ok having seen inception once, here’s my notes/thoughts.
the concept that nolan came up with for this film is maybe one of the greatest ideas in film history. such a good idea that i feel this film had the potential to be a true 10/10 classic. this is why i find myself almost harshly critiquing it. sadly, it didn’t quite make it. this really could’ve been one of the best of all time.
don’t get me wrong though, this film is a must see. experience it. even if you find that you didn’t like it in the end, you know you’ve seen something unique.
so what are my problems with the film? the whole of the 3rd level.
it was like the film turned into goldeneye for no reason. the part where eames and a dying saito are able to take out an entire squad of troops (like they were camping in the snow level of modern warfare 2) was just fucking laughable to be perfectly honest. easily the worst part of the film.
also (i think this part just totally went over my head, so someone please explain it to me)
[details=Spoiler]i don’t understand how cobb ends up finding saito in limbo. also, was everything after the 3rd level considered limbo? or was that the 4th level? i can’t remember.
did cobb kill himself in the 4th level, then end up on the beach where the dream in limbo began?
regardless of the above spoiler, that’s pretty much the only part of the film i lost track of. i do think this film might have been even better had it laid off the action and delved into even more levels of interesting dialogue and mind fuck. however, i don’t mean sanctimonious crap like the architect splurts out in the matrix reloaded. that stuff was just jarring.
what else? stuff like how eames can shapeshift, yet none of them have neo-like powers, even though they are trained, fully aware they are in a dream.
i was pissed that the awesome music that was in the trailer was nowhere to be heard.
ok, so on to what i did like about this film:
the conecpt of the film itself,
tom hardy,
cillian murphy,
joseph gordon-levitt,
the cgi (specifically the 2nd level),
the cinematography (fucking amazing),
some of the sfx (there was one in particular where the sub bass in the imax was simply remarkable)
the ending
sorta reminded me of blade runner is/isn’t replicant/dream. perfect ending
in summary, the main fault with the film is that for a story about dreams, it’s held down not only in it’s own rules, it’s also too grounded in reality. someone like tim burton in his prime, or david lynch as another example, would have made this film even better (and even more of a mind fuck). to be fair to christopher nolan (a great director in his own right), i think he made sacrifices to the intellectual quality of this film in order for w.b to give him a big budget to work with, knowing that the amazing sfx/cgi and brainless action parts would help turn the film into more of a money spinner.
some of the thoughts that this film provokes are actually better than the film itself. i give it a high 7/low 8 out of 10. however, after a second viewing, i think i might give this film 8 1/2.