
i KleIt L h: haha
ohayo1234: whitest?
i KleIt L h: whitiest
ohayo1234: beaches
ohayo1234: so tell me the truth
ohayo1234: even though you truly recognize that your K blanka sagat cammy is better then any team with maki on it
ohayo1234: why do you choose maki over any of the past 3 that i mentioned
i KleIt L h: one of those pride things i guess
i KleIt L h: i thnk if i perfected a certain style with her
i KleIt L h: i would do a lot better
i KleIt L h: and for some reason
i KleIt L h: she did pretty good in japan
i KleIt L h: my cammy does well vs players here
ohayo1234: i think just vs otaku
i KleIt L h: but yeah
i KleIt L h: she did nothing in japan
ohayo1234: the other games i saw, hella nasty
i KleIt L h: i don’t thin iused her much
i KleIt L h: i know she did good vs nakanishi
i KleIt L h: no idea why i took her out when playing him
ohayo1234: nakanishi with his ryu dash punches
i KleIt L h: that guy is cool
i KleIt L h: for some reason
i KleIt L h: i thought he’d be an ass
ohayo1234: i think his ryu is much better then his ken
ohayo1234: why cause you racist?
i KleIt L h: but he did shit like cook us food hella early in the morning while in japan
ohayo1234: …
i KleIt L h: and he was always hella friendly and shit
ohayo1234: god damn
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: some funny shit i noticed
i KleIt L h: was like everytime japanese players hit me with rnadom shit like
i KleIt L h: wakeup dp/super
i KleIt L h: or roll/whatever
i KleIt L h: they would apologize
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: then i would throw the joystick down and walk out the room hella pissed
i KleIt L h: throwing tantrums and shit
ohayo1234: kinda like how i threw down your stick after i qualified at evo
i KleIt L h: gayest shit alive
i KleIt L h: surprised my stick didn’t break
ohayo1234: but theres no doubt, my version was with more style
ohayo1234: yea im hella strong and buff
ohayo1234: im suprised as well
i KleIt L h: weighing in at 100 lbs and shit
ohayo1234: fuck you
i KleIt L h: curling 10 lbs on each arm
ohayo1234: ANYWAY lets get back on the topic
ohayo1234: TOPICS
ohayo1234: do you prefer american joysticks or japanese like joysticks
ohayo1234: i dont like having to work out before i go to the arcade, ive always hated american joysticks, hey man how bout you
i KleIt L h: i prefer japanse style sticks
i KleIt L h: jsut cuz i play on them more
i KleIt L h: when i played at the bearcade like everyday
i KleIt L h: i think i was decent with both
i KleIt L h: but yeah
i KleIt L h: now i like jap ones way better
i KleIt L h: i HATE the us button setup though
i KleIt L h: hella ass trying to RC electric
ohayo1234: do you like how almost all american joysticks are different
ohayo1234: i think its great!
i KleIt L h: haha that’s another thing
different ass angles everywher eyou go
ohayo1234: playing with some hella stiff american joystick no homo
i KleIt L h: yup (no homo)
ohayo1234: in cvs3 do you think you will play your same team
ohayo1234: or do you think you will move on and pick C blanka rolento sagat
ohayo1234: aka team funky monkey
i KleIt L h: no idea what they’re gonna do with cvs3, but they should let you mix-match grooves
i KleIt L h: if we had that right now
i KleIt L h: i’d prolly play a-blanka
ohayo1234: S maki
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: abusing that sickass level 1 kick super
i KleIt L h: doing charge fakes
ohayo1234: dude infinite wake up 360 supers
ohayo1234: that shit is cheap
ohayo1234: you get a free low fierce if they jump
i KleIt L h: why do that
i KleIt L h: when i have hela kick supers
ohayo1234: why do you have a korean flag in your avatar
ohayo1234: youre not korean
ohayo1234: and you dont know any hot korean girls
ohayo1234: youre pretty much useless to me
i KleIt L h: my friend bihn put that on there
i KleIt L h: since he’s korean
i KleIt L h: and korean girls are hella hot
ohayo1234: yes
i KleIt L h: unlike yourself
ohayo1234: that is not true
ohayo1234: i will not take any false statements in my interview
ohayo1234: i never knew what FTW meant
ohayo1234: i thought it meant fuck the women
ohayo1234: then i found out otherwise…
i KleIt L h: isn’t it "for the win?"
i KleIt L h: someone told me it was "fuck the what"
ohayo1234: yea
i KleIt L h: but thatsounds mad stupid
ohayo1234: haha
i KleIt L h: i told them too
i KleIt L h: i was like isn’t it for the win?
i KleIt L h: they were like
i KleIt L h: with emphasis and shit
i KleIt L h: emphasis on being wrong
ohayo1234: gonna wrap up this interview hella soon
ohayo1234: what is the best advice you can give in all your experience in cvs2
ohayo1234: just pretend youre giving advice to ricky
ohayo1234: ricki oh tease
i KleIt L h: haha
i KleIt L h: try to think your way through problems as you’re playing
i KleIt L h: don’t get caught in dumbass patterns
i KleIt L h: THINK
i KleIt L h: you’re a human being
i KleIt L h: mix shit up
ohayo1234: live your life to the fullest
i KleIt L h: haha yeah
i KleIt L h: go to egypt
i KleIt L h: and the great wall of china
i KleIt L h: and finger kim’s mom
ohayo1234: on foot?
ohayo1234: youre horrible
i KleIt L h: nope
i KleIt L h: on finger
ohayo1234: and finally…
ohayo1234: after all these years, dont you think its about time to finally correct the spelling of your screen name
ohayo1234: bkieticthh
i KleIt L h: eye kay elle eee eye tee elle H
i KleIt L h: that’s how i remember it
i KleIt L h: fuck what u know
ohayo1234: bitch keith up in this keith
ohayo1234: this interview over, peace the fuck out

