INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED



I think your right. Because they even say you need someone that has been in limbo before to get you out. But then how did Leo know he was in limbo the first time? Didn’t he go all the way down there just to incept Mal? So then he would have known but so would Saito.

I don’t think you quite get my questions. + you’re not really saying anything I don’t know already…for example, the music arthur used is nothing new. the point was about the van hitting the water…

anyway, you did actually bring up something that I was going to bring up (no internet at home so hard to post and reply and shit) pretty much the next inconsistency that seems to happen with effects from the level up.

I may try to post on it later if I can get my internet hooked up, and maybe try to clarify for you what you keep missing in replying to my posts (you’re very eager to reply though! good, but still…)

Going to be able to finally see this tomorrow, maybe even today.


even the musical score is a mindfuck.



That’s really cool actually. I wonder if he did that anywhere else…

If Cillian Murphy had gone through anti-Inception training or whatever which is why there are so many defenses in his mind, why didn’t that training include just giving him a totem?

^Good point. I think that movie is full of goofy holes and/or little bits that just don’t make any real sense.

Here’s one thing that doesn’t affect the plot but doesn’t make any sense to me at all.



The thing with the optical illusions and ‘looping’ of the dreamscapes is pretty flawed. I under stand the pac-man style wrapping of the world and how it allows for things to seem much larger (which probably isn’t necessary, but whatever, I’ll go for it). The thing that doesn’t make sense is the endochrome-style visual wrapping. There are only two examples of it in the movie. Both use a staircase. That’s kind of lame. If you have an entire dream world to play with, why be so boring with it? Nolan should have really let himself go.

Anyway, here is the real issue. From the vantage point of the audience watching the movie, the illusion works. The staircases seamlessly flow into one another. When the camera angle is changed, the audience then gets the completed effect. The character in the movie has moved to a location that would have been impossible if the stairs hadn’t been looped together. Ok, we get that. But how the hell does that make sense within the movie!?!? The characters watching this happen wouldn’t have the same vantage point as the movie’s audience and neither would the people who are walking on the stairs. The effect exists only for the viewing audience, not at all of the movie’s characters. It doesn’t make any sense. Nobody in the movie would think the stairs are looping because from their vantage point the trick doesn’t work

All the rest of my problems are with the plot and how the movie is kind of goofy in a lot of ways. I’m not knocking anyone for digging it. It just wasn’t for me.

you know white text means nothing if we have a black forum background

[spoiler=]It’s possible to argue that the totems were only Cobb and Mal’s idea. The only ones to have them, or be seen with one, were Cobb, Mal, Arther, Ariadne. Cobb and Mal were the ones to experiment heavily with the PASIV device (the dream machine), so it’s possible they’re the ones who came up with the idea behind the totems and why nobody else outside the team has one.

Also, Cobb tricked Fischer into believing that he was his subconscious security, the group performing the Inception were there to protect him, and that he was in a dream. So even IF he had one, there was no need in using it, since he knew he was dreaming.[/spoiler]

This is a common complaint. Like they said during the movie, distorting and manipulating the dreamscape would’ve alerted the subconscious and the subject that they’re in a dream. They made them look realistic and not dream like to fool them into thinking it’s reality. I think a ton of people were expecting David Lynch type dreams or something, but thats not what this movie was going for.

As for the paradox stairs, i can see were you’re coming from. The Audience perspective on the paradoxs can conflict with the character perspective during those scenes. It didn’t bug me at all.

I just came for seeing it a couple of hours ago it was an amazing experience I don’t want to ruin it for anyone so I need to post this as a spoiler, but what’s the dern code. Most forums have a button for it and it’s not [details=Spoiler][/details] like most places.

Follow the instruction here:

Then use the “Preview” for test.

i know that but at least it protects some of the people. its the best i can do since i cant get the damn tag to work.

Really appreciate that. I just realized that came from a stickied thread. It’s been so long since I had to read one of those that my mind naturally ignores them.

