INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

Would it be wrong to make my totem my penis?

I mean imagine it, I reach into my pants and it’s too big, this is definitely a dream and I need to start fucking women soon, because why else would I have an un-necessarily large penis in my dreams? That would turn any thievery or inception attempts in my brain, into porns.

Free mustaches rides for everyone.

I updated my post, snow level kick was for everyone else except arthur and Yusef.


[details=Spoiler]when you say snow level kick, you mean the elevator right? the snow level kick was only for those who went into limbo. the elevator would’ve woken them all up if they didn’t go into limbo

anyway, your reply exactly misses what I’m talking about. the very first planned kick with the truck, when it went over the bridge, should’ve woke arthur up. why didn’t it?

we know why it didn’t wake the others up, they were dreaming a level deeper and so they needed the level 2 hotel kick before the level 1 truck kick (and some, who went into limbo, then needed the level 3 snow kick)[/details]

I see what you mean about the first kick with Arthur. It sure sounds like a plothole to me.

it is as far as I have have thought it out. until someone can explain some rule I missed I guess. Like I said, I had many more Qs seeing it a second time but I figured them all out and it sorta led me to this 1. because…if it worked like I think it should’ve worked then they would’ve been sorta screwed after that point since he’d be a level up…unless he put himself back to sleep

Probably a dumb question, maybe even formulated in a dumb way.


[details=Spoiler]So if death would only get you into limbo, and cobb said he and his wife were in limbo, how did death get them out of limbo?

and if cobb was actually awake in the end, how could that have happened through all those layers?[/details]

IIRC they said if you use heavy sedatives you’ll need two kicks, One in the level you are in and another one above you. That’s why they had to coordinate all the kicks simultaneously to get all of them out of the different levels.

Yeh Divinus is correct they were all sedated


[details=Spoiler]I don’t remember that at all…I don’t think that was said.

that would make coordination extremely difficult. how would they even coordinate the 2nd kick on the first level…how did they know when the truck would hit the water

a kick on the level you’re in? i thought a kick is the whole sense of falling, while asleep the level up. how would you kick in the level you are presently in

what does simultaneous even mean in this regard? it would be way to cumbersome to accurately make all the kicks simultaneous, especially when the level 1 kick is a guess. that would make it extremely lucky for them then when they kicked and the exact time their sleeping body a level up would sense that level’s kick imo

can anyone else confirm if this was actually said at all and/or when? I don’t want to watch the movie again…

TFO: yes, I know they were sedated. that alone doesn’t answer the question.[/details]

ok here’s a plot hole that I might have just missed the explanation for:

when they initially go to sleep on the plane, the flight attendant brings out the machine, but how is it that the machine isn’t around when they all wake up? Like the opening scene on the train - they used the machine, and saito was left sedated and everyone else woke up before he did; but at the end, they pretty much all woke up at the same time.

Can someone explain that?

Just watched the movie, I thought it was amazing.

I think he left the ending open ended on purpose. We simply can’t know for sure what happens at the end. Arguments can be made for a lot of interpretations, which is why the movie is so gdlk.

Ha, “ultimate.”

Anyway with regards to the ring being the actual totem:


[details=Spoiler]One of the things that stood out for me on second viewing was the scene about 10 or 15 minutes into the movie, where DiCaprio’s character gets back to the hotel room after the first job goes bad. He spins the top on the coffee table in the hotel room, and puts the gun to his head. When it stops, he puts the gun away.

I didn’t know what to make of it before, other than that this character was on the edge, but in context, he is pretty clearly using the totem to figure out where he is. …he does this several times during the course of the movie. The idea that the totem doesn’t work, or especially that his ring is the “real” totem is, as the Brits say, too clever by half.[/details]

Here’s the transcript, just in case. I did not compiled them, mind you:

The Kick

[details=Spoiler]During the team briefing - Kicks and Sedation

Arthur: [questioning tone] 3 layers down, dreams are going to collapse with the slightest disturbance
Yusuf: Sedation [smiles knowingly to himself]
Yusuf: For sleep stable enough to create 3 layers of dreaming we have to combine it with an extremely [emphasize] powerful sedative.
[flash to scene of Yusuf slapping Arthur while he is under sedation]
Yusuf: The compound we’ll be using to share the dream creates a very clear connection between dreamers whilst actually accelerating brain function.
Cobb: In other words it gives us more time on each level
Yusuf: Brain function in the dream will be about 20 times normal. When you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded. 3 dreams is 10 hours…
Eames: [looks around]I’m sorry, uh Maths was never my strong subject. How much time is that?
Cobb: It’s a week the first level down. 6 months the 2nd level down. 3rd level is…
Ariadne: [surprised realization] 10 years…
Ariadne: Who’d wanna be stuck in a dream for 10 years?
Yusuf: Well depends on the dream

