I'm on a Robitussin Trip

GODDAMN Tussin tastes like shit! :wasted:

just tried it :frowning:

Listen to him SRK!!! Do NOT gulp down cough syrup.

ā€¦If you do, your stomach will eject that shit like an oldschool tape deck. a slow drink is best, followed by either swishing liquor or mouthwash to get that taste off your tounge. Protip. :tup:


Do real drugs.

Fact: Mckennaā€™s brain cancer was misdiagnosed. It was actually a techno virus he picked up from his contact with Machine Elves while on DMT. We donā€™t have the technology to detect fourth dimensional viruses (yet), but yeah, thatā€™s what it was. Act like you know.

Penguin: Anton LaVey owns.

Do your research before even thinking about robo-frying. It can really mess you up. Especially some of you kids who take meds because you are too emo or your parents didnā€™t teach you how to act right, could have potentially lethal side effects. Respect your drugs. www.erowid.org is your friend.

Trying your hardest to stay awake after some Robi is so fun.

Ok so I know that Robotripping has 4 plateaus so I ask this question for those who have had experience with DXM: After reading both of my stories, what would you rate them on the plateau scale? Iā€™m curious to hear your opinion.

That sounded pretty gay.

because zulu IS gayā€¦

Well thenā€¦
About your business

You should try extracting the dxm from the robo. Then you can really trip bawls.


:rofl: kinda like that chinese death touch that can kill you with one tap on the forehead in an undetermined amount of time? maybe thatā€™s what it was @_@ a 4th dimensional chinese death touch!

all i know about this guy is he is a satanist. is he really worth looking into?

OP: stop with the tussin, youā€™re punching your liver in the sack.
if you want euphoria and closed eye visuals take 5 grams of cubensis mushrooms and prepare for the most reality altering experience of your life. i prefer to make a mushroom tea because i cant stand the smell or taste.

oops, it was Biolink that had an Anton quote in his sigā€¦

Biolink: Anton LaVey owns. Obviously, you know whatā€™s up.

Penguin: LaVey has some pretty funny stuff. Some of it is lol and some of it is pretty solid insight and advice. You are probably better off spending your time reading or listening to Terrence McKenna (previously mentioned in this thread). Take care.


Obviously Iā€™m not a Satanist, but some of the advice he gives is pretty sound. Stuff that I could agree with, and is just realistic when you look at the society we live in. Like for example

ā€œYou cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. Therefore, the Satanist believes you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy!ā€

I can agree with that. Real ass shit basically.

I researched the religion itself, and its more about self-preservation and celebrating your own self than anything else. The most important day for a Satanist is his/her birthday.

i bet it comes close to ghb, mdma > this probably.

So why not just try acid, shrooms, or DMT? Chugging tussin is disgusting and you may as well go hard.

Its a very rare drug, because its not something someone would do everyday, so your best bet is to extract it from a plant.

You could try asking people on drug messageboards that live close to you if they know anyone, but thatā€™s suspicious so not sure if you want to go that route.

It seems to be mostly obtained through the ā€œfriend of a friendā€ method.

I read somewhere that your brain produces DMT during death, which is kind of a fun mystical thing to ponder, but Iā€™ve no idea if itā€™s actually factual

Ffffffuuuuck guys Iā€™m so high right now I rubbed some bengay on my balls you should totally do the same.

Bengay is the perfect substitute for KY. Rub that on your dick, and your girl will be moaning all night long.

The current speculation is it is produced in the Pineal gland. There is no known proof that it is the cause of visualizations during dreaming or near death experiences, but that is also speculated. It is however, present in the spinal fluid of all humans.