INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

The more I see Jimmy Fallon, the more I hate him. Opposite is true for JGL. LOVE that guy, I watch 500 days of Summer all the time, and I’m excited to do the same with Inception.

MC187: Get ready for a fluid, zero-g CHOKE hold.

I need to go through the last scene in stop motion, while taking notes on every detail, find the eventual flaw that proves it one way or another,

Or I can just decide for myself without thinking too hard. It was obviously meant to be an ending where the audience decides, is it still a dream if it’s reality, or does reality become the dream?

Also this was an interesting thought I read:

Eurydice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here’s my take. I don’t really understand the movie 100%, but here goes:



I actually didn’t notice the top almost stopping at the end. I thought it was spinning perfectly, which makes me think he’s still in the dream state.

After Dicaprio “rescues” Ken Watanabe, the scenes just cut to the airplane. But what happened in between? Aren’t they supposed to be stuck in the city layer for a week?

Do we know how long Dicaprio’s been away from his kids? During the phone conversation it seemed like it’s been awhile since Dicaprio couldn’t distinguish his kids’ voices. So shouldn’t his kids grow older?

But IF the top was wobbling, then I’d say he’s out of the dream state. During one of the dream states, we saw the top spinning perfectly without wobbling. I forgot whether this was in the safe (during Dicaprio’s limbo experience with wife) or with Ken Watanabe at the end. The point is, if in the dream state the top doesn’t wobble, and it does wobble at the end of the movie, then it means it’s about to fall over and it’s reality.

This was probably discussed somewhere already, but
[spoiler=]That scene in limbo where Mal told Cobb to look at his kids… they -were- looking at him, but he rejected them and turned away. What are your thoughts there? The movie’s story is completed when he frees himself of guilt (causing his wife to leave him). But doesn’t that scene show that being apart from his kids wasn’t the point either? It was all about his wife and what he did to her. The kids aren’t anymore significant than the train in the middle of the surface street…[/spoiler]

^I agree. The only significance I believe the kids hold is that they are a minor contributing factor to cobb’s overall guilt-ridden emotional trauma, and also that I believe they (or the image of them) hold a certain significance when they are seen at the end.

interesting take

The top’s precession is not evidence either for or against whether Cobb is in reality. We never see Cobb’s top spontaneously precess in mid-spin only to right itself either in the dream world or in reality. It’s a fundamentally different event from any other time we observe the top spinning in the movie.

Thank you for the flattery. :nono:

Inception (2010) - Full cast and crew
Look closer.

Mind Blown

[spoiler=]Not sure what you mean. In the movie, there were instances in which he spun the top in reality and it fell(not before wobbling), and he spun the top while in a dream and it continued to spin without wobbling. In the end, it clearly wobbled. I don’t really see how it’s a fundamentally different event.[/details]

Not sure if this was already brought up in the thread earlier, but here’s something interesting to consider if/when you end up rewatching the movie (if you haven’t already noticed it).

‘Inception’ Music Twist: The hidden meaning of the Evil Foghorn? |


Not even gonna lie, I was waiting for the SRK Seal of Approval/Shame before seeing Inception :rofl:

But I watched it and it’s simply but one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.

Joesph Gordon-Levitt was fucking awesome in that movie. Really hope people pay more attention to him now. He’s one of the most under rated actors and has been for a good minute.

[spoiler=] The top has to have stopped. They explicitly stated that the totem only acts incorrectly in other peoples dreams. If DiCaprio was in his own dream, it would still stop, because he knows its physical properties. Who else would still be dreaming at that point, anyway? Also, no one in the airport looked at him. And his kids finally turned around. Furthermore, even if he was in limbo, he’d stay there for a long period of time, psychologically, but they’d all awaken on the airplane at the same time, when the music stopped. He’s awake, and even if he isn’t he’d eventually end up awake. The ending is a null-point.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=] it’s been 2 yrs since his wife committed suicide? Cool… [/spoiler]

The movie was simply amazing.

The ending was also left deliberately ambiguous obviously.

Has anyone ever dreamed about having a dream? Or woke up in your dream to still be dreaming?

Just happened to me the other day actually. I woke up for sure once, maybe twice, before actually waking up.

Dream within a dream happens to me quite often, usually happens when I’m dreaming of something scary lol. Best dreams are those you are aware you are dreaming and start controlling everything, I can do this something but it usually makes me wake up :frowning:

Watched the movie a second time this time at IMAX. Movie didn’t seem anywhere near as long as watching it the first time, I was suprised how well paced everything is.

Yusuf Middle Finger lol


Didn’t notice this the first time, but I thought I caught Yusuf giving the gunman the middle finger as he reverses off the bridge


[details=Spoiler]Why do they have to use the same brief case sleeping device within the dream, being in a dream couldn’t it be anything.

If it’s a dream why are they running on foot, why not fly, teleport, Fischer already knew it was a dream so the strangeness did not matter anymore

I guess there are laws within dreams that can’t be broken in Nolan’s Inception, like wounds[/details]

I still retain that…


[details=Spoiler] The move is layer zero, and the movie itself has performed inception on its audience. The entire purpose was to leave an idea in the minds of people who saw the movie by means of an elaborate, multi-layered construction whose final conclusion is that reality is not assured when you wake up. This is supported by the ambiguous ending, and on top of that this entire movie is structured and performed like a great work of traditional literature in that everything is important, everything has meaning, and it’s up to the reader to interpret that.

Inception, as in the concept itself, is to guide someone to what seems like a self-generated idea, and the sheer structure of this movie does exactly that, it takes you down the rabbit hole where you can’t explain anything, then slowly you feel you are learning about the world around you, when really the world is telling you exactly what it wants you to know.

Then, finally, you are left with a simple question or decision, something so simple that you feel you can decide it for yourself, and thus, the inception is complete. You can think whatever you want about the ending, but the idea was still implanted, and your mind has built a structure of thoughts upon it.[/details]