INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

I had a fucked up dream last night but realized I was dreaming cause I didn’t sense I owned a dog. I have two and one is a train K9 German Shepherd. So when my dream house got burglarized I was wondering where the fuck my dog was. I care about my dogs than the property. When I realized I didn’t own any dogs, much less have dog hair on my clothes, I knew I was in a dream. It felt real as hell and as much shit I was getting away with and ridiculous the dream was getting I was starting to wake up. I tried to go back to sleep and continue but it wasn’t happening.

Another dream I get that I know I’m dreaming is when I can’t throw a football, I know how to throw a football but not in my dreams. That’s when I know I’m dreaming and I’ll fuck things up some more in my dreams.

I think that’s what most good movies/directors do, make us to question ourselves and our environment, try to perceive the world in a new way.

Some people are calling Inception a sci-fi movie, I think it leans far more to psychological thriller genre than anything else. Why are some people also hating on Nolan’s ability to write about love, the love story seems to be integral to most of his movies. Coob’s relationship with his wife was believable and not over done, especially in the final 10minutes of the movie.

Absolutely, once we see that Mal


his own projection of her, and this, not really her and a negative shade, her character becomes not only very realistic, but a beautiful mechanic for the plot itself.

I’m a literature major, and I’ve read some pretty damn amazing stories, but this ranks really far up there. There really aren’t any large faults with it, it is constructed like a paradoxical puzzle, you keep twisting it around in your mind until it looks like it fits, but something is slightly off, and that one thing becomes another puzzle.

Really good movie. Just felt a little long to me is all. Still a five star movie. :tup:

saw it again. noticed some extra stuff. have some questions now. answered most for myself but 1 question still bugs me. I’ll post it later (not sure if it’s been addressed already)

What I meant is that, in the movie we see the top precess in one of three ways:

  1. Stable precession. The top wobbles around its axis but never falls, because Cobb is in a dream. (Example: when Cobb goes hunting for Saito in limbo, Saito spins Cobb’s top and we see it spinning while precessing, BUT NEVER FALL.) Okay, that’s case 1.

  2. Unstable precession. The top wobbles around its axis and falls, because Cobb is in “reality.” (Example: When Cobb spins the top in reality to check if he’s in someone else’s dream, and it falls.) So in case 2, the top wobbles, AND FALLS.

  3. Ending scene. This is the only time when we see Cobb’s spinning top start to precess, then STOP precession while continuing to spin as if the disturbance that started its precession never happened. People who want to argue that this is evidence that Cobb is in reality will say, “Because the top wobbled, that means it’s going to stop EVENTUALLY, and therefore he’s in reality.” People who say that he’s in the dream world will argue that, “Since the top STOPPED wobbling while continuing to spin, that means he is in the dream world.”

I don’t think either of the two arguments in case 3 is right because we simply don’t know what case 3 means. It’s never happened elsewhere in the movie. Arguing on either side for what the spinning top in the ending means is a dead end unless your name happens to be Christopher Nolan, and you happen to know details about the world of Inception that you chose not to include in your movie.


Did Inception’s costume designer just give away the secret of the movie’s ending? Major spoilers of course.

first imma leave this link here…

The Ultimate Explanation Of Inception

second… i keep seeing people arguing about the top but rarely about the wedding ring(cobb’s actual totem)…

as for my own view, im with the “it doesnt matter whether its dream/reality”

So I guess this is where Nolan got his inspiration from huh.

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All I can say is, “lol”



I was thinking about that and looking out for it the second time around. I think I noticed the girl has a full on pink dress in the dreams but has white sleeves at the end of the movie. I wasn’t sure though so thanks for posting this and confirming my suspicions!

[spoiler=]In the dream, I don’t recall the top ever wobbling. It was a perfect spin.

If you spin a top, there will be instances when it wobbles, then stops wobbling, then wobbles again and eventually falls. Since I saw no wobbling in the instances when he was in a dream, it makes sense to conclude that the wobble at the end means it was going to fall.[/details]

I got the labyrinth/rabbit hole analogy in the movie. I knew this movie was very well written the first time I watched it but after reading that consider my mind blown.

My mind is now blown.

Cool. I have a better time accepting this theory than the others I’ve read. Honestly this will require multiple viewings (on home video, I’m done paying expensive movie tickets) to figure this movie out and make a final judgment.

That was a really awesome comic.


‘question about “kicks”’

[details=Spoiler]so I understand that a “kick” to wake someone up will not do such if that person is dreaming another level deeper. This is why they need to coordinate them, or rather…start kicking from all deeper levels before the level above.

this was seen when the truck went over the bridge but it was useless since they didn’t get the kick in the hotel to wake them up from the snow stage first

except…Arthur (JGL) was already awake in the hotel. he didn’t go to the snow stage so…the kick should’ve woken him up (and thus screwed up things further since he wouldn’t be able to kick the people in the snow stage)

so yeah, don’t know if this was addressed already but aside from the other questions (many about “kicks” that I answered for myself after thinking about them alot) this is the one that I couldn’t figure out.

Also, I would think dying in a deeper level would send you to the level above (Robert Fischer in the snow stage) instead of sending you to limbo. And only if you die in the 1st level, while under heavy sedation, THEN you would go to limbo since your physical body can’t wake up (and the sedation doesn’t affect deeper levels)…but I suppose those rules concerning limbo could be different.[/details]


[details=Spoiler]They rode the wave, kick from coobs dream -> kick from snow stage -> kick from elevator -> kick from van free fall + water

Arthur didn’t need the kick from the elevator, he clearly holds himself down as it falls. He is woken up by the kick from the free falling van and water.[/details]

I understand that…about riding the wave or rather it needs to start from the deepest level first…I don’t think that really answers my question at all concerning Arthur…