Arthur: So once we’ve made the plant, how do we get out? I’m hoping you have something more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head?
Cobb: The kick
Ariadne: What’s a kick?
Eames: This Ariadne would be a kick [proceeds to tip Arthur off his chair with his feet. Arthur jolts forward and looks annoyed]
Cobb: It’s that feeling of falling you get and the jolt to go with it. Snaps you out of the dream
Arthur: Are we gonna feel the kick with this kind of sedation?
Yusuf: Oh that’s the clever part. I customized the sedative to leave inner ear function unimpaired. That way however deep the sleep, the sleeper still feels falling or tipping
[flash to 2 separate scenes of Yusuf giving a sleeping Arthur a kick)
Cobb: The trick is to synchronize a kick that can penetrate all 3 levels
Arthur: We can use the musical content to synchronize the kicks
[cuts to scene of Arthur and Ariadne sleeping with the music in the background. At the exact moment the music crescendo ba-ba-ba-bamp ends, Arthur opens his eyes] [/details]

Thats not a plot hole. It was just disconnected from them and put away. Cobb and Saito didn’t wake up with everyone else. They were wide awake before them. I don’t see what the problem is with it.


[details=Spoiler]They had watches to keep on track for the synchronized kicks. After the first kick failed, the Van would only take a few seconds to hit the water, but they had 3 minutes in the Hotel layer and 1/2 an hour or so in the Snow layer before it would it. Like they mentioned when they were organizing the heist, time is multiplied with each increasing layer. Moreover, they had the musical countdown to give them the heads up for incoming kicks (which failed for the first one), but they knew the backup one was incoming.

It wasn’t really simultaneous, but more like loosely Synchronized. They weren’t at the exact same time, but they were close enough to work off of each other. They needed 2 kicks to get out of Limbo (Fischer - Freefall/Reviver, Ariadne - Freefall/Freefall), but once they got out they just simply rode the remaining kicks back down to the Van layer. I don’t recall them saying they needed two kicks to get back down to the other layers, but they did when it came to Limbo.[/details]

didn’t read the thread but



:l: my face when dreaming drug taken has ability to wake everybody up when they feel falling sensation. THEY ARE ON A PLANE.

i still loved the movie though. saw it opening day.


[details=Spoiler]ok…thanks for those replies. that doesn’t really answer my question…only because it brings up more inconsistencies and also makes the whole syncing seem very stupid, cumbersome, or just lucky. unless there’s that whole loose syncing that you mentioned…still, now I have a LOT more to write concerning this but it will take a while especially with considering all the levels

also, it was my understanding that their death in limbo is what helped them get to the snow stage, not the actual fall. unless then that while the van was falling for however long in level 1 it was a “kick” the whole time?

wouldn’t the “falls” in the van (when they flipped) which also made arthur fall in the hotel stage have been a synced kick? the whole flipping hotel scene (cause by the flipping van) would’ve affected the people asleep in the hotel room…which then should’ve affect them in the snow stage…but it didn’t.

was arthur in the elevator too when it fell.

much more to write later when I get a chance

also, thanks for the transcript dragonfave. like I said, my question doesn’t really feel answered in a strong way (unless the rules are really that loose…even then, not really). and what cobb said and arther said at the end of that are 2 sorta different things…of course it just might be that they said it inconsistently.

also, arthur got really really lucky, dumb lucky, are had a dumb guess when the van hit the water.

a lot more to write (and to put together before writing…)[/details]

What? Pushing someone out of their chair still works on a plane.



exactly. falling sensations are expected at random times during all flights. the plane is a giant rising and falling chair in itself. to keep a plane perfectly still enough not make anesthetic activate is slightly convoluted.

my attempt at explaining kicks


You gotta look at the ‘impact’ as the kick during the lucid dream sessions. I think you’re picturing JGL illustrating kicks while he was dozing off (waking up while the chair was tipped) and not Leo splashing into the bathtub in the middle of an actual dream (he woke up in the tub, not during the fall). Although it doesn’t make sense that the van roll didn’t count as a kick

They meant the more direct falling sensation. I:E, falling out of your seat or the seat itself losing it’s position or balance.

[spoiler=]Since they were sedated, death would’ve brought them (or back into) to Limbo. Thats what happened to Cobb. He either died in Limbo with Mal, or drowned in the Van. Either way, the sedatives screwed up the kicks in Limbo, which is why they had to have the ones in the previous level.

Like i mentioned to Shaft, i believe they need a more direct sensation for falling. They were all buckled and secure in the seats of the van. When they were testing it at their workshop, they moved they shoved the chair itself, pivoting it back and causing a fall sensation. The seats were secure in both the plane and the van, negating any bodily sense of free fall.

The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s still pretty damn amazing. Does it have some inconsistencies (Why didn’t Fischer recognize Saito?)? Absolutely, but what movie doesn’t?