Super godlike bro, I’ll update the OP with this and some other stuff
Just an fyi, off that throw combo from Frank, you can add way more stuff after maneuvers because both supers are cutscenes and don’t advance hitstun.
Some match vids of me and Lz
Hadn’t played in a while, but getting back the feel for my characters, so the team is starting to come together again.
My execution isn’t what it used to be but its slowly coming back.
Spencer/Dante combo
fiddlestix good stuff, I really like your jump loop at 11:45ish. I’ve been trying to nail down my own jump loop that works the most consistent on the cast so I wanted to ask if what you did there is specific to big bodies or is it consistent with most cast? what are you hitting when you ground yourself after 2 df zips on the last loop before the first uvg?
also, nice stand L work with doom!
i believe that’s st H
also, glad to see the guy making my stick is a spencer fan cant wait to see it finished…awesome work by the way
MiikeyBoii!!! thanks, I’m glad you switched to red, gonna look sick @_@;
Thanks for the spencer decoding
Nothing new, I’m sure. Figured I’d record and share anyway:
Some more casuals recovered from old HD. Using spoiler tag to make it load faster
Spencer UMvC3
Yo can any one help me out with my spencer and let me know what i gotta do with him
New Episode of Combo a Day featuring a Spencer Zip Line Loop Tutorial!
No offense, but you’re doing it wrong. The whole point is to do 3 reps so you get from one end of the screen to the other.
This interview with GX might be of interest:
Credit to Iron Boy for posting it in another thread
Can someone see if this is useful or not? I pulled this off in a tournament without realising and it won me the game. Spencer’s L grapple has an auto-correct function where it will go the other way if you time it right. I did it on a dead opponent and it crossed up as the next character was coming in. Basically making it a free-hit (not quite unblockable, but very difficult to work out).
Took me a while to replicate this because I had no idea what happened then figured it out and did it in less than half an hour. But this could be an assistless mix-up that could be taken advantage of. Especially in level 3 x-factor.
That is actually really cool.
How consistent is J.fierce, down zip, J.fierce UVG?
It’s pretty consistent, but it fails against small characters and takes more time so it can sometimes mess up the dash up bomber > M H thing if you aren’t already in the corner. So most people don’t really do it since it doesn’t really offer that much of a boost. While we’re picking at that video, the j.H j.S starter is a thing of fantasy… But on the other hand, I really like the “hold the wire grapple so that vergil has time to get out of there” thing. Made me smile when I realized what it was doing.
spencer needs an unblockable…