Input lag on ps3? WTF?

I’ll tell you that sharp and crisp cause a headache…

Smooth looks aight to me. Kinda like bilinear filtering, except a little more. Can’t stand the None pixelated look.

That post shut him the fuck up. Kudos.

If you are experiencing lag on PS3, it could be one of the following:

controller converter

Both can add lag to any set, including CRT’s.

Had a go on mate’s Panasonic Plasma, didn’t feel any lag at all using the FS3.

Holy cow, I played 3soe for the first time yesterday and it was pretty much horrible. I’ll stay with emulating cps3 on a pc because this shit is fucking ridiculous

Thx god, you shared this with us!

No prob mate, always supporting the 3soe haters scene

I like the effect much better on the original xbox.

I don’t notice any input lag, I’ve been playing for years on PC emulator and this version feels much better in terms of input. But it looks worse and the sounds are shit - the tones and pitch for hit and block all sounds the same which is a problem for sure. I’m used to hearing a nice high pitched crunch sound when you land a hit, which gives a good signal for a hit confirm. this version the sounds for “hit” sound low and muffled and do not strike out as much. All in all a decent port though worth the $$.
I’m using LG W2361V, this is its input lag test against crt.

I’ve played on a friend’s 360 and it seems as fast if not faster than the arcade version. He plays on an ASUS. I own a ps3 version/crt combo and it has heavy lag. I’ve played the arcade, ps2, xbox, 360, and the dreamcast version. The ps3 version seems to be the worst with lag.

“= 7-10 extra delay, offline”

that’s pretty absurd a claim. literally everyone would know if OE was lagging that much over real hardware. ever tried setting ggpo delay that high? we would all know.

I don’t think anyone ever did test and make sure that arcade version had 4 frames of innate lag as well like people assumed. I’ve always been curious.

can’t speak for lag (and those tests from way back when should tell us that 360 and PS3 should supposedly lag the same) but yeah PS3 does feel different to me. hard to tell just on feel though. I’d be making shit up if I said I had anything concrete.

I’ve noticed recently I much more directional input lag than button lag.

Since an alert knocked me back here: the +2F delay on PS3 USB ports has been debunked - apparently it’s just a coding issue with certain Capcom fighters. But the PS3 version of OE seems to have this issue from what I’ve been reading.

And yes, you’d need to account for 3S’s innate delay, but afaik that hasn’t been tested before. I could run some tests as I have both versions, and compare them to emulated 3S.

I don’t think the emulator is arcade perfect on input timing either.

Edit: Apparently when NKI was running these types of tests for ST, it was using an emulator to compare CCC2 and the Dreamcast ST etc., so I guess it’s worth a shot.

It’s the weirdest thing… it really feels to me like offline 3SOE matches feel marginally laggier on my CRT using standard component cables than a VGA PC monitor via a HDMI-VGA adapter. Filters and scanlines were disabled and it was in ‘normal’ aspect ratio for both (and I wasn’t signed in to PSN for any interference, as unlikely as that may be). My brother agrees with me, there was just something not quite right.

For what it’s worth, while I can’t be 100% sure about 3SOE, I’m absolutely certain this is the case with Mortal Kombat as the difference feels massive. Could the PS3 somehow handle SD in a less friendly manner than native HD?

Even some CRT’s have lag from my understanding. When I play offline with a friend, he uses his 360/asus setup and it feels like there is 0 lag. It feels as smooth as the arcade. At times it almost seems a little faster than arcade.

The crt I use I just recently noticed more lag so I’m wondering if it’s the PS3 in general. Don’t games in hd have to down process in someway when using component cables on a crt? Could that cause the lag?

In case people have forgotten, the game has already been tested on CRT as having no noticeable difference between the PS3 and XBox 360 versions in terms of input delay.

Don’t know what you guys are talking about. I used to play in a local arcade daily until it closed down and I notice no difference between the arcade version and playing the game on a sony-kv21 on ps3 or xbox360.

I’v also done some tests on a samsung-le37 there is significant delay when playing the ps3 version through hdmi, changing the resolution from 1080 to 720 helped reduce the delay but not remove it fully. On the xbox360 its the same thing through hdmi but when switching to vga it significantly reduced it to the point of almost feeling great.

I can’t do tests on ps3 for vga because there doesn’t seem to be vga cables for the ps3 except some converters but I imagine the result would be the same as on the 360.

Edit: Forgot to mention I don’t use converters for my sticks.

I remember that test and I’m happy to believe that my brother and I feeling lag is not actually lag after all but another tiny factor that we can’t put our finger on. MK feels like another world to me though, I have to compensate and do things noticeably ahead of time on the CRT compared to the PC monitor.