Just compiled a few wall to wall setups, with and without assists.
I can’t really take credit for most of these (thanks to Kuuronn), but it’s good to know them:
Just compiled a few wall to wall setups, with and without assists.
I can’t really take credit for most of these (thanks to Kuuronn), but it’s good to know them:
dope video man. i really got to practice these things ie vertical grapple setups if i want to truly up my spencer game. i always drop the vertical grapple and get punished big time
I made this yesterday…it’s more of a beginner’s/compilation of information video than anything, but I wanted to create it because I hadn’t seen a Spencer tutorial made. Please let me know what you think and also if I posted any wrong information, I’ll be sure to append it.
Pretty cool vid overall, very informative.
Few things:
I wouldn’t underplay the use of his command grab. It’s actually pretty good and not that slow at 5 frames. He needs it to break people open sometimes. I wouldn’t recommend the followups though. They’re usually not worth it unless it’s on Sent (because you can’t link an L into launcher on him) and just waste your wall bounce.
When talking about his normals, you could mention that j.H hits WAAAAY above his head and knocks the opponent higher in combos. St.L is his fastest normal at 6 frames. Cr.L is kinda slow for a low at 7 frames.
Not sure I’d recommend Spencer as an anchor. He’s meant to be played on point with assists.
Maybe you should also warn people about getting thrown out of air ziplines. I’m guilty of this a lot. If you do them too much without properly covering yourself, you will get airthrown.
You should mention that vertical grapple L followups aren’t subject to damage scaling (and you should be doing them if you’re using Doom missiles, not horizontal ones).
The H followup to grapples isn’t completely useless because you can link a snapback after it (also possible against certain characters with the L followup) or go for a basic mix up if your opponent doesn’t know that he can just throw you out of anything you try short of jumping.
On the other hand, the M followup is pretty useless.
Thanks, I’ll put those in the description of the video. Now that I know this, I kind of want to redo the video, but I just put this up yesterday and I’m not sure if I want to completely redo it…
Also, the only reason I recommend Spencer as an anchor is because I used him as one as soon as I saw Combofiend’s comeback. I haven’t really kept up with his matches since then, but during EVO I did notice he always had him in the 3rd slot, so I kinda assumed he always used him for that purpose.
Hey everyone, I did a gameplay commentary of a a match I played a tournament. I use Zero/Spencer/Wesker and there’s a bit of Spencer gameplay that some of you may be interested in.
It most covers strategies, my thought process and some of the system mechanics in the game (I made this for friends of mine that are trying to get into marvel and wanna learn how to get good at it so there may be some subjects that you may already know about.
New spencer glitch in UMvC3. Not a big deal just kind of funny and sad.
New Spencer missions in mission mode. [media=youtube]yS_kRrIwIm8[/media]
I wish they could have put in some of his zip line use in the mode but oh well. Spencer on my team for sure but who will join him. I want to incorporate IF maybe on point with his Meter gain chi.
Holy Fuck, he can X-factor Bionic Maneuvers now? That’s disgusting.
lolololol, Capcom does not know what the hell they’re doing.
you were always able to x-factor the last hit of bionic maneuvers.
Neat, I didn’t know this.
[media=youtube]PVxjH821x24[/media] Combofiend grand finals for Saturday’s tourney. Some great stuff
Combofiend pulled off some sick shit there. I was like :wow: when he pulled down Doom from above him!
Figure I’d put this here too
Might someone find it useful
Why no vertical grapples? You could have saved yourself a bar.
Combo video I made for my team (Amaterasu/Spencer/Taskmaster). Lots of Spencer tech.