funny inception pic
[spoiler=spoiler again]i understand why people would think that, since the movie says it very clearly, but i don’t think its a very good counter-argument for one key reason. keep in mind that one of the characters can shapeshift for christsake![/details]
hahahah! That was great! The movie would’ve been like an hour and 10 minutes long at that point.
[spoiler=]They always either shapeshifted going into the next dream (as in Eames imagined himself as the woman in Layer 2 before going to that layer. Meaning he instantly appeared as the blonde when it initiated) or when they’re in a secure place. When Eames turned into Browning, neither the Subject or his projections were present. Keeping them unaware. However, distorting the environment would’ve been different, obviously.
EDIT: Sorry, with exception to the Trained Subconscious (the armed ones). They were onto them once they grabbed Fischer, the general subconscious (everyone else who populated the dream) was still unaware.
Also, that pic doesn’t make much sense. The kids were in the custody of the Grandmother, who was heard over the phone. I highly doubt she would’ve allowed the kids to move to France to be with Cobb.[/details]
He’s already breaking laws. whats allowing have to do with anything. Just kidnap them!
Why would he do that though, that’s not in his personality. the grandmother already accuses him of
being a murderer and if he loves his children he wouldn’t want to jeopardize their relationship with their grandmother. Also it wasn’t really safe of him to return home to get them.
wasn’t the totem his wives idea, it wasn’t like widely accepted by everyone as law. who knows if the totem even works, it was just suggested by his wife and leo and his friends followed
For those interested: 2 bonus tracks from the OST are now available. All you have to do is go to Inception and sign up with your email address when prompted. Once you complete that task, it?ll direct you to a download of 2 previously unreleased tracks ? titled ?Projections? and ?Don?t Think About Elephants.?
I am curious. One thing I do not understand, but perhaps it’s not explained.
Near the end of the movie, why is Saito an old man in Limbo but Cobb is a young Man?
Is it because Cobb knows Limbo is not reality and so he traveled through limbo for 50 years just for a chance to meet Saito? Is that why Cobb couldn’t hardly remember what he was doing there with this old man, just washed up from the ocean?
I think it was pretty clear he didn’t leave Limbo, since he tells Ellen Page he cannot leave, he has to find Saito.
So does he really travel in Limbo for an entire lifetime’s worth of time before finding Saito?
I think that’s a pretty heavy thought. He’s already spent 50 years with his wife in Limbo.
He’s now spent another 50 years in limbo.
He’s only around 35 and he’s already had 135 years of life experiences?
Side note: One or two lines in the movie to say they were all ex-military, part of the original military experiments or something, to just explain why they’re so kick ass at combat. It’s a bit unrealistic for them to be able to be such Bond-like bad-asses all the time, without even training all that much. I know I wouldn’t be.
Didn’t they establish that time moves ridiculously fast when you’re in AND that you’re unaware that you’re in limbo? So Cobb’s few minutes’ delay is worth a LOT of time to Saito’s Limbo and without the other, neither one realised it was a dream.
my impression now is that it was just a cheap visual trick/vehicle to underscore the notion of paradox (i say cheap because they quickly dissolved revealing themselves to be illusory rather than paradoxical). Paradox seems so central to me because of the notion of consciously exploring the subconscious (via the subconscious). Lucid dreaming itself seem paradoxical to me. When you become aware you are dreaming and consciously control the subconscious ‘narrative’. Whenever this happens to me it is a race to do whatever I can before I wake up, because once I go lucid I know I only have a very short time left. My explanation for this is just that the subconscious and conscious cannot operate simultaneously so I slowly exit the dream as my consciousness irreversibly emerges. Now, it may not be true about them being mutually exclusive, but the simultaneous operation of the two in concert in this way does seem paradoxical given their respective standard definitions (you know, being aware of your un/subconscious *is *paradoxical, i think).
But I do have friends that say they can do this all day, so it may be some acquired talent.
spoiler again
[details=Spoiler]anyway, when gorden levitt pushed taht dude down the stairs and yelled “paradox” like some special move I burst out laughing, but I was the only one.
hahaa. Actually, I did alot of that during this movie.[/details]
DJ Jizz Drinky, huh? Nice handle.
didn’t the film end kind of weird for you all?
my interpretation of the story
I think the only “real” person in the film was cobb
I’ve only seen it once last night but I have the whole film sussed out, wrote it all down here and I got logged
I’ll come on later and rewrite it all :wgrin:
Here’s a list of features that the upcoming Blu-Ray (UK) release will have:
Inception: Triple Play (Blu-ray, DVD & Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) - Blu-ray at (UK)
Nice pic! :tup: (even if it was linked already)
Damn good movie, cliche ending. Still 9/10.
Is this still playing anywhere I probably won’t have any money for about a month and I need to go see this again and Scott, Expendables, and Machete.
good thing it was posted again because I guess i missed it