INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

Really can’t wait for this on blu ray. The MMM is gonna be pretty cool.

I don’t think it’s possible that any director is fucking with Christopher Nolan right now. Dude is four for four for me right now.

Inception Triple Play format? Fuck yes! Count me in. Releasing one edition with all 3 formats is the greatest thing since bacon.

Got to watch for a 3rd time yesterday at IMAX. The imax in London is freaking huge, it must be 10 storeys tall a least :amazed:

Has this been asked? In level 1 Yusef’s dream they had a week to complete the mission but because of Fishers subconscious going into full military mode they had to rush the mission. So they spent roughly 4 hours in level one out of what was originally mean to be 1 week. What did they get up in for the remaining 6 and abit days? Rock, Paper, Scissors?

They had to rush the part about the combination and the supposed torture.

so what did they do for the rest of the week, patty cake. Or did Nolan not want to bother showing us that, which is understandable since the mission is completed.

I like hubcapsignstop’s explanation though, I experience the exact same thing. SUCKS! The only problem with that is they were sedated.

Ok fine I wasn?t going to voice my interpretation but at some point someones gonna come up with the same conclusions anyway


[details=Spoiler]I haven?t read anyones interpretations and I?ve only seen the film once, but I felt clued up half way through the film (erm it being spoilt that the whole thing may be a dream btw)

After watching the film I felt that it was all a dream/future state of being and about cobb getting over the loss (not death?) of his wife.

The characters seemed to me an expression/s of his psyche, the ?normal? world actually being his neurotic/totally controlled reality.

I recall a scene at a bar before cobb gets chased, the curtain in the background was moving in the wind when cobb was talking, when he was listening it was completely still, then again when he was talking it was moving again. A fault by Christopher Nolan? With his first and most precious 10 year project baby?

The way I looked at the film was quite simple, I saw cobb being the only ?human? character in the story, I saw Arthur as a manifestation of cobbs pride or his younger self. I felt that Eames was a manifestation of his fathers legacy or younger being. I saw Yusuf as possibly help in the form of an embodiment of Buddhism and I saw Saito as possibly help in the form of an embodiment of Zen. As for ariadne, I felt that she was the essence of mal. Cobb went to miles for advice on help getting him ?home? and he showed him towards ariadne.

I came to this total conclusion as soon as the credits started to roll, turned to my girlfriend and told her about my interpretation,

After a day passed and I felt I needed further confirmation I decided to look up the meanings of each characters names-

Arthur- Guardian of the Bear; remember at the start of the film it seemed like in the dream it was Cobb who was the guy who was together and looking after arthur, but when after speaking to saito in the ?real? world and from then on for most of the film it was Arthur who seemed like he was looking after cobb

Ariadne- Thread of Ariadne (logic); for some reason I see her as the younger version of mal, I think it?s because the only person who seems to have the potential to confuse cobb. Jokes aside, cobb obviously has a gift for complex systems and as it was him AND his wife who created worlds im guessing his wife in sane mode would be the best person to get him out of his bind.

Eames- Prosperous Protector; ?what was his relationship like with his father?? I see him as the manifestation of his father because he has that air about him, like how you might imagine your father to be like in his youth. His relationship with Arthur is very interesting also, you can see how it makes more sense for eames to interact with Arthur the way they do if you think of it in this way.

Bonus quote I thought I should add ?my dad could do anything!?

Yusuf- The Lord Increases; um, like I said I?ve only watched it once and I hadn?t analyzed him enough (much like a lot of the film) but he seemed to be a true support character for the fact that I would saw he was the one who was looking after everyone allowing them to do what they needed to do at the end

Nash- At the Ash Tree; the ash tree was once thought of as having magical powers. Local tribes used to hold meetings at an ash tree, It was also used as boundary markers for differing tribes.

Saito- Correct Field; when cobb meets saito in the helicopter, saito has nash as a hostage; saito then goes on to say ?you really should learn to keep better company? then throughout the rest of the film Saito has replaced Ash, how strange is that? Or is it?

Mal- Hope, Aspiration; remember cobb keeps holding on to hope? I mean mal?

Miles- Uncertain, Perhaps peaceful; cobb went to this guy to find a way to get home, I recall him saying he?s not sure what to do but he might know someone who could help.

Cobb- Corn on the Dom; I haven?t looked up the name meaning but im guessing that my theory of cobb being the one who is forging everything in his mind, him being the most ?Human? like character in the film (which Nolan had chosen dicaprio specifically for). Notice how cobb is always stressed looking like he?s constantly projecting things from his head :rofl: I think the whole totem thing is that when it drops he is in full control of his reality, the home reality of despair. When he finally can relax with his thoughts of his children the totem keeps spinning because he can relax in his dreams.

Now there could be and probably is more to all of this, I haven?t even gone into robert?s part, please feel free to disagree with my interpretation :wgrin: [/details]

Christopher Nolan (Somewhat) Explains INCEPTION

Some wild theories can be put to sleep.

Oh and, new (never-before-seen) poster:

That poster does kind of blow. Will read his words later.

Motherfucker better spill it on the commentary

Can someone basically sum up what Nolan said?

I don’t want to read it and figure it out. Yes I am lazy. I know I know, but that is what you guys are for.

That article only makes my penis harder for the bluray.

It’s not even an article you super lazy fuck. :lol: It’s the most internet friendly thing you’ll read today. It’s a series of pictures corresponding to a scene and one sentence theories and one sentence responses. It took like 2 mins to look at.

^This. Only I don’t have blu ray.

Got the BluRay today and will watch it soon =)

Briefcase edition is sold out. We are not amused.
EDIT: Does anyone know if UK DVDs and Blu Rays will play in the US?

Out on BluRay already? MUST HAVE!!!

lol i never heard about the idea it was about film making also haha…thats hilarious.

depends on the dvd/bd. ive bought two blurays from UK(that time i didnt know that ps3 bd player is region locked) and one cant be played because its region B while the 2nd one is okay since its for region ABC(all region)…

It depends the disc. Is it NTSC or is it PAL?

I stumble on to a DVD player that played both so I have no problem with the disc no matter where it is from.

This is just a generalization of which format is used in certain regions of the world.

As for Blu Ray I am not sure. I use my PS3 as a Blu Ray player, but all my Blu Ray I’m assuming is NTSC so I have no idea if PS3 plays any other Blu Ray format or if there is even a different type of Blu Ray format.

Why isn’t the bd in my ps3 right now? :<