I haven’t had a chance to go over all of the posts, but about the ending:
[details=Spoiler]I did notice that the top was spinning more wildly at first, in wider circles. And then when they cut back to it later, it seems to have found its balance and is spinning the way we saw it spin before- the axis untilted, spinning continuously. Now, had the shots been in reverse order, I might be inclined to think that maybe DiCaprio’s character had gotten back to reality- the top was spinning perfectly, and then it spun in wider and wider circles. But it was the exact opposite, which, correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think would actually happen in the real world.
So, on that basis alone I’d believe DiCaprio’s character is still in a dream state of some sort. Though, if you really want to get into it, it wouldn’t be permanent. Firstly, everyone else seems to have gotten out alright, with the exception of him and Watanabe. So everyone else is waiting on the outside world (assuming we accept the outside world as reality). Even if Leo is stuck for days or years like when he went in with is wife, it’s only a matter of hours in the real world. Assuming they don’t have means to wake him, they should all be up and about in less than 10 hours, if not sooner (and I would assume sooner).
Secondly, and more obviously, if that top is going to keep spinning…I’m saying, eventually he’s going to walk back into his fucking kitchen. He’s going to notice that the top he started spinning 3 hours ago is still going strong, and I think that’ll be a clear enough sign. None of this is to say he’ll be sane when/if he awakes, but I don’t believe he’s trapped in a permanent way.
Just to add, I listened pretty fucking hard at the end of the movie, because during the last 5 seconds I was like “Fall, damn you! FALL!!!”, like Megatron in the OG Transformers movie. I didn’t hear the top topple. Maybe Psychic From Drag Me to Hell was talking about an alternate ending? Wouldn’t be hard to believe a movie like this would have one, especially given the high-profile nature of it. Or, at the least, an alternate version of that same scene, which ended up on the cutting room floor.
And, since someone asked, I didn’t see anything after the credits.
Though, if you want to get into it, even if the top fell, one could make the argument that it was DiCaprio’s mind that made it do so, and especially if you consider that it was his wife’s totem in the first place.[/details]