I'm on a Robitussin Trip

Don’t try nutmeg, fuck a deliriant.

Shrooms are A++++++++ though environment and your mental state/atmosphere are important. :tup: Some people don’t dig but I find them wholesome? Not as much as acid, though.

Shrooms are 100% safe. No health hazard.

You can eat as much as you want, and you won’t be poisoned or anything.

An eighth usually gets the job done though. I wouldn’t suggest anything more unless you are doing like heavy meditation or something.

I find that most Natural psychedelics are safe.


Psychadelics are NOT to be confused with deliriants.

Oh and if you decide to get Mushrooms you want Psilocybe Cubensis


Amanita Muscaria looks pretty, and its obviously has the legacy of the “Mario” mushroom, but Psilocybe Cubensis and Amanita Muscaria are not in the same family. Psilocybe is safe. If you eat Amanita Muscaria though you really are poisoning your body, and the experience is nowhere near the same. Under the Amanita Muscaria family tree there are mushrooms that WILL kill you if eaten, so that can attest to the fact that you should stay away from these thing’s.

Psilocybe Mushrooms are psychadelic. Amanita Muscaria is a deliriant. The Amanita Muscaria “high” is like being drunk, but you are in a more dream like state. Would not suggest them over Psilocyben mushrooms.

wow, this certainly is a good thread for negging…if the rep system was here.

lol figures someone whould mention that…
Mckenna also did a lot of thinking, is that what caused his brain cancer? who knows…
i could quote a bunch of scientific studies that prove there is no link between any kinds of cancer and mushrooms, or what the active ingredients are and what they do…but ill just assume you were joking.
not to mention if that were even remotely true it would be mainstream news if it wasnt already rolled up into cigarettes and sold at gas stations.

if anyone is curious about doing any psychedelic drugs, look into which aboriginal tribes still use it and how long their shamans live. Because shamans are taking this stuff (whatever the tribe’s psychedelic of choice is) at least twice a week it gives you a good indication of unbiased, real world, long term exposure.


google it.

should also mention: you do NOT need a sitter. i never understood this and to me it seems more like a way to cover your ass in case someone you told to try shrooms breaks a leg falling down the stairs. to me a sitter is what you don’t want there. someone who is basically patronizing you for 6 hours is not my idea of an enjoyable experience. shrooms are perfectly safe to do alone, but can be somewhat scary so having another person there with you the first few times is usually a good idea but this person does not need to be sober IMO. I’ve never in my life had a “sitter” when taking any psychedelics and i’ve never wished i had.

also if you’re afraid of doing them, dont. but dont confuse anxiety with fear.

Disagree, but its different for everybody.

They aren’t often, but bad trips do happen. Usually anxiety/panic attacks because someone freaks the fuck out.

You’re cool after you do it the first time. Basically after you know the absolute peak of the drug. From there you should be fine in judging for yourself if you know the drug well enough to operate with or without someone around.

When I get a sitter its not necessarily a bad thing. If I feel anxiety setting on I ask them to change the lighting or change some music, or get me something to eat or drink. Basically I use them only when I need them. They weren’t there asking me every 20 minutes am I okay.

I can’t speak for everybody, but when using a new drug there’s usually some kind of paranoia, because you are experiencing something new for the first time. That automatically will raise some anxiety. I’d rather not risk it the first time, because if something does go wrong you could be adamant about ever trying the drug again.

I don’t understand why people do this all the time… you should stay away from it but w/e it’s your life.

Holy wow, this is amazing. I have a couple bottles of robo. Maybe I should take a drink or two.

why’s everybody robo-trippin long after I stopped? Bastards. I feel lonely with my booze bottles now. Still, I have to give you some credit Zulu. The first time I did that, I wasn’t typing for SHIT. What I remember is I couldn’t finish my screwdriver, Even though I couldn’t remember forming words, I apparently said something that got me playfully slapped by two chicks, one of which stayed around for a bit. I think they were hot, but My reality just wasn’t what it used to be at the time. The whole next day I was in a good mood no matter what happened. That’s in the distant past now, but I remember it being more good times than bad.

