Yeah i only interview top TOP TOP players, like allen.
keith and kim gettin nice with that interview
you forgot to ask keith whether or not he likes ‘dats dat bay shit’ or KILLA SEASON
i just finished watching killa season
somewhat entertaining for being 2 hours long of hella low budget HOOD LIFE SHIT
i especially liked it when those two chicks were shitting out rocks
daisuki foo.
we need a new interview soon!!
Am I still considered?
Uh. sure, ill interview you now.
Interview with ShinNeoSnake
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Ok guy, whats your real name?
ecF NiCKaH: Nick Chack
HaiI Tripp Eisen: What games do you play and why?
ecF NiCKaH: I play CvS2 becaus eit was the first game I was introduced to, then when Im bored at the arcade I play som 3s or ST
HaiI Tripp Eisen: who introduced you to cvs2?
ecF NiCKaH: My friend back in the 8th grade, he stopped playing though
ecF NiCKaH: ?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: err. sorry
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Whats your team? why do you chose it?
ecF NiCKaH: I play K-Rock, Cammy, Sagat r2 and some K-CBS
ecF NiCKaH: I chose Rock because my first time to CTF, I saw some dude own up with him and I said "Hey, lemme see if I can do that too"
ecF NiCKaH: Then Cammy and Sagat are just Cammy and Sagat
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Nice
HaiI Tripp Eisen: Who are some admiral/favorite players why?
[*]ecF NiCKaH: I would say INO because he pretty much gave me hope that K groove was good (back when I switched from C) and I would say BAS because he’s been around for a long time still owning fools
ecF NiCKaH: Combofiend and Buktooth should get mentioned also, they do well just by playing smart
HaiI Tripp Eisen: do you hope to become a TOP PLAYER like misterbean some day?
ecF NiCKaH: haha, Being a top player like Justin, Arturo, and Sanford takes hard work. Sure I hope to become top player one day but right now Im focused on becoming more consistent
HaiI Tripp Eisen: wat are your hobies?
ecF NiCKaH: Playing basketball, cards, and listening to music
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what type of music?
ecF NiCKaH: I used to listen to English but now I prefer to stick with my Old School Chinese pop and, though not as often, I listen to some J-Rock
ecF NiCKaH: No Dir En Grey though
ecF NiCKaH: Sorry
HaiI Tripp Eisen: haha
HaiI Tripp Eisen: how many tourneys ahve you been to?
ecF NiCKaH: Quite a few
ecF NiCKaH: Since CTF started having tourneys
ecF NiCKaH: Which was about 2004ish?
ecF NiCKaH: and Ive been to ECC in 2004 and 2005 and Im planning on going again this year
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what do you place?
ecF NiCKaH: Ive placed top 4 once but Im usually in the middle of the pack. At ECC I never made it out of my pools
HaiI Tripp Eisen: keep at it, we’ll get there
ecF NiCKaH: yea
HaiI Tripp Eisen: When did you pick this game up?
ecF NiCKaH: Like when I started playing?
HaiI Tripp Eisen: yea
ecF NiCKaH: 2003 in the 8th grade
HaiI Tripp Eisen: wow nice me too
HaiI Tripp Eisen: i think
ecF NiCKaH: I was trash and spent most of my Fridays at CTF spending dollars upon dollars
HaiI Tripp Eisen: what tips would you give on people trying to improve?
ecF NiCKaH: Keep at it and doing change your team every other time you play, everytime you play, focus on doing something specifically like Antiairing
ecF NiCKaH: dont change*
HaiI Tripp Eisen: alright
HaiI Tripp Eisen: are there any shoutouts you want to give?
ecF NiCKaH: Shoutouts to my boy Jeff for always playing against me, Juan (Boswerlk) for coming over to play and record vids, and the whole New York community
HaiI Tripp Eisen: alright cool, thanks much!
ecF NiCKaH: Thank you
That interview sucked
i guess i’d be down to do one, just try to catch me on aim sometime (good luck)
Buktooth on aim?..fuck…
if you never interview allen ever again, i will die happy.
kak in yo mouf
My God, your av is hot.
I wanna bang your av!
^ lol not for the faint of heart.
heheh, those dudes are fat.
Who’s next? Its hard to contact bukeezy.
Im on aim now if you are still interested in interviewing me. my aim name is tyram707