Im putting people on notice

Sakura is high tier after you beat Daigo :wink:

Oh wow, really? Good news, good news.

lol xD

Skatan, I got a lot of respect for you as a another Sakura player. Ive been playing Sakura for since SF4 came out. Now I love the character a lot. SHe my ride or die chick in the game. I do well online with her. BUt the main problem I have with her is I dont know ifd she can be OK at the next level. Certain characters just steamroll over her. I show you some of my vids sometie so you can see how I play. As far as Sanfond, I do think that she is a mid tier character. She does AMAZING DAMAGE with most of her combos and can easliy get you back into the match. However, getting in sucks in this game with her. Like a said I have a lot of confidence with her. But as far as high tier or high mid, there is just no way yo.

I’ve been rocking Sakura as of late, using her as my go-to main. I’ve been very successful lately; she’s always been one of my favs. :slight_smile:

out of character


I’m literally provoking for a response… everything I said below could easily be said about me, except I suck and nobody knows my name because I haven’t done shit either…

Soo… did sanford bring anything to the sakura forum besides some decent execution of combos we already knew about? Did we learn anything new from sanford? Are we off notice yet?

nothing new

I think most of her game at this point is pretty well known. But with that being said, I think that the hardest thing about Sakura is that you need to know her matchups. And with something like 30+ characters in the game that can be very hard to do for a new/improving player. I don’t know all my matchups and most of the time, I lose because of it. Every time I fight an Adon I lose just because I have no idea how to punish him. With that being said, I think the mix of few Sakura players and a high learning curve makes her seem low-mid tier to everyone else. But we (fellow Saks) realize the true potential of her game so we know how she really stacks up in the tiers. And as my last point, just compare her game to Ryu:

Ryu: great footsies, strong damage output, average health
Sakura: not as good footsies, very high damage potential, low health

Obviously that is the simplified version of a simplified comparison, but i think you get my point. Sakura can be high tier, she’s just so technical that it’s easier to pick up Ryu and win a tournament.

P.S. She still has a shitty fireball game.

yeah tonight I’m so frustrated. SRK is so BS. Damn almost perfecting a ryu dp fadc ultra, then bad judgments , bad jump in shoryuken super.

I think I’m going to stop for a while every time I play now I see that capcom hates Sakura and everyone has a tool so freaking awesome and Sakura doesn’t I don’t know.

Kind of hard for me to understand what happened to you, but I get what you’re saying. And Sakura does have a tool, her EX Shunpakyu. Just take a break, sleep it off, and practice a bit tomorrow. There have been plenty of times where I either throw a match or just play badly for a streak of losses. It happens to everyone, but playing while you’re angry will just make you lose more.

Sakura has tools, many, many tools.

I don’t know to me it doesn’t make sense I lose many times against DP characters, going to a reset eat DP , I pressure eat a DP , failed combo I eat a DP they are zoning me I try and try to get in once I’m in I eat a DP. Damn I don’t know I think I will follow your advise.

Yeah I think I will stop for a while and watch a lot of your videos Skatan I seriously need some help.

Tip for characters that are DP happy, when going for resets block if you think they’ll DP then punish. When applying pressure, do not finish off your blockstrings if you think they are mashing out a DP, just block and punish. When trying to get in DO NOT jump in when you are in DP range. The less you jump, the more pressure they feel and the chances that they make a mistake is higher so yeah pretty much be patient.

Just search for uryo’s sakura on youtube, the way sakura should be played.

Thanks will do. But i feel bad and I feel that playing against a ryu or something they have the upper hand because it’s easier to win. For example I do a bad jump in I eat with DP > Ultra. :S

Yeah will do, but still i will watch Skatan videos also.

Light to medium/fierce that are safe on block(against shoryu/ultra) : 1/standing lp > standing you at +0 but Blockstun isn’t important enough for a lk.tatsu afterward though you could always go for a hk.tatsu which has a faster startup but requires the opponent to be standing generally). Replace by and you can add a lk.tatsu.
2/standing lp > cr.hp > lk.tatsu. a just frame blockstring :slight_smile: If you miss even one frame you can eat an ultra.

I don’t put much faith in the tierlists that have emerged so far so to me it feels more accurate to form my own view of how to perceive tiers in this game.
That being said I do have my own theory of what tiers might end up looking like in the end, there are of course many unknowns due to several characters being widely unexplored.
My main theory is that this game is very compact when it comes to grouping the tiers, it seems very balanced aside from a few characters that seem weaker than the rest.
The only thing I can say with almost certainty is that there won’t be a top3 in this game, it’s way too balanced for that, the list I currently have in my thoughts looks something like this:

A: Boxer, Rufus, Honda, Guile, Feilong, Ryu, Akuma, Cammy
A-: Abel, Chun, Dhalsim, Ibuki, Dictator, Rose, Sagat, Sakura, C.Viper, Blanka
B: Ken, Claw, Gouken, Seth, Adon, Fuerte, Dudley, Guy, Juri, Deejay, T.Hawk, Zangief, Makoto
C: Gen, Cody, Dan, Hakan

Of course, it’s up to each and everyone to form their own opinion of what the correct list is, my list isn’t any more accurate than any other that has been released.
When it’s this early in a games cycle of life it’s unlikely that anyone can have a completely accurate view of what the list will look like in the end.
That is why I encourage people to think for themselves about what they think, then down the line it might turn out we were right and wrong about many things, that’s what fun.
The only thing that is certain is that this game is very balanced, though many characters can get counterpicked most decent characters don’t have more than one serious counter pick.
In the list posted there are several characters that I feel uncertain of where to place due to them being unexplored or because I don’t know enough about them.
That being said I’m pretty confident that in the end the list will look something close to this, it’s up to each and everyone to make up their own mind about that.

Switch Cody and Makoto and that list is alright.

its that after school program


There’s no way in Hell Viper, Cody, and Zangief are that low… Gen is way, way too high on your list too.