IN YOUR FACE! - Spencer Video Thread

Awesome work with the videos guys. I’ll likely update the first post with them after christmas


Sorry for the really bad Spencer combos. It was the technology I was interested in. I am currently learning some better combos.


Bunch of local MvC3 and UMvC3 matches on my Youtube channel as well.

Warning: Terrible quality videos incoming
Here’s a silly TAC combo that allows Spencer to call assists backwards, not actually useful(at least not with my team) but it looks neat.

Also posting videos I made a while ago, in case there’s something some of you might not have seen before


Cool vids, I bet they get ignored because they’re actually good.

Wow, thanks man. I’ve been subbed to your for while I love your videos.

:eek: This thread actually has some crazy videos. I need to go back and rewatch some of these.



couple combos i recently uploaded! lemme know if theres anything i can do to add more damage to these :3

heres sum spencer ryu tech i just started working on yesterday

This video has some good stuff.


Got some matches in this weekend on my stream. Check them out if you can.

I start using my Spencer/Wesker/Hawkeye team at 2:51:20. I do very well against this first player, but then run into some issues against a Doom/Vergil/Dante player at 3:15:35. Any and all tips are welcome!

Here is the matches from when I took part in Shadowloo showdown qualifiers, shows off more Cap than Spencer though:


What are the best options I can do from a maximum height j.L Grapple?

Low quality video of my team doing what it does. Also some jump loop stuff

Unfortunately there isn’t much and it depends on the position of the corner relative of you and alot of different things. I can tell your Spencer isn’t your strongest character, but for the situation you had in that last match, you could have:

  1. done another wire grapple
  2. Bionic arm (unfortunately that mistiming cost you :frowning: )
  3. :df: zip right away and see where that takes you. You can hit him with a falling :h: or :s: and if you are close enough to the ground, you can jump back up and do a jump loop.


old technology, but I think it can still be used ~

can it work off any light attacks?

Stop the presses, I discovered new maneuvers follow up that everyone should do now.
No more of that zip down, armor piercer nonsense.
As copied from description:
Some godlike Tech for you guys to enjoy.
[]Shows the new Bionic Maneuvers follow up I found. Frank throw combo that does 1mil. About 2.5 meters negative.
]Ignores hit-stun. This combo isn’t fully optimized so will definitely do 1.2m+
[]Shown working on zero.
]Throw/Knee drop combo to level Frank to 4 using Doom. About 3 meters negative. Can go for a TAC instead of the Air Photon Array Super and do the extended Frank TAC Combo to get to level 4. In that case it’s meter neutral (not counting down TAC). Note*: Doesn’t work when opponent is in corner because the the Sphere Flame needs to whiff. Does 740k.
[]My Spencer ground throw combo the requires THC with only Spencer and Frank. This version requires you to be able to land a grapple with the character back into the corner. Sets up for a nice reset or UVGxxManeuvers.
]My other Spencer ground throw combo with the same requirements. You can dash and launch as long as you are a decent distance away from the opposite corner. This version goes for TAC and does a ton of damage. About 1 meter negative (not counting Down TAC). Does 1.1m


I have been trying to incorporate assists into my Spencer combos especially helping him get corner to corner without jump loops, etc.I run Spencer/Doom(Plasma Beam)/Akuma (Tatsu).

Any suggestions?

Honestly I don’t think you need Plasma Beam when you have Akuma with Tatsu, run Hidden Missiles instead and use them to get 2 extra UVGs in there.

Here is the break down of the Spencer Tech. I made a video to break it down so its easier to understand for those of you who are interested.