My Inception Opinion

[details=Spoiler] Hot diggity-dog-DAMN this movie was good!I really liked how this movie dealt with the premise of dream manipulation. Messing with dreams in real-life seems to be fantastical though earlier this week an outside source did influence my dream while I was sleeping. My mother had the TV on while I was sleeping and I was in a department store. A large bear came in and started attacking people, eventually chasing and killing me. When I woke up a news report was on TV talking about a recent bear siting. I subconsciously heard the cast while sleeping and it interfered with my dream. Scary stuff. Of course this movie deals with that interaction in a grand way.

The center of the plot involved around Cog making a deal with that Asian’s man’s name, (I forgot what it was) to clear his criminal charges of his wife’s death. The deal involves him entering the mind of a company CEO I believe, to find out the idea or safe combination to the company’s secret plan. The rival company is losing business and is desperate to steal from their competitor so that they may be able to stay in business. I was wondering what kind of device they would use for this dream manipulation. Looked less techy than I thought and more medicinal like I loved how they crafted the psychology in this film, bringing in the familiar and adding on to something new. The formation of the team was intriguing, though I wish I had seen this movie again so I can be more detailed in my posts. I’m struggling to remember specifics.
A lot of great movies I watch seem to revolve around one premise rather than several like most do. If you didn’t get that I mean that the movie’s primary plot happens over the course of a day or with just one set goal. It seems like this formula or set up is one of the best and it certainly remains true here. Cog’s character was interesting. His relationship with his dead wife played out in this movie was intelligently done. The dreams in this film weren’t really outlandish like a know a lot ours can be, but I was suspecting that. Some people might not have taken this seriously if there were goofy dreams. Everything from how they explained the process of dream manipulation to a science and how it was visually done was astounding to me. I felt on the edge on those scenes where the Indian character (gosh I kept on forgetting names) was driving the van trying to avoid the dream guards, also at those last few moments when everything was coming to a close as the van was falling to the water.
That fight where slick haired dude (ugh, not again) was fighting more dream guards in the hallway. Something didn’t really make sense to me a little after that though since Cog stated when the van was falling that the slick haired dude had about three minutes while everything he was doing from fighting guards to tying everyone up and putting them in the elevator in zero gravity had to take at least six minutes. That aside everything else was brillant. I found it cool how the team was able to get away with that without the new CEO guy being suspicious since everyone he dreamed about was right on that plane with him. With the ending I believe Nolan was hinting at something with the spinning top, I’m guessing that Cog might’ve still have been dreaming?
All in all this movie was a masterpiece that I will have to make sure to harass as many people as I can for work so I can have enough money to see it once again. I hope many Oscars are given in this film’s honor.[/details]


you have to type <spoiler=title of spoiler here> text of spoiler goes here </spoiler>

and replace the < with [

it has to have a title.



They are briefed on the layout of the entire dream so they know where the trick stairs would be. It is a matter of seeing it from the right perspective. The camera does this literally for us, but it is probably more of a mental choice to the dreamers so they can use it to their advantage when needed.

These guys are some haters. Seems just like those guys who disprove to like stuff just because it’s popular, but also seems like they don’t understand it. Dude can shapeshift because if you’ve had a dream yourself you would know that any kind of crazy shit is possible. A more intelligent response would be even though they can’t manipulate major things in the world, they still have control over their dream selves. All of them could’ve done it if they wanted to, but it was only necessary for one person to do it.

My review.

Late to this thread, but I saw Inception twice, enjoyed it a lot. The movie is pretty much my second best movie for this year (Echoes of the Rainbow being the first). I can see Inception doing things for the next Oscars definitely.

Another great review, completely agree with you in your closing paragraph. Nolan has performed inception on us.


If thats the case, why have to do it at all? Couldn’t they just teleport, imagine having a massive gun, turn invisible, etc?[/details]