I don’t mean who do you want, but who do you expect to be in the final 4 and the final 2 to actually be? Why do you expect them? Also who do you expect to get eliminated early?
I have this theory that generally, characters that were revealed later have a greater chance of getting further because the hype for these characters is more fresh. In particular, I see Molly and Issac probably making it to round 2 if not further. Especially Issac, in large part due to the hype Mike Z created around him (Mike is widely respected in the community by everyone), and the concept video we saw. I also anticipate Marie getting far, just because she’s quite iconic (boss character) and players who really enjoy the story mode believe her inclusion would bring a lot to the game. I anticipate Umbrella to get fairly far (at least 3rd round) because players have known about her for such a long time and imagined playing with her before. I think a similar case can be made about Panzerfaust. Stanely, like Issac, is a character that I can see making the top 8, because although he’s quite esoteric, the community saved him before and has grown attached to him.
Andy is a character I can see getting eliminated early on because most people don’t like playing characters with just punches (i.e. Dudley, Steve, etc.). Minette may get eliminated early because many players don’t like “cute” characters (or joke characters) and other cute characters like Umbrella and Annie seem much more popular. I anticipate Hubrecht to get eliminated early because he’s a grappler (generally unpopular in fighting games) and he has one of the shortest playstyle descriptions among all the characters so there is less to get excited about.
Guess for top four: Issac, Marie, Panzerfaust, Stanley