…Oh yeah. Japanese chicks and robotripping do NOT mix.


But Japan and trippy robots do mix.

Weird? Yes. that is why it can happen in Japan.


throw in some jolly ranchers, add sprite, and you got yourself some purple drank

last year i got SUPER sick, and basically lived off Nyquil (taking neon green shits sucks)…I remember going through a bottle in no time, trying to pass out, and instead I got really fucking high, almost as strong as an E high

That is all…

I’ve been seeing that thing for decades, and I STILL haven’t seen what they won yet. On that note, I’m gonna take a few more shots of booze and lay waste to E.S.P. Ra De while wasted. :tup:


So I tripped off of this stuff again last night and things were a bit different. Keep in mind that this is only the second time I Robotripped.

So I went to my friends house yesterday afternoon to get high and listen to music and just do nothing. We ordered a pizza at around 9 and then we rode our bikes up to Safeway to pick up some Tussin. This was like around 9 or 10. We each bought 2 bottle of Maximum Strength Robotussin. Came back home and spent a good 10 minutes building up the courage to drink the stuff. I get repulsed just thinking about the stuff. It tastes awful. :arazz:

I finally managed to chugg down one bottle (saving the other for later) so I did everything I needed to do to prepare myself for my high. I downloaded a few deep house mixes, pulled out the sleeper from the couch, and took a couple shots of rum. It should be said that my friend has a pretty large black light. And the sheets and blankets on the sleeper are white. Needless to say, I was surrounded by a lot of blue.

So then he and I proceded to do…well…pretty much nothing for a good 20 minutes until that horrible nauseous feeling came back. If it’s one thing that I hate about Robotripping is being nauseous. You feel just horrible. Thankfully, this time it was shorter in feeling (10 or so minutes compared to around 30 for when I got high the first time).

So after feeling like I wanted to throw up, I went into the garage to smoke. My clothes started to feel extremely uncomfortable on me so I just stripped down to my boxers. The garage was freezing but I would have never known it as my body had been overcome with this warm feeling. My insides were nice and toasty. :tup:

After doing whatever it was I was doing, I finally realized that I’m getting into that state of feeling as though I’m Alice falling down the rabbit hole. So my friend and I layed on the sleeper. Remembering that the black light, we turned it on and everything was this amazing shade of glowing blue. We felt BEYOND euphoric. We were both pretty much laughing and giggling like school girls. It was TRULY amazing.

We then layed down on the bed which at this point is pulsing a deep DEEP blue, and we sent each other on journeys. By that I mean we told the other to close your eyes and the other person would describe in vivid detail the ‘room’ they were going to go to. I put my friend in this deep purple and black box and my friend put me on the bottom of the ocean with coral and tropical fish. At this point, I’m blown. I began to hyperventilate a bit and I was overcome with euphoria. Every breath I took felt like the greatest breath ever. It was so cool and refreshing. I began to see in oranges and blues.

At this point my friend and I decided to play a game of ‘Tell Me What You See.’ We would tell the other person what we were seeing when we had our eyes closed (i.e. closed eye visuals). We played this game a lot all throughout the night. We would just go on and on for what felt like forever (but as you for those who have Robotripped before, time slows…to…a…crawl). I don’t remember any of what my friend said but I can very clearly remember that I felt like I was a petal from that game Flower for PS3 ( http://static.arstechnica.com/assets/2009/02/flower-thumb-640xauto-1403.jpg ). EVERY visualization I saw had some sort of floral undertone to it. I saw gardens and meadows and everything beautiful.

Now I’m gone. At this point, I’m totally lost in space. I have no comprehension of time or perception. I’m basically floating. This around 11:30 at night at my friend says, ‘Want to take the other bottle?’ I said sure and (very slowly) made my way from the living room into the garage. This is where it gets scary for me. As repulsed as I was when I chugged the bottle down when I wasn’t high, that’s how GROSSED OUT I was when I tried chugging it when I was tripping. My stomach lurched just at the thought of taking. I felt a wreck. Truly horrible. But I built up enough willpower to finally chug half a bottle…only to promptly throw up. Those 4 slices of pizza were gone. I felt bad so I got a bucket of water and cleaned up. I felt really down that I threw up in my friend’s garage. I then began to freak out. I never felt such terror it my life. I was beyond scared. Feeling lasted for a few minutes thank God. But I then realized that I had half a bottle left and looking at it gave me no reaction. I chugged the rest like it was water. No reaction. I said cool and went back inside and back to the sleeper which was now a glowing blue cloud.

We played ‘Tell Me What You See’ again for about 20 minutes and then I told him to give me a full body massage. He said fine so I rolled onto my stomach (my face was now engulfed in my glowing blue cloud).

THIS is where things get crazy.

I’m laying on my stomach staring at the trippy WinAmp visualizations. Deep house is playing. He’s massaging me with lotion that smells very citrusy. I’m just chit chatting with him when all of a sudden, I fall into the deepest hole I’ve ever been in. All of a sudden, I am in a huge purple and black room with stars everywhere. It feels like I’m in some sort of nebula. Before me I see 3 things: The Impossible Triangle ( http://www.photo-canvas.com/img/gallery/optical-art/Impossible-Triangle.JPG ), a floating staircase, and a large wooden door. I began to slowly walk up the stars towards the door. I grab the doorknob and then the door turns into ice and shatters. I then blink my eyes and my friend who is still on top of me massaging me quietly said while petting me shoulder, ‘Dude…where did you go?’ Now at this point I quickly sit up and am just over come with this feeling of joy and wonder. I felt FUCKING AMAZING. I said I don’t know what the fuck just happened. All I know is that I felt my body for about 30 seconds. I have NEVER felt ANYTHING like that! I felt like I was encased in warm diamonds. I was happy beyond all belief.

So then my friend asks me have I ever had a serotonin shot? And I said no and he told me to lay on my stomach again. Keep in mind that I’m still on cloud 9 with my face buried in this glowing blue mass. I’m in total bliss. So he starts massaging my back pretty firmly around my spine. You have no idea how good this feels. He then starts massaging my lower back. He then firmly presses his thumbs into my spine and slowly moves upward. I feel like I’m about to piss on myself I feel so good. He continues to push upwards until he gets to my neck where he then presses it hard. I then quick began to take several deep breaths and am fully recharged. I then began to feel ccol. I layed back down closed my eyes and went to a world more beautiful than paradise.

I haven’t been to sleep yet, still highly out of it and it took me about 2 hours to type this.

Just thought I’d share.


LMAO @ “I just want to be touched”

On the plus side, I’m at the ultimate stoner house. The fridge has the best food: beef stroganoff, lots of juice, cereal, tea, TV dinners. ice cream.


wait, wait, wait…does Nyquil give a similar high like DAT TUSSIN? :wonder:

lol @ guy who thinks shrooms make your brain swell.

shrooms are great. easily the best drug on the planet. there are lots of people who should stay the hell away from ALL psychadelic drugs, though… the same kind of folks who become violent drunks. people full of repressed anger and weirdness. trip with one of these fuckers and they WILL have a meltdown freakout and ruin it for everyone, trust me.

anyway, you do a light dosage (say around 1.5 dried grams) and you’ll just feel kind of fluffy and happy and plugged in to the universe. when you have to count the weight on more than five fingers it gets serious, though… it’s tough to explain what happens at those levels because it’s completely alien. you’re not just altering WHAT you perceive. in fact, you stop “perceiving” all together, at least in a human, cognitive sense. there comes a point where you stop existing as a brain in a body and essentially become a big vibrating mush stretched out across infinity. it’s krazy I tell you!

hey guys i drank some poison last night and it was totally awesome, me and my friend gave each other massages

Dear SRK~