Input lag on ps3? WTF?

I’m looking forward to seeing it! :slight_smile:

Nice. May I suggest you also do one more test with ps3 + hdmi > lagless LCD? That’s what most people use as well as used in tournament like EVO.

i havent felt any input lag on ps3 version. i tested the the game with my ipod touch camera which is 25fps. i found that the game lags 1 out of 25 frame behind with all filters off. i m using samsung lcd with response time 2ms and madcatz TE. lag is pretty much there. so yeah.

waiting for some more authentic tests.


Okay, one of the the Tech Talk guys has been running tests on this. So far as he can tell, both the PS3 and XBox 360 versions have 4 frames of input lag on their CRT at 480p 4:3, 480p 16:9, and 720p. Now this 4 frames is about the same as most older Capcom games on the CPS2, however what we need for reference is how much input delay the 3S on the CPS3 had.

Thank’s for the reply.

At the very least I wont have to play info mule and have to continually pass info from here to Sven.

Wasn’t it based on the SSFIIX for Matching Service since that already had built in netcode?

Where is this tech talk analysis?

See if you can test on the emulator ggpo used as well to match up the difference. I hear too many complaints about the timing being off and I’m willing to bet it’s all on their hardware/LCD setup.

Private Tech Talk G+. Someone will post something once we have the time.

Classic ESN. :sunglasses:

Do it plz an if its not much to ask, test dreamcast and PS2 versions to see if the Dreamcast version REALLY have input issues…

FYI response time has nothing to do with lag.

♫ *Crapcom made a bad, bad port… *Crapcom made a bad, bad port…

Nothing concrete until we see in-depth frame analysis of all systems and suggested displays, but here’s my input:

I’m using an optoma hd20 projector which I initially bought because I remember reading reviews that display lag was minimal with gaming. I’m also using just red parrying and ken/yun links in training mode to test so this isn’t official.

PC FBA Emulator: 0
360: around -1f diff from pc
PS3: around -2f diff from pc

At least for me, this confirms that its my display that’s the problem if other people are claiming that they don’t get any input lag on their CRTs.

You are wrong. GGPO hid the lag with frameskips too since it works with rollbacks. It works the same dude, you’re just thinking stuff because everybody’s bitching. I don’t know what filters you guys have put but I use widescreen + smooth. I’ve heard that resolutions that include the challenge bars make the game laggy. My friend changed it and told me it went fine after that, so you guys might wanna try this out.

Also, I don’t feel any difference to be honest. I’ve been playing on GGPO with my friend for years now and it’s basically the same on my PS3 (I play on an HD monitor with an HDMI to DVI cable.) And I’m usually a guy that notices lag A LOT, I remember choosing specific TVs on my BlazBlue meetups so that it wouldn’t ever throw my timing off.

My only lag issues came in around my last few matches with an online friend (he’s in the US, I’m in Canada.) But for the most part, it worked LAGLESSLY.

I fucking lol’d. We have a 360 fanboy/PS3 hater here. PSN is all about YOUR OWN damn connection for christ’s sake. My internet connection is the highest available in my country for home purposes and I’m on wire. I have a few friends with the same while some others have shitty internet connections. Guess what? I never lag with the guys that have basically the same quality as I do. People should understand that upgrading their internet connection is more beneficial than to keep that shitty connection + paying for monthly xbox live memberships.

Me too. And what’s even funnier is that they probably didn’t notice it earlier due to playing SSFIV or other new gen game on these very same shitty setups the very first time they bought the games.

I personally haven’t noticed much input lag, if any at all. I haven’t played any offline matches yet, but playing people with yellow ping, I was able to land plenty of hitconfirms and links without much issues. Trials are pretty fun. Overall pretty satisfied. My only issue is that the matchmaking system needs more options.

Honestly, I think people asking for something arcade perfect that do not regularly play 3S at an arcade are asking for too much. Asking for Capcom to deliver an arcade perfect port that they promised is a bit different, but anything else seems rather spoiled at this point. If there is 1-2 frames of input lag and you only plan on playing on console, this should not really be an issue.

Tech Talk post is up.

Result: both 360 and PS3 have the same amount of lag.

Now all we need is someone to confirm how much the CPS3 board had. As far as we know, older games on the CPS2 board also had 4f of lag, but we need to confirm if this is the same with 3S on the CPS3.

ps2 is faster meaning this version is NOT like ps2, and i think there was testing done that showed there was input delay on arcade, that post is probably long gone but thats what i heard

There has to be some delay on the cps3 board too because if there wasn’t we would all notice 4 full frames of delay even on the ideal setup. I would not doubt that there’s between 1-4 frames of input lag on a cps3 setup but we don’t really have an easy way to test that I guess.

Also what the hell someone saying OE plays like the PS2 port :looney:
Get to an arcade ParryAll and actually play the game as it was intended. You’ll find OE feels the most correct compared to every other port or emu.

No, the timing is off. You guys who’ve only played on emu really need to be a bit quieter because you’re making yourselves look stupid. Go play on cps3 all day then go play on fba. It will shock you.
hardware affects both players on ggpo since if it didn’t the game would desync instantly. timing is timing and the emu timing is much faster than arcade.

I am 99% positive that the CPS III version has 4 frames on input lag. I saw a test result a long time ago. I’m glad results prove that both versions are identical (input lag wise anyway). I did have slowdown in Urien’s Stage when i super jumped EX tatsu with ken. I couldn’t replicate the incident tho.

This needs to be confirmed ASAP. I really want to see the whiners shut the fuck up.

So… that Tech Talk test pretty much shut everyone the fuck up, right?