INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED


Mmmm. No.

Yeah I’m not going to read another review for the film and I’m going to avoid this thread by the weekend. This is all the hope I have left for this summer. (The Expendables not withstanding. It’s a special film.)

so yeah im going to go see this in imax opening night. every actor in the movie is top tier (Ken Watanabe! i mean for real). well this is the only movie i want to see this summer< and my girl wants to see it too?! yeah its a wrap. this movie is going to be the shit.

Tom Berenger is in the film. Seals the deal for me seeing this movie.

I don’t remember what movie it was, but there was a preview of inception before the movie, and when the preview ended and it went quiet, I said “What the fuck did I just see?” and all the people within earshot started laughing. Definitely on my “to see” list.

I’m sorry, i didn’t know there was one before.

IGN gave this a 5 out of 5

Yeah, that was a good review. So far, all the reviews have been highly positive. Armond White hasn’t seen it yet though. That should be a fun read.

Anyway, keep your eyes on this site. They give out advance screenings for movies, and Inception’s early screenings are on Monday and Tuesday.

Gofobo: Home

give out, oh I thought you meant they were gonna stream it

Apparently, a certain SRK member got to see it early (as in tonight). :bluu:

Twitter / Arthur: At the Gold Class Cinema f …

Yeah, they had bunch of screenings today. Theres some tomorrow too. So far the buzz has been all positive.

Can’t wait till it’s actually released.

Yeah, they had bunch of screenings today. Theres some tomorrow too. So far the buzz has been all positive.

Can’t wait till it’s actually released.

I just came from a screening of it. It’s really good. Some of the action scenes get pretty cool with how they do it. The who premise and setup seems pretty complicated at first, but you eventually would get the hang of the logic of it if you accept it for what it is.

this movie sort of reminds me loosely of a heist movie, like ocean’s eleven, except with more action and a love story. The only reason i would relate to something like ocean’s eleven is because its basically setting up of some elaborate plan they have to follow through.

Thats great to hear. I can’t wait to see it.

Did you get a pass from gofobo? Because my cousin got a pass from them, but unfortunately it’s in his name. Did they check I.D’s at the door?

The soundtrack is amazing. IMO, Time is one of the best songs Zimmer has made.

Did anyone else see it? There was a screening last night.

Remember, please use spoiler tags if you’re going to talk about the movie in depth.

My cousin works at a comic book store and her boss gets a lot of early screenings to movies, like the Dark Knight, Harry Potter, and a lot of other movies.




at the end of the movie everyone let out a collective “WHAT???” when we were gonna see the top fall or not. But Nolan decided to cut away when it was losing momentum so we don’t know if he’s still in Limbo or not. Though I personally think he got out because he can see his children’s faces now and it looked like it was gonna fall eventually.

Anyone going to any midnight screenings tonight?

Just got back from it. Fucking amazing movie. I’m not even talking about the pseudo-fantasy-philosophy-science mash, just the way the movie was constructed, put together, acted out… amazing. The story was great by itself.

Go watch it.

Thanks for sharing, DaDesi. I won’t be able to see it till tomorrow, but all this positive buzz is great to hear.

Remember, for everyone else who’ve seen it, if you’re gonna talk about it in depth USE THE DAMN SPOILER TAGS!!! I cannot stress that enough. There are people who’ve been on media blackouts for this movie.

Yep that’s what I did, and I think I definitely enjoyed the movie more because of it.