Thanks for taking my interview bitch. No more art requests for you.


Ok. now who’s next for interview, since gayhayokim took my interview. I dont get paid this week, you fuck.

PS: I need a new avatar. something earth shattering. give me ideas.

That’ll do. It makes everyone curious.

Interview With Ohayo1234

HaiI Tripp Eisen: What is your full name?
ohayo1234: Kim-Hahn Ho…ang
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Are you related to keith, ho?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: THE E IS SILENT
ohayo1234: no but sometimes i dream about it
ohayo1234: truly he is the nastiest looking person alive
HaiI Tripp Eisen: are you sure? have you looked in the mirror before?!
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Why do you play cvs2?!
ohayo1234: cause the game is fun
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what is fun about it?
ohayo1234: theres alot of variety to it, so despite critisms, you can really pick the style you like and roll with it
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Roll super.
ohayo1234: yea thats alot of peoples style
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what is the first word that comes to mind when i say:
ohayo1234: DAVID DIAL
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Oh shit.
ohayo1234: aka gunter VP
HaiI Tripp Eisen: K-Maki
ohayo1234: good character, but not so strong in K
HaiI Tripp Eisen: LEAH DIZON
HaiI Tripp Eisen: :-*
ohayo1234: hottie
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Keith
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hottie?
ohayo1234: i wish i had more hands so i can give that hoe 3 thumbs down
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh damn.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: If you could do one thing, right this second. WHAT WOULD IT BE?!
ohayo1234: sleep
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Hmm. ok, lets proceed to some CVS2 questions:
ohayo1234: but lately ive been a zombie
ohayo1234: bring it
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Why C-Rolento, Blanka, Sagat?
ohayo1234: for the first like 3 years when cvs2 came out i was a really inconsistent player
ohayo1234: i would use a different team every week in tournaments, i had no idea what i wanted to play like
ohayo1234: i went to sbo1 as a learning experience, with my shitty K vega sagat blanka
ohayo1234: my major gimmick was hop super, and i landed it like 75% of the time
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha. scrub
ohayo1234: but that team wasnt as strong as i thought, and most importantly it wasnt my style. I saw a player play by the name of shiro who uses yamazaki sagat rolento and I was intrigued by his style
ohayo1234: i studied how he played and based alot of my game on stuff he innovated
ohayo1234: i didnt like yama, so i picked blanka
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so your play style was influenced by shiro?
ohayo1234: yes
ohayo1234: to an extent tokido also
ohayo1234: because he was real straight forward with his turtling, and i never saw that before
ohayo1234: it opened my eyes that cvs2 is naturally a defensive game
ohayo1234: but that doesnt mean offense doesnt exist
ohayo1234: look at buktooth, hes gaying fools up left and right
HaiI Tripp Eisen: word
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what would you recommend to do for players who want to get better, or who are just starting out?
ohayo1234: work on your mental toughness
ohayo1234: you wont do well unless your confident in your abilities, people get confident in different ways, but ultimately you have to have the confidence that you can take on everyone
HaiI Tripp Eisen: so you belive, that a random will be able to win evo?
ohayo1234: for me, after being REALLY average in games, i was sick of it, so i took DESTINY in my own hands, and worked a long time to getting better
ohayo1234: though its not possible to know other peoples training habits, i do know my own, and i worked crazy hard
ohayo1234: not random, because people that work hard , it shows in their tournament performance and word is spread
ohayo1234: so in that sense they aint random
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i see… how often do you practice? and how long?
ohayo1234: i use to practice alot when cvs2 was alive, my training partner was buktooth and john choi back in the day, but as of late being in irvine…
ohayo1234: i didnt play at all for the first couple of months i was here, but i started playing again recently and i would say its like 3 days a week, with occasional random training mode practice when i have ideas
HaiI Tripp Eisen: do you feel you get worse by playing scrubs like misterbean?
ohayo1234: right now, my immediate goal is with buktooth and combofiend, to be the first americans to win a japanese cvs2 tourney(or any tourney for that matter)
ohayo1234: and im confident in all our abilities, mental tougheness is definitely there
ohayo1234: bean is actually really solid, i think his faults are that his knowledge of the game isnt that great yet, he reacts a little late for stuff he can super for free
ohayo1234: btu that will get better
ohayo1234: keith ho on the other hand, nigga gets thumbs DOWN(3 of em)
