Input lag on ps3? WTF?

So, can we get actual informed information and testing on this, or is everyone going to just jump on the bandwagon and post shit as is popular on the internet?

Played it an hour ago testing some stuff offline. It’s not as bad on my end, but it’s definitely noticeable when you’re just standing there pressing jab.

All of the filters, VP progress, and all that jazz was on since it was a quick test in training room.


um, no.
here is a input delay test for tekken 6 ps3 vs xbox
the numbers at the top of each side are how many extra frames one system lags over the other

notice how there is either even input lag or it actually lags more on the xbox side? that’s because the game was developed on the ps3 and ported to the xbox. opposed to sf4

now compare that to the ssf4 response test by the same guys[media=youtube]h6yW3CQ_5FE[/media]

just because capcom still hasn’t figured out how to develop a game for the ps3 yet doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the ps3s as a console. that’s just fanboy bullshit.

I actually noticed some input lag on my side earlier today before this topic went up. I first thought it was because I was using a wireless controller but what seemed like a huge delay didn’t go away even with the USB cable connected. After testing it with my stick(the stick is broken but the buttons work) input delay was confirmed for my setup.

I’ve played 3s on Mame, nFBA, etc. offline on my display for years and it didn’t feel too far off from my experience playing on the cabinet itself. I’m going to have to spend some time in training mode re-learning the timing again.

What a methodic test!
“Hm, looks like buttons are pushed approximatively at the same time, let’s see what will happen on screen…”

I’m not sure, but playing on a CRT tv without the filters seems fine. Not exactly arcade perfect, but better than playing Anniversary Collection on a backwards compatible PS3. I had to alter my timing a bit to do the parrying part of Parry Trial 10, but it was done. Not as easy as the arcade, but maybe using an american stick in the arcade has something to do with it because I use a JLF at home.

And I REALLY feel the lag when playing on the HDTV, I can’t even parry the first 8 kicks of Chun’s super consistently.
We’ll have to see when the 360 version comes out.

CRT set up is normal. HDTV set up is on game mode, speakers connected via Direct PS3 RCA, video via HDMI.

My personal final verdict is the game is NOT arcade perfect, but due to varying conditions and my low credibility, everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

I dled jap demo yesterday and to me, no obvious lag.
Doing Ryu trials in like 2mn, then trying some things, nothing particularly bad, except the first visual shock.

Feels a little different than ggpo but i think it’s a speed issue, as oe seems to be closer to arcade speed than emulators. (ie. oe seems slower to me)
Only strange thing i noticed is i was able to do some tight shit ( kara sa2 with ryu) like 10x in a row where i barely can do it on emulator.
Also, i feel like motion have to be done stricter, can’t really explain why.

Seriously, saying you can’t do b’n’b cause of lags or 2 frames inputs delay makes me smile, internet ‘let’s talk big’ bullshit at it best.

Also, seeing big names in credits, i highly doubt they didn’t feel this awful input lag.
So far, i didn’t see any bad japanese review, which i find quite surprising from what i read here.

I’m seeing something here where the first thought that comes to my head is monitor lag. Unless people are using the same monitor for their PC for GGPO and for their PS3 and xbox.

If you’re using a proper monitor for your PC then a HDTV for your console, changes are your HDTV is lagging the place up. So yeah, you’re going to be thrown off balance. For those who use the same monitor for both…uhm, not sure what can be done there.

The emulators on your PC also might run at a lower frame rate (your pc’s processing speed and all that jazz), so if you’re used to that frame rate, switching to console might also give you different frame rates than you’re used to.

Ive heard good and bad which just simply means this…

#1 - Its on PSN LMAO

#2 - They must have a shitty connection

#3 - They need to Man Up and get the 3SOE NON-Scrub Version AKA 360 w/ better online

I still can’t believe the ignorance of PS3 users. PSN is FREE and it SUCKS! Go get 360 for Online Play.

lol @ people saying that its probably 4-5 frame lag. lol @ people saying it lags soo much they can’t even do a bnb. don’t blame the game because you can’t do a bnb, blame yourself. lol @ people saying it lags because it doesn’t feel like ggpo’s version of 3soe…i wonder if the people posting about the game and the lag even knows how to play this game.

i can’t comment on whether or not 3soe is arcade perfect because i don’t know. however netplay is a hit or miss w/me. i have played a few people and have had good connection, and other times a lot of rollback and the game just feels weird (i’m going to assume that is because the connection between us isn’t so good). i know one thing for sure though, theres definitely less input lag in 3soe than in sf4. its netplay, expect lag! ggpo wasn’t lagless either, it just did a good job of covering it up.


