*Codette and Venus are the surprises here for me. I think the demo vid for Codette really helped her stock (or the japs love her), I’m pleasantly surprised at her making it past the first round. Venus is another complete blindside since I don’t think I read many people at all voting for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is the definitive “shy tory” candidate right now. Everyone else that made it pretty much were in my darkhorse or favorite to win category. Sucks that all the characters I voted for sans Dhalia is already out of the running. *
I still think Stanley is a shy tory candidate, I think he’ll make it to top 8. Brain Drain could be a sleeper. I’m under the impress that Annie, Umbrella or Minette should make it to top 4. Japan matters.
I think a lot of people were surprised Minette made it so far, but people keep forgetting about Japan. I’m surprised Scythana made it, and I agree that I wasn’t totally expecting Brain Drain. Was Ms Victoria really that unpopular?
*IScythana’s name is odd and hard to remember (at least for me). I know it’s some sort of anagram of Scythe and Cynthia but it doesn’t quite nuzzle itself in your memory easily. Henceforth it’s easier to remember her as “Cody looking chick” aka “Codette” “FemCode” or some other name that people will easily recognize when you’re referring to her. The rest of the dlc characters have catchier names in comparison to Codettes real name. Otherwise Leduc would probably be referred to as Ledoctrine Dark. *
Minette isn’t really surprising, she even has a chance of making it to the next round. Scythana and Brain Drain always had a chance, at least when it came to making it to found 2. As for Victoria, yeah she was never really popular. Aside from her design, her gameplay description wasn’t really interesting. The fanbase doesn’t really like move-stealing characters.
Brain Drain and Scythana are not as popular as Marie. I was under the impression that Umbrella was more popular than Minette, but I guess not.
I’ll say it again: I still think Stanley is a shy tory candidate, I think he’ll make it to top 8. Brain Drain could be a sleeper. I’m under the impress that Annie, Umbrella or Minette should make it to top 4. Japan matters.
Eh, Japan doesn’t have much voting power. Add on to that that they aren’t necessarily voting in a unified way any more than we are.
United States / 米国 : 65.1%
United Kingdom / イギリス : 5.1%
Western Europe / 西欧 : 6.1%
Eastern Europe / 東欧 : 0.8%
Japan / 日本 : 6.2%
South Korea / 韓国 : 0.4%
China / 中国 : 0.05%
Mexico / メキシコ : 0.9%
South America / 南アメリカ : 1.3%
Africa / アフリカ : 0.1%
Russia / ロシア : 0.4%
Australia / オーストラリア : 3.3%
Middle East / 中東 : 0.2%
Canada / カナダ : 6.6%
Other (please specify) : 3.5%
Come on Dizzy, re upload that picture. The resolution burns my retinas.
Anyway like ive said before, Japan doesn’t have enough man power in this to single handedly swing the vote that hard in Marie’s favor. Now I have proof for that.