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but i thought you only had 2 hands foo!
ohayo1234: ill grow another one to put keith extra down
HaiI Tripp Eisen: good deal.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: How high would you grade the learning curb for this game?
ohayo1234: now its hard
ohayo1234: int he beginnign everyoen thought it was the easiest game to pick up
HaiI Tripp Eisen: do you think its the hardest, now?
ohayo1234: but because of rc now, alot of people have mastered it, so its hard dealing with it if your new
ohayo1234: its a new mind game not involved in any other game
ohayo1234: all i know is mvc2 was really easy for me, and 3s is easy for me
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah
ohayo1234: cvs2 has alot of things you have to learn before it gets fun, thats the bad part about it
ohayo1234: technical stuff
HaiI Tripp Eisen: but once you learn it, IS HELLA FUN
ohayo1234: tell that to the cvs2 haters
HaiI Tripp Eisen: run off in japan and pick up random jap girls.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: :-*
ohayo1234: like kcjx
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yes, like kcxj
HaiI Tripp Eisen: how do you have so many jap connections foo?!
ohayo1234: through meeting bas in the beginning
ohayo1234: then as i was mroe familiar with the scene i met more people
HaiI Tripp Eisen: how did you meet bas? who is this bas character?
ohayo1234: my style is kinda annoying, so i think i was probably known as the mean looking annoying style player
ohayo1234: i met bas at b5, his soccer clothes wearing ass.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: wow thats sick!
ohayo1234: his english wasnt that great till a year later. his english now is pretty damn good. he takes difficult ass exams every week and he shows me the questions, and im like… shit… i dont know the answer.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: hahaha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: thats good, we all believe in D44. Fool will have better english than me in 1 year :frowning:
ohayo1234: bas is cool, just watching him play you can tell how much he knows about the game
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yup
ohayo1234: thats why no bison comes close to his
HaiI Tripp Eisen: he is bison.
ohayo1234: and now no vega
HaiI Tripp Eisen: He is vega.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: What do you do on your free time?
ohayo1234: he wears a gay ass beanie, so he could be vega
ohayo1234: i work and i school
HaiI Tripp Eisen: that beanie is hella gay.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yes
ohayo1234: uc irvine is kinda tough, im that student that studies alot(kinda) but gets average grades
ohayo1234: average = C btw
HaiI Tripp Eisen: oh you the dumb kid.
ohayo1234: im the working mans champion
HaiI Tripp Eisen: shouldn’t have said that, keith is gonna give you SHIT
ohayo1234: know about it
ohayo1234: i already know that, hes gone there
HaiI Tripp Eisen: how come i get straight A’s, tell me kim.
ohayo1234: cause you 15, your brain is fresh
ohayo1234: fresh like a motha fucka
HaiI Tripp Eisen: FRESH
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Let’s see…
ohayo1234: i guess i could mention this
HaiI Tripp Eisen: go for it
ohayo1234: i think so cal cvs2 has alot of room to improve, alot of the hurdles is the people complaining about distance thing
ohayo1234: i use to drive to combofiends house, or he would drive to my place each week and we would practice
ohayo1234: it shows the people who make the extra effort will be the ones who are top
HaiI Tripp Eisen: (i can’t drive) :frowning: so i shouldn’t count!
ohayo1234: i wanna have some place in socal where we could meet and play console or something
HaiI Tripp Eisen: we’ll i should still. but its harder FO ME
ohayo1234: sorry arcades arent going to cut it anymore
ohayo1234: i think people have to realize that, arcades are nice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yeah… We should get a get together.
ohayo1234: they were great, but in america its too difficult
HaiI Tripp Eisen: But having your schedule being busy on all weekends, it would be tough to get you in on the action.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: usually people are free on weekends, since they might have to drive a long way to that nuetral place.
ohayo1234: weekdays at night is a great time
ohayo1234: niggas be up at like midnight guaranteed
ohayo1234: could easily find a place and everyone go there
HaiI Tripp Eisen: A lot of fools in this area work EARLY :frowning:
[COLOR=“Yellow”]ohayo1234: im sure there could be a middle ground[/COLOR]
HaiI Tripp Eisen: possibly. rubs chin
ohayo1234: anyway enough about that, if anyone wants to mention it bring it
ohayo1234: …up later to me
ohayo1234: good ass sentence
HaiI Tripp Eisen: no wonder bas’s english is beter.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: *better :frowning:
HaiI Tripp Eisen: bring it up later to me. wtf? anyways
HaiI Tripp Eisen: We going to rap it.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: any shout outs?
ohayo1234: nope i hate everyone
HaiI Tripp Eisen: ok good shit.
HaiI Tripp Eisen: thanks for da interview
ohayo1234: (poses)
HaiI Tripp Eisen: takes picture


