The house makes the rules. (This is monopoly money anyway.) Basically, the rules are that you quote odds, and people can choose to bet, or not. No casino will ever have 2-5 and 5-2 on either side of a bet though since they’ve got to have some vig.
Well, I mean that’s true. I guess I’m just trying to keep in the Vegas spirit. I just don’t want people laying down bets to say Person X will finish 9th and person Y will finish 4th and Person Z will finish 270th. But you can have your 100 for 140 bet. Because you’re awesome enough to have provided all that frame data
$100 on afro to win. He STEAMROLLED past everyone last year. Shit was sick.
100 dollars for sirlin to come 5th like he does every year
$15 on John Choi
$20 on Daigo Umehara
$15 on Thelo
$20 on Damdai
$20 on Afro Legends
$10 on Alex Valle
$20 Damdai
$15 Dark Gaiden
$20 John Choi
This would have to be my bet as well. I’m especially excited because he said he’d win it all with Dee Jay this year.
By the way, I don’t think Graham’s going to EVO.
I originally placed 50 on myself and 50 on Damdai, but with Damdai out of the picture, I’d revise that to 50 myself, 25 John Choi, 25 Dark Gaiden (DGV).
50 bucks Thelo loses to a Ryu player.
I’m about to be the next Bill Gates.
Marsgatti told me Damdai said he’s not going to evo because he wants to make sbo qualifiers or something like that, also Royalplush (narc caeser and margattis #1 pick to win evo) told me he won’t be able to make it =/.
Wong has the best sagat I’ve seen in HDR (would say valle but I’ve only seen him use him on 2 occasions and that’s when it launched) he beat Thelo and then Damdai in a tournament earlier this year which made a believer out of me and Damdai said Wong had a good chance of winning it or at least making t8.
$50 on DGV to win it
$25 on Wong to make top5 ( if he enters, if not then add this bet to DGV)
$25 on Thelo to make top5
But he has to enter it which is his biggest challenge…
Don’t plan on East Coast going, SBO quals being a couple weeks after Evo is really going to skew things.
With some recent developments I’ll be recalculating all the odds and hopefully have a second round of bets up this weekend, EVO coming up, get hype people!
By the way, did you ever get to upload that match?
Hmm, what are the vegas odds that I will take 9th place and just fail to make top 8 by a couple of pixels for the 3rd straight year in a row?
Probably about the same odds as Sirlin taking 5th place
I’ll put money on me for top 8. 70:1 is good odds.
hahahahahahaha… :lol:
my predictions for evo 2010
- Justin Beiber
- Black dynamite
- Clay Aikens
my predictions for evo 2010
- Justin Beiber
- Black dynamite
- Clay Aikens
please bann this spammer! ^