I think Beatrix, Regina and Violet should be lower on this list, and Aeon, feng and Talesin should be higher.
I think either Panzerfaust/Isaac/Beowulf will be the first character. And either Eliza/Feng/Dahlia/D. Violet/Marie will be the second.
Scythana? Left for dead tier? My ass she is. Not saying this just because I voted for her, but I’ve seen the name pop up almost as much as Adam and Eliza in my experience. And it certainly comes up more than Stanley.
Also you motherfuckers need to learn how to snip a quote. Leaving a wall of text to reply with a few sentences is ridiculous. Makes it a pain in the ass to figure out where you left off on the mobile version of SRK.
I didn’t even notice how low Sycthana was on the list.
I like where Sycthana is on my list, I also adjusted the ratios to make it more accurate. I do agree that Feng could be higher, but I don’t believe she’s guaranteed top 8. She’s even more vanilla then Adam aesthetically. I would love Panzerfaust to be the first character, but I almost never get what I want, so you are all jinxed.
Actually, I think sycthana is pretty high on your list, but the guy above yours put her really low on his “who’ll win” list.
I actually agreed with most of your list. I was referring to DarkGeneral’s list from earlier.
@thebigbadwolfe you left Beowulf off of your tier list, I think he is pretty popular so I figure he should be on there
one thing that I thought about was that since the game is out in Japan and that the poll was in english and japanese, the japanese crowd will have some influence on the vote. I would bet that different characters are more popular with them
Players in Japan love, love, love Marie, just so we are all clear.
Not really. It’s pretty much factual that they are ALL voting for Marie. Haven’t heard otherwise. Everybody knows Japan looooves them some maids. But a loli necromancer in a maid outfit? Fuggetaboutit.
I really think Marie will be in the top 8, I would be very surprised if she wasn’t, and I think she has a very good chance of making it to the final 4. I think Umbrella is in the upper half, but Minette is in the bottom half. Annie is in the upper quartile.
I think Ms Victoria is in a similar position Brain Drain is in, where very few people have problems with her, which means she could be a sleeper/dark horse candidate.
I think thebigbadwolfe is pretty much spot on but I have no idea why Brain Drain is so high, especially higher than Marie. Umbrella should also be a little higher.
Sycthana is bottom half (easily), sorry guys, deal with it.
Issac, Marie, Black Dahlia, and Annie are my guesses for the top 4. If Annie isn’t in the top 4, Umbrella probably will be. Honestly, I’d be very satisfied with that list, and I would be pleased with all of them in game aside from Issac.
i actually think the character that would have the most potential to change the game as we know it at the moment would be molly. just some of the concept ideas for her DHCs sound awesome if they go with giving her airstrikes etc to cover the point character with. imagine you could make blocked supers safe by calling an airstrike right at the end, or perhaps even use the airstrike to figure ways you can combo after otherwise uncombo-able supers!
she could be really great for people who want to basically make a super strong point character and just run with them the whole time.
i reckon she has like 0 chance of actually winning though.
Okay I updated my list again. I think Beowolf, and Venus are most likely to get into top 16, so I don’t think they are guaranteed so I put them in Tier 3.
I feel that Brain Drain is so high he’s guaranteed top 8 because of the Marvel vote. Doctor Doom is arguably the most popular character in all Marvel series, plus he’s a male character, and he has a lame American keep away fighting style.
There’s two wild cards left, I wouldn’t be surprised in Umbrella got a pass into top 8, but I think people are really underestimating how much hate she gets, it’s definitely Panzerfaust level hate. That’s why I feel she’ll have to fight out of Tier 2 to get into top 8.
Scythana is high because she has a unique mechanic being pushed by Mike Z, and she will definitely get the Street Fighter vote, looking like Cody and having Dhalsim’s limbs.
I’m not happy about the top 6 so far, I think the japanese are ruining everything. Don’t you think Stanley would be popular also in Japan since he’s a Science Shark, and may play like Cyclops?
I feel Molly is guaranteed top 16 so she has at least a %6.25 chance of winning. If she gets into top 8 her chances double to %12.5
I’m actually very glad the Japanese are pushing for Marie, and frankly I’d rather have Stanley than Issac (not sure if I really believe that).
Molly easily ranks as one of the 12 most popular characters. It will be hard for her to get into the final 4 though.
Beowolf, Aeon, Isaac, Eliza, Annie, Panzerfaust, Venus, Feng, and Juju (in the second vote) are the most competitive for the final four placement.
- It’s funny that you’re bringing up the Mike Z factor since I’m in a unique position to not particularly care about what he “pushes” since I really had no interest in Skullgirls until the Indiegogo. I’m flying completely blind since I don’t watch salty cupcakes or keep up with Skullgirl developments or anything like that, my interest is purely due to DLC character potential. Speaking of which I was actually a little perplexed as to why they didn’t present more “potential DLC character playstyle” videos since it would have shed light on a character outside of their aesthetics. But I guess it probably wouldn’t be the best use of resources to go to that level of clarity on character potential.
The silent supporters is another great point since there was something like 15,000(!) backers. Even if I have read a couple of forums and noted trends in voting that’s a really small sample size of the overall number of voters. For all I know 13,000 people could be voting for the characters I think are left for dead. Which probably does have truth to it. IE: there’s probably a unexpected character or two that a strong portion of backers like but they aren’t shouting who they want to support from the mountain tops.
I personally back Taliesin, Dhalia, Violet and Beatrix because I think they’d all be pretty fun to play while offering up some unique dynamics that I’d love to take advantage of in game. I was going to vote for Isaac instead of Beatrix but I’m pretty sure I’ll have to vote for him sooner rather than later. That along with the fact his “gameplay video” made me less hype about him since it made him seem too gimmicky for my tastes. I’m pretty certain all the characters I’m most enthusiastic about won’t get in and the characters I don’t particularly care for probably will go far. Annie, Panzerfist, Stanly and Feng are the main characters I hope don’t win it all but I seem to be in the minority haha.
Roxie is definitely left for dead tier but Aeon I’ve noted keep popping up as a “I guess I’ll vote for her too” character. I’ve been seeing Aeon, Minette, Annie and Stanly gained a uptick in votes in the last day or two. Some people are diehards for them and others are using that 4th vote on one of them while the rest are picking them out of 4-5 other “also rans” they wouldn’t mind voting for. *
Other characters require art assest or more than 10-20 minutes of programming.
*Yup that’s what I guessed at (hence my followup sentence). Specially since the mechanics would be wholly for a brief showcase and furthermore be a waste since 2 out of a possible 32 would see full realization. Though a part of me do wish we got another 2 o 3 more videos for someone else. *
I imagine Annie, Eliza, Beowulf, Isaac, Venus, Panzerfaust, B. Dahlia, and Marie as the most likely top 8.
The characters that made it to the next round are:
Aeon / エイオン
Annie / アニー
B. Dahlia / ブラック・ダリア
Beowulf / ベオウルフ
Brain Drain / ブレイン・ドレイン
Eliza / イライザ
Feng / フェン
Isaac / アイザック
Marie / マリー
Minette / ミネット
Molly / モリー
Panzerfaust / パンツァーファウスト
Scythana / サイサナ
Stanley / スタンレー
Umbrella / アンブレラ
Venus / ヴィーナス