Interview With SRK Players

bah, that’s what they get for being munchkins and dumping all their stat points into combat traits and neglecting their charisma scores!

and intelligence

…no I don’t understand dungeons and dragons why do you ask kthxbai!!!11!!!1oneoneone! :looney:

I played those old Dark Suns computer RPG’s a ways back.
Kinda fun to walk in a village and just slaughter folk.
The guards get all pissed and the village is evacuated and guards attack
Afterwards it’s barren.

So I understand a little of it. Playing with people though like on that vid just isn’t my thing. That imagination stuff is for girls playing house in gradeschool.

how about you interview people that I’ve heard of

I heard you’re gonna get beasted on by “The Big Fundamentals” at ECC

wtf lol who the fuck is that

Interview me when I get my pc up. :rofl:

Interview - D44

Ok it’s been awhile. So here’s a nice treat.

An interview with the 2005 Evo Champ - D44Bas.

HAK: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to get an interview with us bas. Can you tell us first of all what D44 or BAS stands for?

Bas: haha its long story to explain both d44 and bas
Bas: bas is the oldest my nick long time ago
Bas: now we call me D44 in japan
Bas: D44 is like changing my real name

HAK: And what do you do on your free time besides video games? any other hobbies?

Bas: usually go drinking with my friends at night
Bas: or listening rock,metal music
Bas: or sending kim japanese matches beach

HAK: cool cool. We all know you are a great champion at CVS2. are there any tips you can give to scrubs and all that to get them better or up to japanese level?

Bas: to play safety and practice anti air and combos are the best way to be good in cvs2
Bas: and MASHING

HAK: Mashing…goood shit.
HAK: Which players do you like to keep your eye on? And which ones inspire you?

Bas: uma (a sak bison blanka player in osaka area) is my best opponent now
Bas: hmm
Bas: many players
Bas: top3 players i like to play are uma mago kindevu

HAK: Uma, mago and kindevu are great players of course.

How do you feel on the subject that the Japanese will always be better than the americans? There has been big contreversy over this on srk.

Bas: japan has many arcades and usually we can play against good players everyday
Bas: i know there are many good players in usa but usa is too big its hard to play together

HAK: thats very true. We need to get a weekly get-together … (gamesquare sucks.)

Your signature bison custom(Paint the fence as we call in america)…How did you have the idea to make this? What started you to try this idea?

Bas: after 3or5days cvs2 came out
Bas: random ppl did bison cc like firece paint - st.firece-… like that
Bas: so i tried to continued to do paint and it worked and hella damage
Bas: haha

HAK: very nice.

What other games do you play, why do you play them?
Bas: mainly play cvs2
Bas: and played #r but i quit when slash came out
Bas: slash is only console play

HAK: oh and you dont have console.

Bas: i go to frineds house to play haha

HAK: dont you play Alpha 3 as well?

Bas: i play a3 once a month
Bas: almost quit a3 now
Bas: but sometimes i join tournament when i have enough time

HAK: i see. Why quit the games you used to put so much time in?

Bas: we have few chance to play together now
Bas: sometimes i go to play a3 with my good friends for fun
Bas: but still once a month or not

HAK: Have you never owned a console before?

Bas: first famicon!

HAK: hahaha. what about ps2 though?

Bas: i want it to practice cvs2 and ggxx haha

HAK: So you got very good at cvs2 by going to arcade and friends house only? No practice on console at home?

Bas: i dont play any console practice at home
Bas: i learned cvs2 theory by playing with good players

HAK: wow thats crazy

Bas: and practice combos and make random tricks at friends house
Bas: think about "why i lose or cant do good?"
Bas: its the most important

HAK: yes

Bas: recording your matches and watching and reviewing them later
Bas: good way to know your weak points

HAK: many american players go to japan a you usually remember most of the guys you hang out with?

Bas: yes

HAK: When american players do go to japan, is there anything special that you do for them to make them feel more at home

Bas: just making party

HAK: nice.

Bas: and go ramen shop with me!

HAK: :-*
HAK: We’ll that concludes interview, any shout outs?

Bas: :-:-:-:-
Bas: dispatch the bitches on the beach

HAK: hahaha, thanks bas.

Bas: :-*

Thank you. Roll activate is good desu.

Your match vs kim was very very good, im very impressed by you laugh. Much respect.

that shit was nasty. the interview and the match

nice read :slight_smile:

Theres a thread created in the cvs2 section. Its in the Tokyo game section or whatever. They have a lot of downloads. The one you’re looking for is Laugh vs Faggotasskim.

Nice bas interview hit me on aim if u want one from me.

nick shack getting interviewed and I am not :tdown:
I am fucking xbox live warrior thailand’s bestest interview me fuckermothers !! :rofl:

aim : snaaake718

damn, sounds interesting. Id like to see the interview.

Ok let’s have a vote - Who’s next to get interviewed? I’ll allow 1 week of voting

-Snaaaake…the xbox live player…
-Buktooth(if he’s ever online)
-Leezy(if i get the time)
-Nominate someone

I say interview SmoothCat.

interview buk or leezy aka top players

Interview Buktooth or Leezy.

interview james when hes drunk

Yeah fuck it, ima interview james when hes drunk.

Voting is done.

This isn’t buk’s ask me something thread…