Heh. You can interview me, but it won’t have any content useful to anyone trying to get better at CVS. If you’re looking for advice on becoming a whiter asian, or possibly finding a white girl that’ll actually like you, I guess it could be of some help.

Ill do an interview as well.

interview me!

1 person a week. This week is going to be lazy…err leeeezy. Then Tyram then you. ok done deal.

I suppose I’ll try to be online then…

hey i dont play cvs2 but can i get interviewed?

I’ll sign up.

No i will not interview you, random guy who doesn’t play cvs2.

Shin Neo Snake, maybe, i need to IM leezy…Leezy i IMed you yesterday but you never responded. :frowning:

I’m ashamed of that interview, it was terrible.

Who are you?

Was it because my ringtone was “damn cool” or was it because i woudlnt let you get a ward in lol?

your daddy.

Oh, sorry. My wireless cuts out a lot…and then there are the times when my computer freezes…which is like everyday. I get home from work and it’s frozen…I miss a lot of IMs like that, 'cause I can see the IM box on my screen, but when it’s frozen I can’t do anything about it.

I try to be on AIM every time I’m at home…I suppose you could PM me if you can’t find me on AIM.

hey can i get interviewed i dont play cvs2 but im thinking about playing it cause i stoping marvel cause i got perfect for the 1st time ever on that game so yea im lookin for a new/old game that i can get in to


I think there only interviewing top/well known cvs2 players. If you really pick it up and start beasting on people theyll prob interview you too!:tup: