In honor of EVO being in Las Vegas, Let's play a little gambling game

Thelo will take first against choi in the last possible round with his 100% honda combo.


$25 on DGV (feel like it’s DG’s year, need V to enter as well so I can double my chances with one bet! LOL).

$25 on Marsgatti (I just busted you up with my shorts into Super combo, God bless).

$25 on Thelo (have to put something on someone from Team Sumo, LOL).

$25 on “the field” (lots of good players going to be present, there will absolutely be some surprises).

$100 - Tokido. First place.

I would also bet on Tokido. Seems like the tourney is Ryu-heavy, this could work to his advantage. If Afro Legends is using Dee-Jay then I might hesitate, again, because of all the Ryu’s.

Final pick: Tokido or John Choi.
Sentimental pick: Thelo (I hate Honda but you’ve gotten underdog written all over you).

If somehow a Honda wins the tourney then I’ll have to bust out my “DOO-FOY” and “EH-YE” :slight_smile:

$100 on at least one pad player taking top 5, but a stick player taking first.

i would make my bet but i don’t want to jinx him.

I expect this guy to be the one “coming out of woodwork”.

$100 on Afrolegends

I figure hado69 would make top 8 if he showed up to evo.

I think this year’s EVO is going to have some all around tough players from known tourney vets and newcomers alike from the online scene to hit the stages. So this should make things very interesting. I don’t see Choi taking first place this year because it’s not like last year…he’s been really focused on SSF4 since SF4 was released. I’m pretty certain NHC is gonna flood the scene and into the semi-F’s. NHC = “Fawk the fictional rule book, we play to win by any means allowable in the game!” We 100+ players strong yo from the XBL, PSN and GGPO camp!!!

Good Luck to all my World Warrior homies from HDR online that I’ve played that are entering EVO this year!!! Be sure to crush the non-online players tourney vets…remind them that this is our sh*t!!!

this made me crack up.

All the other top players like Dgv, valle, choi, jason cole, thelo, mongolo, graham wolfe are good enough to make top eight but I still think Afro will take it again unless he is stopped by a japanese player. None of those players win as consistently as Afro does

I don’t have a good bet since I don’t know much about these players. I’ll put it all on the field then. :wink:

Also this maybe a dumb question, but I’ve been looking around for info on streams and things, and I can’t get a clear answer on where & when to watch HDR matches.

I think this place:
EVO Championship Series Live Streaming, Super Street Fighter IV Tournament Video On G4

… but that only appears to be showing HDR finals on Sunday. Does anyone know of anywhere else streaming more of HDR?

They are not streaming the pools, unfortunately. If this gets confirmed, we can only hope people record all the matches they can from the different pools.

@Remy: Evo 2010 Live Broadcast

The EVO Stream schedule is posted…but I’m afraid oldschool_BR is correct. As expected, SSF4 is the main attraction!!!

The fact that Namco is a sponsor might have something to do with the 6 HOUR Tekken 6 segment instead of a single HDR pools match.

$30 on the field (35 to 1)
$50 on Daigo(13 to 1)
$20 on John choi.

Choi didn’t top 8.
Damdai didn’t top 8.
Valle lost in top 8 to Daigo.
Thelo didn’t top 8.

I’m rooting for Daigo and Afro at this point to make anything :frowning:

Totally worth losing my bet.

God that was awesome.