INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

Official Site

Opens July 16th

Written & Directed by Christopher Nolan (Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Presige, The Dark Knight)

Leonardo DiCaprio
Ken Watanabe
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ellen Page
Marion Cotillard
Tom Hardy
Cillian Murphy
Tom Berenger
Michael Caine

Trailer 2
Trailer 3

The movie is looking really great. So far it’s gotten several perfect reviews.

Theres been a lot of secrecy regarding the movie and it’s recommended that you avoid from seeing too much footage. This summer has been pretty disappointing for movies as a whole. I’m hoping that this will be able to live up to the hype.

Anyone else looking forward to the movie?

I’ll pretty much watch anything with Leo in it. will Most likely see the blu-ray release. I rarely go to the movies.

Here you go

Have to agree with the OP…this will probably be the only movie worth seeing. Seems the only thing original this summer, but now after looking at these last 2 trailers…

Maybe it’s just another Matrix. I am disappoint.

My thread is better though. :slight_smile:

But seriously, i didn’t see any other thread in the search

Oh yeah, you listen to samples of Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack here. Inception: Hans Zimmer: Music

The music in the trailer is amazing.

The search function sucks, some reason it loads up the wrong search parameters and the advanced search loads the wrong tab for searching threads =/

Anyway, I’m so hyped for this movie!

It’s awesome one of the greatest directors ever is in his prime in my lifetime, I can’t think of another director who has the track record he has every one of his movies is a masterpiece even his lesser work The Prestige shits on the best from most other directors working today.

I was wondering if someone was going to make a thread for this. Seeing as though this is pretty much the only film I was looking forward to this summer other than the Expendables, I’m pretty hype. I hope it’s as good as it looks.

I’ll probably catch it in Imax opening night.

Is this going to be in 3D??

Five bucks says the enemy is himself

movie looks like a dumb ripoff of sweet anime ‘paprika’

Would it really be this simple though?

sure it would look at that shitty movie shutter island which i, for the record, called the twist to without seeing. i’m brilliant

Nope. It’ll be on IMAX though.

It’s similar in the sense that theres a Dream Machine and that theres Lucid Dreaming, but other than that it’s completely different.

This movie looks very good. I really need to see a good movie this summer because it’s been pretty lackluster so far. Christopher Nolan never really disappoints so I’m not too worried.

The billboards/posters have been popping up all over San Francisco for the past couple weeks. I had no idea what the hell the movie was about, but the signage and all that were absolutely badass and made me wanna check it out.

yeah i know but anyway paprika owns

So…did you actually saw “Paprika” in its entirely?

And to ezekial45: Damn you for ruining my plan to bump up the old “Inception” thread. :lol: