In honor of EVO being in Las Vegas, Let's play a little gambling game

That was fucking GREAT. I am so happy a pad Gief won!! I love snakeeyes!!

Sirlin fucking choked on me wtf.

Come 5th like 3 years in a row and then get knocked out in pools, what is that

Well, you will have to admit the pools this year were badass. A number of very good players did not make it. And Choi did not make it to the finals, that’s serious shit. OGs like Watson and many forum regulars who play very well could not make it, too. I hope someone has recorded all that shit.

Shit, Was sure DGV would win Evo.

Welle Done Snake Eyez.

A number of those good players don’t play HDR (or even regularly) and probably didn’t practice as they were focused on the main attraction game. We got some serious active regulars in this community and I’m glad they took home the gold this year! Gold TE stick that is!