I don’t experience any of these issues.

Are you fucking kidding me?
You have top 3S players like Fubarduck and Mopreme saying that there’s a delay.
Delay is serious fucking business, and it’s why the PS2 CCC2 version of ST failed. There were 4 frames of delay, and the game felt like trash when you played it. We all knew it, and NKI proved the 4 frames of delay. The game felt like shit. So yeah, while you’re right that people are bitching, when you’re promised an arcade perfect port and you get a mistake, people complain. Welcome to the internet, Mr. 19-year old hotshot.

Back on topic:

You can’t notice the 2 frames, even if that exists. I still haven’t seen any sort of video comparing it to the CPS3 version.
And if any of you CAN notice it… Have you played Super Turbo on the CPS2? Do you feel any delay there? Because if you don’t, then you don’t notice it here either.

God damn it, I already put in the redeem code for 1200 MS points I bought online, if I had know this I would have waited till the last minute. 360 port better not suffer from this.

Btw, have any of you guys tried playing with your TV’s game mode enabled ?, it should reduce the lad significantly . I have a Samsung TV, with game mode enabled and the aspect ratio set to 4:3 the PS2 port felt almost exactly like I was playing it on my old CRT so I know it helps.My 360 is connected through HDMI and my dash is set to 1080P, Ive got game mode enabled on that to just in case.

unless your doing a “tachi gigas” i really don’t notice anything that off from the arcade version. then again the arcade version is a whole worlds different than that beta GGPO version everyone is used to. with a few runs in arcade mode i was getting down all my BnBs.

but the only thing i can really complain about it is online. almost everyone has shit connection for some reason and i can’t filter them out when i go looking for a match, like in SSF4 or even beta GGPO which let’s me see everyone’s ping. it gets just as distracting on OE from high ping as it would on beta GGPO; i’ve gotten false KOs, odd animations, random character flashing, false sound effects, dropped moves once in awhile, but i’ve yet to get a dropped game or those black lines. even when the host leaves a party, the host migration took about 2 seconds on said shitty connection

hopefully Capcom can improve on their codes though; i would hate for this game to be trashed, again…

I’m playing 360 3SO, Crisp filter, no scanlines (and GGPO Lag set to zero, if that effects offline). I am 95% sure there is no lag. Makoto goes into a very obvious animation the moment I press LK. (Yea, it’s not that hard to eyeball it for a game you’ve been playing for almost a decade.)

Before people start flipping out about the lag, ask yourself this question: Have you ever played Super Turbo on CPS2? If you didn’t notice the lag there, you wont notice it here. Super Turbo INHERENTLY has 4 frames of lag.
2 wont kill you.

Oh, and if you don’t believe me:

We need some comparisons with reliable tests like Zephon has posted with a CRT and HD monitor for this game, because at this point it’s all heresay and unreliable. Especailly with people comparing how it feels to other formats which just adds to the variables… Arcade, PS2, PC emulator, GGPO settings, CRT monitors, HD monitors, input delay on both systems… just too many variables to compare by “feeling” alone.

The only one semi-comparable is the true arcade version to 3SO on a CRT, but even at that “feeling” alone isnt very reliable unless you were playing the arcade version in the last couple weeks.

I trust the testing that Fubar was doing yesterday, and I trust his opinion on the lag; there were also some other experienced players there who agreed with him. I’m not saying his opinion should be set in stone, but this isn’t people running off the cliff with some random forum guy, so don’t pretend like it is. Fubar tried the game on various set-ups with different settings, and still reported getting lag; that passes as informed information to me.

I wouldn’t call FubarDuck and Mopreme’s “feeling” to be inaccurate.

on that note, anybody know if Kuroda has a “feeling” about it? Or is the opinion of somebody who basically knows this game more fluently than anybody on the planet invalid as well?


I still stand with it though - The 2 frames are hardly there, and they’re, in my opinion, nothing to deter you from getting this game. It was really well done.