IN YOUR FACE! - Spencer Video Thread

Nothing really special, but interesting regardless.


It seems that during Spencer’s rolling animation during his forward dash, he goes right under Storm standing. I’m pretty sure this is because Storm is not actually on the ground while “standing”, and Spencer’s rolling animation during his forward dash lowers his hitbox enough to go right under Storm.

I tried this with all other characters and only Spencer can do this on Storm. Again, nothing exceptional, but interesting nonetheless.

100% combo that includes Spencer/Wesker/Magneto


Combofiend’s Spencer anchor is disgustingly $ick!

I’ve been at it for a couple of days and I’ve been trying to link 5 bars of Bionic Arms, I know I can link 4 in a Match, but its overkill to link 5…lol
and I Suceeded
I guess I’m a Bionic Arm Whore…lol
I had a lil too much fun on Dazzle Editing, Enjoy!!!

Theres a video showing how to use spencer’s ground to air grab to grab phoenix right as she transforms does anyone have it? Thanks

Edit: Found it, for anyone who’s interested - [media=youtube]W6WoipIu9_0[/media]

Oh hey. It’s that video I made.

The execution of this is simple enough. You need them to transform high enough that you can duck under the blast, but low enough they’re not out of reach of your air command grab, and then hold down after the killing blow. This shows a convenient way to set this up in the corner, and midscreen the easiest way I know is to confirm to Lancer, XFC, and do a quick string as they fall. Anyway, while holding down, do a DP motion during the super flash and hold down-right, but don’t press the button. In the super flash, all motions are treated as existing at the last frame of the super flash for the purposes of staying in the input buffer, so this way you’ve buffered your command grab in and will do it the moment you hit the button. Then, a few frames after the super flash, just long enough for the blast to pass over your head, hit :h:, and - Bingo! - you’ve grabbed Dark Phoenix before she’s had a chance to do anything at all, and she’s as good as dead at that point.

Hello, I’m just adding this for Spencer : [media=youtube]aGXyweHx-pI[/media]

Wow, sick setup for the unblockable with Wesker, never seen that before. Definitely incorporating that into my gameplay.

that Spencer Vs Dark Phoenix Rising video is $ick!


Now that we’re talking about Spencer/Doom, here is an awesome Spencer/Hulk/Doom team.

I’m still learning Spencer but made this video, pretty basic as far as the Spencer goes - mostly made it to put in the Hulk forum. Even at this basic level without doing anything fancy with Spencer I’ve landed it in matches plenty of times and its dmg is high enough that usually kills the enemy.


So, I made a combo video.


I hope you all like it.

0:00 - Assistless midscreen DHC trick setup.

0:13 - XFCing Lancer into another Lancer to go fullscreen (normally Lancer won’t hit that far), timed so that Lancer trades with the beam to allow for an easy combo.

0:19 - Taskmaster’s Horizontal Arrows bounce the opponent and allow you to connect an H as you fall if you time everything right, getting an easy jump to unscaled vertical grapple without using a wallbounce. Also, using another assist to follow up Maneuvers with an unscaled vertical grapple. (The L followup to ground vertical grapple ignores damage scaling and always does 80k. This is not true for horizontal and diagonal grapples.)

0:35 - The standard followup to command grab, allowing them to fall into L or crouching M, will whiff on Tron. This shows a way to still manage to combo out of it into Maneuvers for a DHC reset.

0:44 - Linking snapback from H grapple followup, and a simple armor break after that. (If they advancing guard it, you can dash up and do your grab… If you suspect they’ll just eat the hit, you can use S instead of L to get a combo, but L on its own will be ineffective.)

0:50 - Using assists that hit for awhile, even if they don’t relaunch in any way, can let you do extra unscaled vertical grapples.

0:55 - Bionic Maneuvers is extremely DHC friendly. As Taskmaster, I often do this link when I connect a Charging Star to launcher too far away from the corner to do the normal string.

1:01 - As Hyper Charging Star is +0 after the super flash, this THC cannot be blocked or countered on reaction. With a third character to make it safe on block and allow you to combo out of it, it’s quite potent; I affectionately refer to this particular configuration as “Spencer’s Level 3.”

1:21 - By XFCing Bionic Lancer on the right frame, you can option select against DHCs to counter supers (or just the counter supers themselves) and combo either way, Here’s some combos with XFC1 that kill Thor (Lancer hits) and Wesker (comes in for the counter).

1:35 - Comboing off the overhead in the corner; before I showed off a relaunch using horizontal arrows, and here’s a relaunch using vertical arrows. Also, the exchange is kinda nice.

1:52 - by DHCing after the launch of the third hit of Maneuvers, you put the opponent extremely high and give you time to connect all sorts of things you normally couldn’t. Many characters can be receivers for the DHC trick that otherwise couldn’t be by whiffing relatively fast striking supers like Hyper Charging Star or Cutting Time. Here, I use the extra time, with even extra time using Amaterasu’ Vale of Mist, to hard tag back to Spencer and do a combo that is just pure flash.

Edit: aaaa it’s on the front page I feel so cool

I found this Japanese Spencer on Nico. Absolutely freaking insane.

Anyone have the link to the nico reader so we can watch the previously posted videos?


OMG, Does anyone has more videos of this Spencer guy. The best spencer i have ever seen.

Found more and on youtube.


Freaking love this guy.[/COLOR]

I’ve spammed everywhere else so I might as well put it here :D:


That video blew my mind. I need to get good with this character :l