INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

I feel like i’ve seen too much with the trailers and tv spots.

I barely saw the trailer.

The movie was fucking awesome. Reading the various theories about the movie from people who have seen it is awesome.

Damn man I need to see this. It just so happens that the novel I’m working on right now deals with dream manipulation and vices.

From all the trailers and TV Spot, I clearly still don’t know what the film will be about.

need to see this now! too bad i gotta wait til tomorrow…

Very very good. I was captivated by the film from beginning till end.

It is hella good, SRK good.

movie review edit: And I know we hate things 'round here parts.

one of the best movies ever created.

Just to add to the fire it’s amazing.

Thinking about watching it again after one of my gf takes me to the seafood buffet. I wish the OP can change the title to MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

Some thoughts:

click for shit

[details=Spoiler]What I found interesting is there were certainly enough hints to indicate that what we see in “real waking life” is actually a dream/limbo that Dom personally trapped himself into. Things like a shot of the window curtain in real life which looks like the curtain of the hotel room of where his wife set up him up for a suicide pact reflects the idea of how any of the participants sub-conscious could impact the dream much like the train.

At first I thought Dom’s crew, especially Ariadne was hired not only to aid him in this final job, but in reality to plant their own “inception” during the heist. The parts where Dom and Ariadne talk alone really seemed to reflect the same con that they were trying to do on Fisher, with each dream level they descend further; Ariadne warns Dom more aggressively to Mal’s interference with the dream which both is convincing due to the situation but also seems to be a construct of the situation due to the cyclical nature of the mind in dreams.

In effect Ariadne’s own inception of ideas makes Dom’s own mind makes Mal far more interfering with their heist by having her kill the target Fisher rather than like the first dream with Saito where she just helps Saito oust out Dom and Arthur. This creates the exact same scenario where Fisher convinces himself that Browning is out to get him via extraction where in reality he isn’t.

However that seems a bit too simple a even more convincing argument is that Dom is still living in the dream, much like how those test subjects of Yusuf decide to sleep in order to live in that reality however it is a flawed dream. He cannot see his children because of the guilt of his wife’s death forbids him from doing so hence his own refusal to see their faces even within the dreams of his memories. It isn’t the crimes in the US that prevents him from returning but his own denial and guilt manifested by Mal.

Normally in the dream the projections might defend against Mal since she could have been seen as an outsider to the dream, however it’s so ingrained into Dom’s psyche; his inability or refusal to architect might be actually an acceptance of Mal’s involvement in his dream world without the projections being able to escort her out of his head.

So if Dom is still dreaming (that is if the real life is dream level 1) then Dom’s crew are projections of his sub-conscious and psyche. Notice how they mention this idea but never actually expressed this with any of the marks of either Saito or Fisher. Any projection that would glean some sort of hint at their respective characters were manifestations or not there. Therefore with Dom sub conscious fully knowing the situation they face, it creates these more intellectual projections (Dom’s own personal Mr. Charles’) much like how Fisher created a more fleshed out projection that is Mr. Browning.

If we look at each of the team members we can see how they reflect a certain aspect of Dom’s personality:

Arthur: = Dom himself without the guilt of Mal. Second in command but in reality what Dom could potentially be if he wasn’t so tied down with this problem.

Miles: = Dom as his old self as explained with his own personal limbo venture for 50 years with mal. Notice how we never see the grandmother only hear of her who seems to have a similar behaviour to prevent Dom from coming home. The grandfather is the only one who can relay messages/love from Dom but being old Dom he knows how young Dom is ruining his dream world by letting Mal exist. So he sets him up with:

Ariadne: = Dom and Mal combined. Imprisoned Mal saw her almost as a mistress to Dom and reacted the same amount of fury. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that she would recreate a bridge in her first attempt at a dream architect which reflects the same bridge/structure they cross when Dom and Ariadne look for Fisher in limbo/the 4th dream level (5th if you think Dom’s waking life is a dream itself).

A prodigy it seems to indicate that she is better than Dom because she is Dom and Mal’s talents together and more importantly, having Dom’s talents she is able to create a dream where it not only allows Dom to indirectly architect his own dream without the guilt of Mal preventing him; but doing so in order to make Mal enough of a threat/liability to finally break ties with her in the dream world. Not only that, throughout the film she is doing an inception of her own upon Dom’s mind.

Eames: is Dom’s ability to forge these complex projections to help him get out of this situation with Mal. It isn’t necessarily Eames portraying all of the characters outright, but the sub-conscious knowing what buttons to push in order to lead Dom in the right direction. The one line “You shouldn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling” doesn’t just mean for weapons, but it shows through weaponry that these projections can fight back with more than just with AK47s and handguns. Moreso it’s by this contrast of advanced thinking that they can be more aware that most projections.

Yusuf: is Dom’s wanting to dream. His complete trust in him for the heist shows that he is willing to dream even if it means his own destruction. While the others show the concept of trying to get out of the dream, he represents the want to stay in the dream for as long as possible.

Saito: The projection decoy that starts the whole ball rolling. The chance that Dom is willing to give himself to convince him that he doesn’t need the guilt of Mal’s death to prevent him from enjoying his life without her and with his family.

Really all of this is off the top of my head, but what lead me to believe this isn’t so much that Dom’s totem’s spinning fate was left unresolved, but more the idea that his children look exactly the same as his memory. While he might have spent months/years in the dream world or however many levels of dream worlds he’s been in during his exile; it seems to me that he also spent a considerable amount of time away from his family to warrant his absence significant; especially considering the contacts he’s made and the apparent notoriety of career as an extractor. This seems to add up to enough time away from the children to actually show them older than the memory but they are not which seems to support my ideas above, but this is really all speculation[/details]



Dom Cobb.


This movie was gdlk. Easily one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long ass time.

OrangeCat just fucked my night up. I’m going to be thinking about that shit until I sleep. It’s got me wanting to go back and see it again in the morning.

I’m gonna try and see Inception this weekend…looks freaking hype.

Just got back.


so fuckin good.

camera’s still too shaky during action scenes but nolan improved a bit.

we got there early, thinkin there’s gonna be a line, but there wasn’t any. and there weren’t any lines when we got out. transformers 2 opening night had at least 4 lines. it surprised me cuz i thought there would be more hype. i really hope this movie does well

Amazing, just amazing. Will probably see it a few more times to see if I can observe any extra info. Definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen.

they copied vanilla sky + total recall with a dash of waking life

3 stars out of 5

Haters gonna hate.