Im putting people on notice

Viper being high tier is low?
Cody gets raped for free on wakeup, and he gets raped against zoning characters as well.
Zangief got nerfed hard since SSFIV, he’s got too many lopsided matchups now.
Gen being on the lowest tier is too high, I see?

I’d move viper up a slot or two, certainly think she’s more solid than Sakura, rose, or super sagat.
Zangief’s weaker, definitely, but he’s still got solid options to get in and a great mixup game, he has some lopsided matchups, but none of them are super bad except for Chun.
Cody’s wakeup game is weak, but so are quite a few other people’s… it’s not unmanageable bad and he’s not as free on wakeup as someone like Juri or Claw, that’s not going to destroy him on its own… I think you’re underestimating his ability to get in too, Rocks aren’t a terrible FB with how quick they recover, his and command hk help him maneuver through fireballs, along with bingo punch, U2 shuts down fireballs and random pokes outside of nearly full screen too. Not to mention that the raw damage he can deal compensates for a tough time getting in.
And yes, I’d drop Gen down further.

I haven’t put the characters in a specific order within the groups.
Except Hakan, he really is the worst.

Ahh, I assumed it was a strict order. If it’s just general rankings then, I’d retract my objection on Zangief and Viper, that’s about right. Still would say Cody is at least mid tier… and I’d put hakan above gen/dan, maybe makoto too. He’s not very strong, but he’s also one of those characters people really seem to be sleeping on.

I think Hakan is only “bad” because there’s no great Hakans showing everybody what he’s capable of. He could end up being decent if somebody really digs and finds something special.

As for who’s worst, I’d say it has to be Makoto, she doesn’t have a single positive matchup and goes 3-7 (or worse, I honestly think Guile is 2-8) vs basically any zoning type character.

Hakan’s normals are unsafe, and confirmable into specials that are also unsafe, that is usually not a good sign.
His jump sucks balls and so does his defense, he needs to sacrifice health/okizeme to get his oil and his mixup game is weak.
He doesn’t do any damage either, he is the prime example of a bad character.
I don’t care if he can dash cancel his normals when he’s got oil, a regular character can use normals without having to apply oil first.

And grappler.

As a Hakan player, you sir, are a bit misinformed.

The only normals that are unsafe are hitting deep with his h. strength normals. Something most characters are guilty of.

He can get a free LK oil after a slide, and the opponent will still be in range for a meaty command grab.

He has one of the best backdashes when oiled, and can basically parry the opponent’s normals and punish them. He can start a mix-up from an opponent’s attack.

His EX-Oil Rocket does 210 damage, and his oiled Ultra does 530 when oiled, stronger than Zangief’s and T. Hawk’s. Both of these can be used after a tick that he can do from almost a full screen away.

Just like Canadian said, there aren’t much Hakans that are reppin’ him to the fullest. He has his weaknesses, all I can do is practice his strengths and hope to be that Hakan.

I hope you succeed, the only thing I can base what I write on are the things that are known to me at this time.
I have not seen any Hakan players doing crazy stuff with him, not even that one japanese Hakan-player that I temporarily have forgotten the name of.
From what I have seen/read/tested he seems very weak/ill-tooled compared to many of the other characters.

So your saying that we will see more Sakura in tourneys?

I hope we start seeing some more Sakuras out there. I don’t enjoy being basically the only Sakura within 30 miles of my city.

It seems like there’s already a lot more Sakura players running around, a lot of good ones at that.

Way to rock Ryu, Sagat, and Viper at guard crush

On notice we is.

Atleast we’re on notice about mashing start during EVO top16

Ouch! Burn