Input lag on ps3? WTF?

LOL it’s just a game bro

that was my first thought too. And I’m a hardcore 3S player.

I would but I don’t have one of the “lagless” LCDs. I only have a CRT which is my main gaming TV and then my 50" Plasma, which does have 600Hz refresh, but I haven’t tested it for lag yet.

Ah interesting.
Good stuff on that test!!

Very interesting indeed…

I’m curious about this myself.

it seems so lol

I played 3s a little bit on GGPO while i was too poor to afford SFIV . I don’t Have any Input problems that im aware of I think it comes down to Your Tv and what version of 3s you are used to playing…or if your used to 3s at all.

Since i’m not used to any particular Version of 3s there’s to muscle memory to overcome because of a different timing so i have not had any problems with parrying or combos

Please someone correct me if im wrong.
On games like Guitar Hero a TV with a inconsistent Refresh Rate always has Delay problems no matter how much u calibrate So i’m assuming a game like 3s is going to have similar problems because its not displaying the frames properly?

Now when you have a super high refresh rate it inserts fake frames to give the illusion of a higher frame rate through smoothness correct?
would that not fuck with timing on a game where timing needs to be precise. I am playing on a Meh 720p tv with 60hz refresh no input problems that i notice.
but if i ever experience Input problems i will plug it into my monitor because it has a 2ms delay (most computer monitors are about 5-7ms)

And i also read that there are Delay with the PS3 USB ports Any proof? because I have yet to experience any problem with delay on MVC3 SFIV or 3sO When using input display to bad 3sO does not have it yet (idk why people always assume shits going to be broken forever not like there’s not going to be a patch we are just the people who needed to buy it day 1)

Dude, I’m not your bro. You’re a fag.

I was more mad that asshole called me a loser. I could give a fuck about the game TBH.

The USB problem is a myth.
The lag in this version versus the Xbox version was a myth too. It doesn’t exist.

Chill out with that homophobic shit, broseph.

Yo, I just played this on CRT and I just have to say…

If you’re not playing this on CRT, you’re doing it wrong… looks gorgeous, and feels better…

This is no placebo effect type shit because I was chilling somewhere with Xbox and CRT and downloaded a demo…

Hit confirms become braindead(imo, they feel so slow and easy to come out, maybe that’s how it should be) on CRT, while on the HDTV, I have to pay real close attention to do them…

It’s probably just a laggy setup on my part… delay is srs bness… I was blind to lag but now I see…

It truly is two different games when it comes to laggy v. lagless setups… I didn’t know I was even as nitpicky about this shit as I am, I’ll blame that on playing ST…

What is the response time of a CRT? When I bought my LCD years ago, I looked for the one with the lowest response time, which at the time was 5 ms. Last time I checked, that was still the fastest you could get in an LCD HDTV.I bought an EVO monitor (the Asus LCD) while back and it had the same response time.

I switch between using it and my normal TV often due to travel and never experienced any input delay. The TV is a 6 year old Samsung 40" LCD HDTV. I don’t even have to use Game Mode, and everyone says Samsung is the worst in terms of input delay. Can a CRT really be that great in this case?

CRTs are usually << 1ms.


You are confusing response time and input lag. Response time is how fast the screen draws the picture (oversimplified). Input Lag is how long it took for that picture to get from the console to shown on the display. You could have a display with response time 0ms, but if it had input lag of 10 frames it would be useless.

How well you can tell input lag depends on how precise your timing is. If you are a beginner who doesn’t use any accurate timings, you probably can’t tell input lag at all until it is above 10f. It could be argued even the pro’s have a really hard time time noticing couple of frames of input lag reliably. That is not to say it doesn’t affect your gameplay, as it makes your reactions slower (by as much as there is input lag).

pretty much! it was a combination of players spoiled by SF4 shortcuts and people unwilling to admit their execution is subpar…so they make excuses about “input lag” in attempt to justify being bad at parrying and qcf x2

The complaints weren’t exclusive to them. Boss, the top player (possibly second best in the world under Kuroda) said there’s lag and that he thinks it’s bad enough that it will make his play worse. Ryan has a whole thread on how much it sucks.

The tech talk didn’t shut people up though… it SHOULD have shut people up, but people are still complaining about it.

So did you ever test the CPS3 lag? I find it weird that an arcade board would have input lag, but I’m not denying it or anything.

The 4 frames lag are the time from the stick to your eyes, not only the input delay.

Please go drown in a lake


Has anybody tested do the filters, screen mode and scanlies cause any lag?