INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

um wow. that was really good. its like stanley kubrick came out of the dead and made a brand new movie! I didnt have any trouble following the movie at all.

you cant possibly be serious :rofl::rofl:

Levitt was…perfect. him >>>>>>>>>>>> SLB.

Levitt wasn’t given much to do, IMO. He was mostly the strong, silent type. I actually didn’t even think of Cotillard, but she was great. Or maybe she’s just fucking nuts, and she wasn’t acting. But, either way. I did like Murphy, but he got twice as much emotional dialogue as almost everyone else, because of the stuff with his dad.

I heard someone say that Nolan’s movies are more about themes and ideas than characters, and I’d say that holds true here.

I will fucking murder you with a coat hanger.

Shia LaBeouf would have fucked this entire movie up. I just hope he doesn’t ruin Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps.

here’s a picture that explains the ending of the movie:

ok ok



I heard someone say that Ariadne (the architect chick) was always wearing red in the movie… Ariadne is from from greek mythology - the girl who helped Theseus escape the Labyrinth using red thread

Lol, did so many people really not get the ending of this movie?

Saw the movie for the second time, yesterday.

I like it more, and at the same time a little less sure of the ending.



At first I was leaning towards the idea that Leo was still under, but I have to say this time I’m leaning the other way.

Either way, I respect Nolan’s commitment to both detail and ambiguity, as the latter struck me as especially deliberate, this time around. Though as much as people say the ending is ambiguous, it’s a cliffhanger- had it been literally 20 seconds longer, it would have implied something else.

This also occurred to me towards the end, during Watanabe and DiCaprio’s last conversation:

crazy alternative reading

[details=Spoiler]What if DiCaprio actually dies after their conversation? Watanabe reaches for the gun, implying that they shoot themselves to get out of limbo, like how Leo and his wife got out with the train. It occurred to me that maybe he dies, and the ending is actually a representation of the afterlife- now, that’s kind of absurd for a few reasons, and I don’t think it’s at all what was actually implied, or intended, but it’s just a fringe reading. Like the whole Gilligan’s-Island-is-really-hell thing.

A lot of stuff was more clear on second viewing, but I’m still unclear on why Watanabe’s character was so much older than DiCaprio’s at the start/end of the movie.[/details]

cause its an open ended ending and mainstream people wants a definite ending. they want eveerything explained to them instead of using their brain.

They should stick to Michael Bay


Guess who was talking about Street Fighter on TV the other night?
Seriously, my man-crush on JGL has reached dangerous levels at this point. Ridiculous.

If he wasn’t an actor, we might have seen him at EVO.

Finally watched it. My opinion:

I just had a weird experience… I had a dream about Inception.

man, you’re a really cool and funny guy. Teach me to be cool and funny like you pleaze

[quote=“runaround, post:276, topic:105057”]

I saw the movie yesterday and liked it, and after reading to about page 6, reading the Rao interview, and seeing TS’s posts on this page, my opinion is



that the “the entire movie is in a dream” theory is inelegant because the question of why the top falls in one dream reality and tips over in another dream reality can’t be explained. And with it is ripped away whatever symbolic value the top might have had as a signifier of the story’s “meaning.”

But yes, “it was all a dream” is an alternative theory that can’t be refuted unless Nolan makes another movie.

I entertained several theories about what was going on in the movie on the long drive back to my apartment but



I have to say I did not notice the business with Cobb only wearing the ring in his dream state, and the idea that Nolan has created an inception in the mind of the viewer through the top spinning in the ending. Very nice observations, both of them.

The personal view I settled on during the drive back and that has only been reinforced with what I’ve read online is that Cobb is in reality whenever the top stops spinning, but that he stayed in Limbo at the movie’s end. There’s a point to be made that perhaps Cobb is in reality for the first act of the movie but stays in a dream reality that is due to Yusuf’s first application of the sedative. I don’t take this idea very seriously though, since although it allows us to still preserve the “rules” we were told about the spinning top, it turns the meaning of the rest of the movie on its head, and hence, I put it right next to the “it was all a dream” as cannon fodder. (Again, IMO.)

I spent most of my drive back thinking that perhaps the Michael Caine or Ellen Page characters may have either consciously or unconsciously performed inception of Cobb, but after reading the Rao interview, I discarded this idea, since I think his point about Cobb’s resolution of his own personal issues by his confrontation with Mal is more important than whether the Ken Watanabe, Michael Caine, or Ellen Page characters implanted the idea in his head. There’s enough wiggle room to make a case for Cobb’s own hypothetical inception being analogous to Fischer’s inception at level three after having been given prods in the right direction at previous levels, but I find it hard to take seriously alternative explanations that would entail a real conspiracy between any of the supporting characters to have this happen. At best, there is a case to be made that Cobb’s own resolution of his issues is internally consistent with what we see Fischer go through–IMO, that’s about as good a case that can be made in that direction.

I would like to point out that it’s possible to do a Bayesian analysis for the ending where



if we take most of the movie EXCEPT FOR THE ENDING at face value (i.e., Cobb is in reality for most of the movie when he “knows” he is, except for the ending when we may or may not be,) then the top not having fallen over at the end of the movie means that there’s a 75% probability that he is still in the dream world at the end of the movie and a 25% chance that he is in reality.

That said, if we accept that the decision to use older cast members for the children at the end of the movie means that the characters themselves are actually older, we are in the opposite situation where there is a 75% probably he is in reality and 25% chance he is still in the dream world.

So if you consider the fact that the top hasn’t toppled over and the fact that the children are older together, you get 50-50 odds. BUT once you start considering other details of the ending, like, what are the odds that his children might have been wearing the exact same clothing as the day he left if he really WAS back in reality… well, there’s no way to do a conditional probability analysis for something like that unless we start estimating what the average number of clothing that an average child owns in the United States and the odds of that average child wearing exactly the same thing on two randomly sampled days, multiplied by two because there are two children…

yeah, let’s not go there.

And finally, correct me if I’m wrong, but

What’s Limbo?


So everyone shares THE SAME limbo? When everybody dies in a dream state, as long as you are hooked up to the same dream machine, you end up in the same Limbo? Or is it that everyone who dies in a dream state, regardless of whether it’s the same machine, ends up in the same Limbo?

Of all the opinions i’ve heard on inception in this subforum, you’re one of the few that has the theoretical possibilities to what could have actually occured nailed from a logical standpoint. the top’s symbolic permanence as well as any concrete impact it could have had is most definitely thrown out the window if one assumes the whole thing is a dream, or even if one assumes that cobb had never made it out of limbo the first time he and mal entered. Of course it’s still a possibility, but it’s something I refuse to accept. The top simply being a red herring to distract the audiences’ attention is not really something I like to consider.

I’m not sure what the problem is. Clearly the guy is awake at the end. The top is falling over, in any of the dreams the top stands perfectly straight. It doesn’t need to fall over…it just needs to be unbalanced.

after all yall talking, ima see this bitch. shit might be good.