INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

spoiler for diff. levels

[details=Spoiler] Juno made all of the levels except for the last one with his kids,wife and last samurai. Dicaprio had trouble keeping parts of his subconcious from leaking into everyone elses dreams AKA he was losing control, that’s why Juno was so worried. You can see this in the beginning when they first invade last samurai’s dream.

As far as the ending goes, leo is stuck in limbo. Throughout the movie leo avoided looking at his kids faces whenever they showed up because he knew if he saw them, he’d end up staying in the dream. Had he continued to look at the top spin before looking at his kids, he would’ve realized he never made it out. [/details]

I saw the movie and thought it was very creative and well put together. Although I felt near the end it was a little drawn out, the ending was good but personally thought it was a little depressing and raises a few question left to the imagination.

edit: I don’t know why but I wanna bang ellen page and the crazy wife.

this film was great.

i too weas unsure on the rules of whose in charge of the contents of the dreamonce the stage had been created by the architect. When leo ran juno through the process it seemed simple enough but then why was leo able to influence scarecrows dreams and have his wife run about killing people? As the main player was it stated his dream mixes with scarecrows?

i give it an 8.

his wardrobe in the movie was also pimpin hard.

im outi


Best movie of the summer. Thank you Christopher Nolan.

I noticed the guy sitting in front of me fell asleep during the movie, i wanted to punch his ass.

Also, +1 to Joseph Gordon Levitt

The second half of this movie was one long action sequence, culminating in the “Call of Duty: Dream Warfare” snow bunker scene.
Too good.

[spoiler=] My opinion on the ending is he is stuck in limbo as his little object keeps on spinning.[/spoiler]

The Ending

[details=Spoiler]Whenever a movie leaves the ending ambiguous like this, I view it as follows:

What really happened is… unknown. The answer to the question “is he awake or asleep” is “you’re not supposed to know.”[/details]

Dr. B


Dr. B’s fate is never ambiguous even in the most interpretive movies.

that’s how i feel too, dude was dressed hella sharp at all times.

ok having seen inception once, here’s my notes/thoughts.

the concept that nolan came up with for this film is maybe one of the greatest ideas in film history. such a good idea that i feel this film had the potential to be a true 10/10 classic. this is why i find myself almost harshly critiquing it. sadly, it didn’t quite make it. this really could’ve been one of the best of all time.

don’t get me wrong though, this film is a must see. experience it. even if you find that you didn’t like it in the end, you know you’ve seen something unique.

so what are my problems with the film? ** the whole of the 3rd level**.


it was like the film turned into goldeneye for no reason. the part where eames and a dying saito are able to take out an entire squad of troops (like they were camping in the snow level of modern warfare 2) was just fucking laughable to be perfectly honest. easily the worst part of the film.

also (i think this part just totally went over my head, so someone please explain it to me)


[details=Spoiler]i don’t understand how cobb ends up finding saito in limbo. also, was everything after the 3rd level considered limbo? or was that the 4th level? i can’t remember.

did cobb kill himself in the 4th level, then end up on the beach where the dream in limbo began?

regardless of the above spoiler, that’s pretty much the only part of the film i lost track of. i do think this film might have been even better had it laid off the action and delved into even more levels of interesting dialogue and mind fuck. however, i don’t mean sanctimonious crap like the architect splurts out in the matrix reloaded. that stuff was just jarring.

what else? stuff like how eames can shapeshift, yet none of them have neo-like powers, even though they are trained, fully aware they are in a dream.

i was pissed that the awesome music that was in the trailer was nowhere to be heard.

ok, so on to what i did like about this film:

the conecpt of the film itself,
tom hardy,
cillian murphy,
joseph gordon-levitt,
the cgi (specifically the 2nd level),
the cinematography (fucking amazing),
some of the sfx (there was one in particular where the sub bass in the imax was simply remarkable)

the ending


sorta reminded me of blade runner is/isn’t replicant/dream. perfect ending

in summary, the main fault with the film is that for a story about dreams, it’s held down not only in it’s own rules, it’s also too grounded in reality. someone like tim burton in his prime, or david lynch as another example, would have made this film even better (and even more of a mind fuck). to be fair to christopher nolan (a great director in his own right), i think he made sacrifices to the intellectual quality of this film in order for w.b to give him a big budget to work with, knowing that the amazing sfx/cgi and brainless action parts would help turn the film into more of a money spinner.

some of the thoughts that this film provokes are actually better than the film itself. i give it a high 7/low 8 out of 10. however, after a second viewing, i think i might give this film 8 1/2.

I wish I wasn’t so fucking poor all the damn time so I could dress like him. God damn. I really like Levitt as an actor, even though my first memories of him were of him looking like a girl on 3rd Rock From the Sun. I wish we could see him in more films because he is really talented.

Anyways, I just got back from seeing the movie. Ending was predictable about a third into the movie, but it was very well written and acted. Summer is a time where movies are just high budget blockbusters, and having a movie like this during the summer is nice. I think this movie will end up being over analyzed by super nerds with their interpretation of practically every scene during the movie, but analyzing the movie beyond what was presented in the movie itself is rather pointless. A movie like this is supposed to be left open for interpretation; there is no true answer.

1 answer


I didn’t like it as much either. Mainly because my only gripe is that Nolan is poor when it directs commonplace action sequences. However if you think about it, there is an architect that constructs the dream. Ariadne probably helped construct the dream where it wasn’t only easy for them to get in and avoid the projections but being able to “lead” them into areas where they feel comfortable taking them out. This kind of falls in line with my earlier theories about Ariadne helping Cobb escape from his own guilt ridden dream purgatory by making it easy for his Mal projection to come in…potentially fuck up the heist and give Cobb and chance to get rid of her for once. Notice how it was Ariadne’s suggestion to dive into limbo in order to get Fischer which in turn sets her up again as an architect and gives Cobb another chance to cut ties with Mal fucking up his shit.



Dunno. I think with the disolution of the Cobb limbo he ended up in the limbo of Saito somehow to help out. I don’t think everything after the 3rd level could be “considered” limbo since limbo seems to be a catch phrase for the point of long existence/decade existence Limbo is unstructured dreams. The only real explanation is that Cobb got back up to level 3 and then hooked up the dream machine to Saito in order to get into his limbo.


Ellen Page lookin good in that business attire.

But it’s fun, ain’t it?



As for Saito Limbo, I always thought they said that limbo was SHARED, so all cobb had to do was look for Saito. It looks like Saito managed to construct his own world in Limbo (even though he never had training as an architect?).

Dunno, just my current random thought.

Christopher Nolan knows how to write a great story and puts it on film even better. Add good actors and a pretty unique story line and you have an instant classic.

True, Levitt’s swagger was on point!!

It is, but some people will always take it too seriously. I mean, you could analyze all you want; there isn’t a right answer and never will be.



The thing is it doesn’t need training. Being an architect is more about control and details rather than building. I think if you enter a person’s dream even with architecting, it’ll form something from memories or sub-conscious thoughts. Yousef’s influence of rain in the dream was his sub-conscious afterall.


My short Inception review: Mortal Kombat Empires

somewhat right answer


A “maze” or world contains the other shared dreamers – all sleeping in a special drug-induced state in close proximity to each other.